Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Mum

Happy Birthday Mum !

Miss you x


Barb said...

Happy Birthday to your mother!!

quilary said...

Thinking of you with kindness and sadness and sending a virtual hug your way. Hope the day is not too hard on you.

Christy said...

Happy birthday wishes to your mum! :)

Bree said...

Think of your Mum fondly and have a big piece of cake for her. The year after my best friend's mum passed away we bought the best cake we could find and ate the whole thing! (between the two of us!)

Sarah said...

Thinking of you on this day.

Birthdays can be really hard. Find a way the cherish/celebrate the day.

Quiltin' Sandy said...

Dear Clare, your Mum lives on in your heart, and loving memories keep her close. Hugs, Sandy.

Farm Gate Creations Incorporating Hummingbird Quilting said...

Birthday wishes for your mum, and a big warm hug to you Clare.

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

Today is one of those 'hard days' that you'll face this year Clare. I'm thinking of you and sending great big hugs your way,
Kerryanne xx

Maria said...

Hugs for you Clare on Mum's birthday. XX

Liz said...

Clare--my thoughts are with you today. Remember all the good things about her, I know it will be difficult for you. Hugs

lovestitch said...

Please send my best wishes to your Mom! Hope she has a very happy birthday!!!

Shay said...

The first one is always hard. I hope you spent the day remembering all the wonderful things you love about your Mum.

I know she's looking down on you with pride and love.

Love you Clare.