Sunday, July 27, 2014

are you up for a creative challenge?

Many years ago I was a part of a great forum.
We had swaps and meets and challenges.
One of the really fun challenges was where we signed
up and then were given a random picture and a colour.
From these we were free to create whatever we liked
using the picture and the colour as our inspiration.
I was given the colour pink and a picture of a gingerbread man.
I ummed and ahhed and finally decided on this little stitchery.

But if I wanted to I could have made a stuffed pink gingerbread
or cards or wallhangings or anything.
I thought it might be fun to kick off another challenge like this.
What are your thoughts?
Are you interested?
I would need a few to sign up to make it interesting and
you would need to email me .
I would email you back with a picture and a colour.
You would then create something using these as your inspiration.
One month from the day the emails are sent I will
add a linky thing here and you would blog your creation
and hundreds of us would
descend on your blog exclaiming at your awesomeness!
All this was running through my head last night
so if you have any thing to add please just say so.
Feel free to sign up now by
leaving a comment but then you must email me.
It would also be great if you told your friends too
the more the merrier!
I will close the signups at the end of the month which
means you will need to blog your creations on 1st September.


Karen's Korner said...

Well I feel up to a challenge so count me in please. I will email you my details now. So looking forward to what everyone comes up with.

Alison Gibbs said...

Count me in
Such a fun idea
I have a new blog
Ali Gibbs

Liz said...

Yay. A good idea. Me please. Will Email you

Debra said...

Always up for a challenge! I'll email you now Clare.

Anonymous said...

I think I'd like to join in Claire, thanks for the great idea. toni xx

Leena said...

I join in also. Very interesting idea :)

Mel said...

QQ do I have to have an active blog or can I just join in too? I will email you (

Five Roses-Prim and Pretty said...

im in claire, ive sent an email

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! This seems like the perfect project for late summer. Just emailed you with my info… thanks for hosting! Deidre @ Whimzie Quiltz and More

Unknown said...

Count me in! A challenge is just the thing to get me started!

VickiLorraine said...

Sounds awesome, but my imagination sucks ;)

Car said...

Okay I'm in :D

Fee said...

Count me in - Sounds like just what I need :)

Jan Quigley said...

Hi Claire, count me in, I'm currently recuperating so I have some time on my hands. Sounds like fun & not overwhelming. :-) cheers, Jan

Rachel said...

This sounds like a great idea, and will be perfect to distract those exam result jitters! Email sent!

Laura said...

i'm in! i' email you now!

susie said...

This sounds like a lot of fun! I will send an email...Thanks!

Lyn said...

Hi I too late to join in??

Anonymous said...

It sounds like fun and I'm interested. But can I create anything?