Thursday, September 8, 2011

3 years ago .....

Three years ago I shyly began this blog with
this exciting picture of my own logo.
Since then I have ....

posted lots of crochet and

lots of Christmas

released new patterns

and done quite a few tutorials

and a few makeovers ..

I've also done a whole lot of just weird posts.

But I have also opened my blogshop
 and blathered on in facebook.

My business has grown more than I could
ever have dreamed .

My kids have moved on from Primary School to High School
We are still renovating our house .
We have been flooded.

I lost my beautiful Mum .

As a very small thanks for all your incredible support
I would love to give a parcel of goodies
to one of my Aussie followers.

I would also like to thank my cheer squad from OS .
If you would please comment on this post after
you have visited my shop and let me know
which two patterns you would like .

So for the Aussies it will be the books and
for the OS visitors it will be patterns .

Thanks so much to all you for putting up
with me for 3 years !

You really are a very tolerent bunch !

Thanks for your interest , this giveaway has been drawn .


Vicki ♥ said...

I have enjoyed reading your blog Clare and congrats on having a lovely blog :) Its a pleasure visiting :)I look forward to many more years of visiting your blog too :) Hugs Vicki x

Jo in TAS said...

Hasn't 3 years flown by and what a fun time we've all had! Who'd have thought we could have sop many new friends from around the globe in such a small amount of time! Have loved your blog from the first time I clicked on it and Toby the Dog has always been a favourite.
Cheers to 3 more years of sharing ups and downs.

crazymotheringchick said...

Congrats on your blogiversary. I enjoy reading!

Sarah PingsAndNeedles said...

Congratulations Clare! Yours was one of the first craft blogs I read, about two years ago, and it's been lovely keeping up with all that you do ... I'm in the UK, so not eligible for your g'aways but just wanted to say keep it going, you are much appreciated!

barb's creations said...

I don't think we're tolerant I think we just love your wacky sense of humour and your lovely patterns.Congratulations on reaching your three year milestone and may there be many more years ahead for you and your blog :) Barb.

Jeanette said...

Congratulations on 3 years Clare. It's been fun reading your blog & seeing you create. Hugs,

Show and Tell said...

Hi Clare.....I enjoy your blog.....How generous of you to host a giveaway....Count me in....Fingers crossed....Kate....

RobynLouise said...

It's nearly 3 years I've been following your blog! Well, it's been fun, and we've had a coffee and a chat together earlier this year and I think your 'weird' posts are ones I've enjoyed quite a lot :).
*Raising cup* - here's to many more years of interesting, creative blogging :).

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I think this blogging caper is so much fun and such an awesome way to connect with like-minded people.


CathyC said...

Congrats on your blogaversary
love looking at all your pics ;)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 3 years of Blogging!!! You hold a beautiful space here and I really enjoy visiting x

Christine M said...

Congratulations on your 3rd blogaversary. You have certainly done a lot in that time. I enjoy reading your blog. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Kathy said...

Congratulations Clare, and happy third blogaversary. I love your posts and check in regularly, you always put a smile on my face:)I look forward to sharing the next 3 with you.

Anonymous said...

Happy blogiversary! I love your sense of humor, creativity, generous spirit and the overall fun you put into your writing and designs. Thanks Clare, for being you and sharing yourself and your creative journey with us over the past 3 years. Here's to many more! ~ Melissa x

Maria said...

Congrautlations on your Three Years.
I always enjoy your posts. Keep blogging.

Eme Creations said...

Congrats on three years. I adore your blog and love stopping by to see what is happening in your part of the world.

quilary said...

Congratulations on your 3 years. I really enjoy reading your blog. There have been your great tutorials - the carrots led me here and you are responsible for my foray into soft toy making. I enjoy your wacky sense of humour and wisecracks!. I, too, raise my cup of tea to having many more years of reading and crafting along with you.

Liz said...

Clare -i have laughd with you and enjoyed all your funny times. 3 years. Congrats.And continue on making us smile

Unknown said...

Congratulations on three years!
I always enjoy reading your blog and I particularly enjoy all those 'weird' posts that you do! xx

Heather said...

Congrats Clare, your blog is always entertaining. I've enjoyed your pics and tutorials, it's a lovely place to visit.

Allie said...

Congrats on three years, Clare! I always enjoy reading your posts, I love your humor and admire your talent, LOVE your daffodils! Thanks for the tute for them, and I would like to ask your permission to use your pic so I can link to it on my next tutorial post - please email me if it's ok!

gb80 said...

Congrats on 3 years Clare! I have always loved the support you have shown me through my many blog incarnations! I wish you all the best for the future!


Quiltin' Sandy said...

Congratulations Clare, on three incredibly crafty years, I am sure there are many more years of wonderful ideas running around in your head. I remember the cutlery box you repurposed, mine is still waiting to be done! :(
Looking forward to seeing more abfab things on your blog. Hugs, Sandy. :)

Fee said...

Your posts always make me giggle Clare :)

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

Happy Blogiversary sweet Clare. I'm so glad you are a bloggy friend.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne

Marrissa said...

Well done on achieving so much in three years and also to having the strength to get through such overwhelming situations! Truly an inpiration in more ways than one! :)

Serenata said...

