Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tuesdays Treasures

Hello I'm finally here for the first Tuesday's Treasures !
My first treasure is my most important one as this little girl was my very first doll .
I was given this doll when I was three and have never been too far from her since .
As I came from a large family where money was scarce receiving a doll was a huge thing in those days .
Long story that I will try and cut short but when I was born my parents named me Sarah Jane .
My father came across a not very nice lady a few days later named Sarah Jane and rushed back to my mother in the hospital and said they couldn't name me that and changed it to Clare .
I was often called Sarah when I was little so I immediately named my doll Clare Sarah .
My creativity obviously wasn't quite developed yet at age 3 !

Can't wait to see your treasures !
Add your name to the link below and visit some of the other Treasure blogs !


Jossie said...

This will be so much fun Clare.
I think the first doll is so special. It is probably the most precious toy a girl ever gets.
It is funny people always associate a name with a person they know. Sarah Jane sounds lovely to me though.

Sarah - Red Gingham said...

She has the prettiest face for a doll lacking in other areas. Did she loose her hair naturally? We had a case of that this morning. Strawberry Shortcake must have spent a summer in the sun as all her hair went crispy and was all brushed out by No.4 this morning. She looks quite a sight! Funnily enough she still smells great.

Jo in TAS said...

She looks loved! I'll have to dig out my first toy and it wasn't a doll :-(

Riches Stitches said...

Your Dolly looks well "loved". As I had already done Treasure Tuesday's on my blog for a while, I have linked my very first one to you. You have inspired me to do it again.

Liz said...

The doll is lovely.I am just visiting at the moment but will be back later.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Oh Clare....she is just so very cute....I think I may have to join in, this could be loads of fun...

Cotton Kiwi said...

I love old well loved dolls and it's lovely to hear the story behind her. I have my first doll too. She's a shop mannequin baby. We lived in Vanuatu when I was given her and she was the only doll my parents could find for me. I use her to display my baby clothes on my market stall now (wonky eye and all). :o)

RG said...

Clare you can see she is a real loved treasure.
I love seeing what matters to us and the things we keep dear.

I'm linked up too and playing :-)
Oh thanks!!!

Robyn xx

janjan said...

Hi Clare, I still have my first doll - well mum does, back in the UK. I alwsy wanted a Tiny Tears - never got one but the dolls I did get were still special. I still have a little felt dachshund that mum made for me when I was born, very tatty now but still loved. My old bear still sits on my bed, after nearly 52 years, threadbare and he's had his squek knocked out of him but like old fritzy still loved.

Maria said...

Oh she is a much loved doll indeed.So nice to read your story.

Who gave her the haircut??

Sue said...

What a treasure. It must be lovely to still have your dolly. She is gorgeous and so full of memories.

Barb said...

What a sweet story...

Elderberry-Rob said...

A well loved doll, I had one at age 3 too but didn't like it - I was given it same day my brother was born, but I wasn't fooled, I was far more interested in my brother, the doll never got much love, but my brother did!

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

She would have been a beauty in her time and I'm sure she still is in your eyes Clare. This is a fun challenge.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne

mel @ loved handmade said...

Great story, what a special doll & very well loved it seems...

Unknown said...

Wow your Doll really brings back Memories...wish I had kept my first Doll but I'm sure my Brother's are to Blame for that..lol.Yours is Truly a Treasure...TFS

marina said...

she looks well loved. I have one of my first dolls too. She has hair issues too and a terribly wonky eye.
Have posted a treasure too.

Liz said...

have put mine up.

Judith Tetley said...

Hi Clare; I have a "Tuesday Treasure's" now and then on my blog..."just because"; its a nice way to showcase other things in your life that are precious to you. Am flat out at the moment, but will keep your day in mind. I popped in to see how your "Early Bird Christmas Crafting" is going?? I know you have one item finished (your challenge) but do you have any more to add to your gift count? Let me know a.s.a.p as the gift count closes at midnight to-night!
Kind Regards
p.s. if your email comes in early in the morning you will still be IN...must have at least items finished to be in the draw.

Scented Sweetpeas said...

Love this Tuesday's Treasures, thanks so much Claire for letting me have some wonderful memories flood back to me today :-) Aahhh your doll looks like she has been loved a lot and taken everywhere with you :-)

manda said...

Hi Clare, I am going to enjoy showing off some treasures every week! Thankyou for hosting!
Your doll is wonderful, the story even better! I love the fact that your name is Clare, it suits you better than Sarah... Well I think so anyway!

Joy said...

I had a dolly with a haircut like that .... I see yours never grew back either LOL.
Love your Tuesday Treasures ... I'm going to play along too :o).
Joy :o)

Anonymous said...

I had a doll like that when I was little. I can remember blonde hair and a set of pretty pink dresses, but then I accidentally saw part of a horror movie with a doll that talked and it scared the pants of me *giggle*. Poor dolly had to go and live with someone else. As an adult I still can't have dolls like that in the house as they still scare the pants off me *lol*. I love your Tuesday Treasures too and want to play along. toni xxx

Apple Avenue Quilts said...

Great idea Clare. I love your doll she looks well loved. I wish I had some of my old dolls but there was a fire after I left home and they were all thrown away. Thanks for hosting this. Jill

Daffycat said...

Awww, your dolly is so well loved! Precious, Clare!

BubzRugz said...

Hi Clare, your doll is so sweet.... I will put something on my brand new blog........... what a good idea.....

Virginia said...

Gorgeous doll, Clare - she's been with you through so many life experiences - what a journey for her! I'm playing along now too - just a little late. Out all day yesterday and therefore needed a catch up evening last night!

Thanks so much for the idea and effort - such a lovely way to share what's special.

Allie said...

Clare she's lovely, and such a special treasure. Love the story of your name - my mom always told me my dad named me Allison after an actress on a popular show, many years later I found out I was actually named for a girlfriend of his while he was married to my mom! I think that's when I started going by "Allie", lol.
I can't believe I totally forgot about Tuesday's Treasures - but this is an insanely busy week, I'll try again next week!

Kat O.K. said...

Hello Clare,I just found your blog and love it. I love your precious doll, and the cute story about your name too. I was, ahem, a little late to share my treasure, but I am totally ready for next Tuesday. Off to see all the treasures.

Sue-Anne said...

Your doll is so special, even with her missing hair! Love the story about your name!!!

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