My lovely friend was out shopping the other day and spotted these button covering kits . Knowing my addiction to buttons she bought me a couple of packets . My friend who doesn't sew or even blog (what the heck is wrong with some people?) just knew I would like them . I haven't covered buttons for a long time and now I can't stop thinking of all the things that NEED a covered button or two . What do you use them for ?
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
What QUILT is on your bed , silly me !
Lynette Anderson has asked the question "What quilt is on your bed?" . I had been doing a bit of blog hopping and was probably a tad tired and I could have sworn she said "What cat is on your bed?" So here is my beautiful male cat named Flower sitting on my blue chenille quilt . I love chenille and I'm very grateful that my cat lets me use the bed sometimes .
Saturday, February 21, 2009
I'm feeling a little orange today !
I've had this vague idea simmering in my little brain of a gift I'd like to make for a friend so I popped into the scrapbooking shop to pick up some odds and ends for my project . Well I collected a lot of pink items and then changed my mind and went for blues . Then I went for the purples and then some greens . Finally.... I went for oranges ! It all cost me a fortune so this little item had better work out . I will show you when it's finished that is unless I change my mind again ! I'd love to hear your reaction to the colours and what your favourites are .
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
An award for ????

As promised (yes I know I'm late ) here are the blogs I would like to pass my Lemonade Award onto .
Have a lovely lemonade on me !!
Monday, February 16, 2009
A winner and an award !
Some of you may have realised by now I'm a bit of a ditz ! I'm fairly new to blogging and I had heard strange mutterings about random number generators or something like that .
As I needed to draw the winner for my stitchery pattern I spied a number of the random generation (my 13 year old son )and grabbed him saying " Give me a number between 1 and 44."
He was a little worried and blurted out TEN and then ran for his life .
So there you go the winner is number 1o Simone
Simone has a lovely blog with lots of interesting things going on, well worth a visit .
Thankyou to everyone who left a comment I'm pretty sure I got back to all of you with the exeption of a few ladies who have no blogs ,thanks to you too .
Now for some more exciting news . Caroline from has awarded me this lovely "Lemonade Award" . Caroline is from the UK and if you want to see some beautiful things go there for great interior design ideas .
Here are the rules of the award -
1. Put the logo on your blog or post. 2. Nominate at least 8 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude 3. Link to your nominees within your post 4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog. 5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
For me this has been a very long post (ditz) so I'll let you know tomorrow who I will pass the award onto . Thankyou very much , Caroline .

As I needed to draw the winner for my stitchery pattern I spied a number of the random generation (my 13 year old son )and grabbed him saying " Give me a number between 1 and 44."
He was a little worried and blurted out TEN and then ran for his life .
So there you go the winner is number 1o Simone
Simone has a lovely blog with lots of interesting things going on, well worth a visit .
Thankyou to everyone who left a comment I'm pretty sure I got back to all of you with the exeption of a few ladies who have no blogs ,thanks to you too .
Now for some more exciting news . Caroline from has awarded me this lovely "Lemonade Award" . Caroline is from the UK and if you want to see some beautiful things go there for great interior design ideas .
Here are the rules of the award -
1. Put the logo on your blog or post. 2. Nominate at least 8 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude 3. Link to your nominees within your post 4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog. 5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
For me this has been a very long post (ditz) so I'll let you know tomorrow who I will pass the award onto . Thankyou very much , Caroline .

Thursday, February 12, 2009
Time is running out!
Yes that's right time is running out according to Auntie Olives' watch .My beautiful watch that I wear everyday was given to my great Aunt Olive in 1915 by her suitor before he left for war .
Sadly he never returned but she continued to wear this lovely piece . It has since been passed on to me me and I think I'd be lost without it .
Anyway after my little bit of family history I thought I'd let you know that the watch is ticking on my stitchery pattern giveaway . Time to get a move on .
Then again maybe you don't like my design ,but you gotta love my watch !
Winner will be drawn Sunday night Aussie time .
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Bloggers Auction for Fire Victims
If you have something to offer for auction to raise funds for the Victorian fire victims please go to see Cindy at .
Cindy is doing a fabulous job helping us help them .
The girls over at MellyandMe are also having an auction
My giveaway in the previous post is still going and you are welcome to leave a comment but some things just seem much more important at the moment and these people really need all our help , thanks .
Cindy is doing a fabulous job helping us help them .
The girls over at MellyandMe are also having an auction
My giveaway in the previous post is still going and you are welcome to leave a comment but some things just seem much more important at the moment and these people really need all our help , thanks .
Monday, February 9, 2009
Stitchery Pattern Giveaway
I am going to cheat (again) and count this as a finished project for February .As some of you will know I finished this piece quite some time ago but have finally got my act together and finished the pattern writing part .
To celebrate my huge achievement I am having a giveaway of the stitchery pattern-
"Gardens Grow with Love" .
I have a very busy week this week so this post will be up for a few days so if you would like a copy of my new pattern just leave a comment .
If you have a store and would like to stock my patterns wholesale enquiries are welcome .
This giveaway is open to overseas visitors as well .
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Free fabric wreaths .
I can't bear to waste anything and fabric is no exception .
My very nifty solution is to keep a ring near my work area for tying on all those scraps that really aren't much good for anything else .
You can have a few rings and have wreaths going for brights , shabby or Christmas .
These wreaths are great when you've been doing applique as it doesn't really matter if the shape is a bit off . I usually just cut the scraps sort of straight about 3" long and about 1/2" wide , tie them on as you go and then when you're happy with the fullness of the wreath give them a bit of a trim with pinking shears . They can then be hung with ribbon or a longer fabric scrap .
By the time Christmas comes you can have quite a few made as gifts .For Mothers Day stalls ask for donations of scraps as my school has found these to be a fun classroom activity .
Obviously all that money you save on giftgiving will be spent on more fabric !
Monday, February 2, 2009
Jacks House
My now 13 year old son drew this beautiful picture when he was just 6 . I loved it the instant I saw it and of course immediately framed it .
Not long after we decided it would look nice stitched and so with the help of a very enthusiastic
young fella we stitched "his" design onto a scrap of the wrap that my husband and I bought our first child home in . My son was bought home in this wrap as my husband was so so excited to bring us both home he left the house without the going home outfit I had made . My first child was bought home in a "borrowed" nappy and singlet and wrap .
He has not suffered any lingering problems due to this .
As a designer I have produced , published and sold many stitchery patterns but this little piece is the one that means the most to me .
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