Three years? Goodness doesn't time fly Clare? You have done brilliantly with all you have achieved over this time and your posts are as enjoyable as ever.

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary Clare! Love your blog :)

retdairyqueen said...

I have enjoyed your Blog for quite some time now
I love Frances the frog and your daffodils Iam going to make some soon

Jess @ Scrappy n Happy said...

I love reading your blog, it seems you have had a busy 3 years!

Vickie said...

3 years fkies by so quickly,and being aboe to read your quirky,often helpful posts and to delight in making your patterns is a pleasure..heres for many more years,cheers Vickie

annemarie said...

Congats to you - I so enjoy your blog - hope you have another great year.

Megs said...

Congratulations on your lovely blog Clare. I look forward to tuning in over the next 3 years too!

Bev C said...

Hello Clare,

Congratulations on 3 years of blogging. All the best to you.
Happy days.

Gill said...

Congratulations on 3 years Clare! I always enjoy reading your posts although I haven't been with you from the beginning!
I love your Frances frog!

Indigo Blue said...

I think I have been a visitor then a follower for about two of those years, but I am not certain. Time does seem to go quickly or may be I am just getting old! Although 40 is meant to be the new 30 isn't it? I enjoy visiting and would love to have a go at making Perky Penguin and Toby. I lke his long legs. Could be a surprise for Sophie at Christmas.

Scented Sweetpeas said...

wowsers - 3 years! Well done for writing for 3 years, I love your blog and mixture of posts. Happy Bloggy Birthday xxx

Unknown said...

Congratulations Clare...
Love Your Work.

nicole said...

gosh! you've achieved so much in 3 years!!!
congratulations and fantastic work!

Anita said...

Congrats on your 3rd blogiversary! I always enjoy coming here and soaking up some of your craftiness. Have a beautiful weekend Clare. x

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Congratulations on your blogversary - 3 years of inspiration!! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us in the coming years. I always love to stop by and see what you are up to.

Unknown said...

Yay I classify as an Aussie! Do I? I live here now :)
Congratulations on three years! Here's to another three!

Christy said...

Happy blog birthday Claire! I love your blog. :)

Jossie said...

Congratulations Clare. You have created a great space to relax. I always enjoy your postings and they mostly make me smile (sometimes make me laugh out loud)
Please go on being your lovely and funny self! You are one of the best in blogland.

Catherine said...

I so enjoy your blog! Congratulations on your anniversary! Cx

Jemima said...

Congrats on your Blogiversary Claire, love reading all about what you are up to

seabreezequilts said...

Congratulations on your anniversary. Great Giveaway

Lizzie said...

Congrats Clare! That is a great achievement! All the best for many more years to come:)

sarah said...

Well done Clare - 3 years of blogging, running a successful business and living family life is a huge achievement. I have been really glad to find your blog and facebook page - it is fabulous to have likeminded crafty people around :-)

And your happy camper pattern will always be my very special favourite too :-)

Cheers Sarah
(koochie koo)

Meandering momma said...

Congrats on 3 years!! I love making little aprons and things for family and friends. I have fallen in love with Frances the Frog tho! Must save my mad money for that!! She is wonderful. I hope you have many more wonderful years and may they always be joyful!!

Anonymous said...

What a great page and blog. Can't wait to see the next ideas.

KJB Designs

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 3 years, well done, keep being creative :) from Jo from the farm

CraftyMummy said...

Congratulations on your blogoversary! Well done!

Love all your clever patterns but especially the campervan. But of course, I'm here in Oz so thanks for the chance to win the books.

kathyros said...

Congratulations on 3 lovely years of blogging. a Lot has happened for you, both good and bad, but I guess that's life isnt it. Well done you!

Billy Angel said...

Congrats Clare on your 3 years of blogging. Many more happy and successful years to come.

Simone de Klerk said...

How wonderful is that, that your business has grown more than expected. That show how talented you are!
I remember I won the Angel Stitchery pattern with you, where your son chose the winning number, I think it was 10, running away after he had said it (o: Well, he's in High School now. Unbelievable how fast time goes. Not made the stitchery yet, but the pattern always pops up in my mind to make one day (o:
The 2 patterns I would choose are Toby (reminds me of our Bibi) and Perky Pinguin. So cute, the two of them!
Have a lovely weekend.

Shay said...

Clare, I so love reading your blog and seeing what creative and crafty happenings you're up to. It's always a pleasure to read your posts.

You give so generously of your time and energy to so many, and Blogland just wouldn't be the same without you.

Congratulations on your Blogiversary.

suzitee said...

Congratulations on 3 fantastic years, and all that you have achieved!

Bec Clarke said...

Wow 3 years, that went fast. thanks for hosting a great giveaway, it's a nice thing to do too.

Clare said...

Congratulations on reaching the 3 year mark!!! I love reading your blog - here's to lots more years of blogging!!

Shaz :) said...

Hi Clare... Congratulations on reaching your Happy 3 year Blogaversary =D I am sure you will have many more stitchy years ahead and a whole lot more followers to come. I love all your creations, they are precious xxx

Silvia LGD (Little Green Doll) said...

Congratulations for these 3 years!! I hope it will be many more!! :) Hugs, Silvia