Saturday, March 3, 2012



I'm 50 today.

I have no intention of growing up soon .


Ellieboo said...

Happy Birthday - have a fantastic day and NEVER grow up :) Amanda xoxo

Cardygirl said...


Helen said...

Happy birthday, and welcome to the very exclusive club of those who reached the wonderful age of 50+.

When I turned 50, my sweet husband lovingly whispered in my ear, "Now you don't have to worry about dying young"!!! He is such a teaser and also a little bit older than me, so he should know!

Hope your birthday is a happy one!

Fiona said...

Happy Birthday... the 50's are even more fun than the 40's...

Dawn said...

Have a wonderful ..Happy Birthday
Hugs Dawn x

Pauline said...

Happy Birthday! When I turn 50 (in two year's time- yikes!) I wanna be just like you!

trash said...

Growing up is for wimps. Way cooler to keep having fun.

Narelle said...

Clare, Happy Birthday hope that you have a fantastic day and don't grow up you are having to much fun as you are.

Anonymous said...

happy birthday and may your day be surrounded by love and laughter.xx

Unknown said...

happy birthday, i am fifty this year too!

Barb said...

Happy Birthday my sweet blogging friend!!!! There is only one alternative to growing older and I really don't like that!!

Lindi said...

Happy Birthday! Don't worry...50 is the new's a great place to be. :) Young enough to do fun things, but old enough to have experience, too! And the right age to be totally outrageous and mad and not care what anyone thinks! I'm 57 and I am LOVING the 50s! :)))

Kate said...

Woo hoo! Happy birthday :-)

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Clare and Welcome to the 50's's not so Bad!
Have a Great day.

Deb R said...

Happy Birthday Clare!!! Have a wonderful day and I hope you get spoilt rotten :)

Katherine said...

Happy birthday Clare! Best wishes ... now go eat some cake!

Liz said...

happy Birthdaty to you. 50 is the new 21.

Christine M said...

Happy birthday Clare. I hope you have a lovely day and get very spoilt!

Christy said...

Have a most fabulous birthday! God bless you!

Jo said...

Happy Birthday!

Lynn M said...

I hope you had a good birthday

CurlyPops said...

Happy Birthday Clare. Hope you have a totally fabulous and amazing day!

Tania said...

Growing up is entirely over-rated. Besides, fifty is the new thirty. HAPPY DAY SWEETPEA!

Marlene said...

Happy 50th Birthday. Hope you are celebrating well!!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Clare!
Bah...age is just a number...

Sally said...

Happy HAPPY Birthday!!!

Createology said...

Happy Special Birthday! I can attest that life gets a whole lot better every year from here. Enjoy your birthday and celebrate all year long...

Pauline said...

happy birthday "old" girl..hahahh begins at 50 Clare..have a wonderful day

Larissa said...

LOL! Happy Birthday sweetie!!! I hope you have an absolutely fabulous day and work out how to stay young through the coming year!!!

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday!! Oh my we share the same birthday Clare... LOL!!! how exciting!! Im 46 today... not far of the big 50 myself.... Hugs

MLM247 said...

Happy Birthday. Now you are nearly halfway through your life. Do something outrageous. Maybe paint your toenails blue. Life is really worthwhile, you know. Everything you do and say gives someone in the world a reason to think. I am enjoying thinking I am lots older than you!!

Jindi's Cottage said...

Happy forty-tenth birthday Claire...hope you had a fantastic day...and skip the growing up part, that's for the boring people...

Margarita said...

Happy Birthday Clare, I am bopping it was a good day for you, not too much rain

Paat said...

Happy birthday Clare!

Allie said...

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Clare,
Happy Birthday to you!!!

I hope it's a HUGE celebration, girl!!!

Pokey said...

Happy Birthday! It's a GooD thing, enjoy 50!!

seabreezequilts said...

Happy birthday Clare for yesterday

Nikki said...

Yep, "grow old disgracefully" is my motto. Well done on the half-century milestone and have MANY happy days!

Loretta Castorini said...

I hear you Sister! Almost there myself. Better than the alternative, no?

Mrs Smith said...

Happy Birthday to you! Haven't you heard? 50 is the new 30, Hope you had a wonderful day!

Jo James said...

Happy birthday!
Fifty schmifty. Growing up is overrated.

Indigo Blue said...

Happy Birthday!!

Growing up? What's that? If being a teacher has taught me anything it is how not to grow up.

Anita said...

Happy Birdthday Clare!!
I turned 50 in January, and I'm not gonna grow up either....we're twins!!! lol. Have a great day.
Regards, Anita.

manda said...

Happy Birthday Clare!! 50, it's a good thing. A lot of people never get the chance to hit that milestone.
Big hugs!!!

Anthea said...

Hi Clare - I'm visiting a bit late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Saturday!! Hope you had a great day, perhaps this one will be celebrated for a few days yet! And, you wouldn't want to go from 49 to 51, just to miss 50 would you??!

Sue-Anne said...

happy birthday Clare! I hope you had a great day!!!

Karen's Korner said...

Happy birthday for your half century mark. May you have many more.