Thursday, March 3, 2011

something just doesn't add up

No matter how many times I tried I couldn't
fudge the numbers anymore .

So this it , I'm 49 today .
I really can't see how this is possible
because although my body sometimes
feels like it is 100 ,  my mind feels like a teenager
and that is not always a good thing .

I hope you have a great day too !


Jodie said...

Clare, I hope you have a magical fabulous birthday .
Keep on thinking like a teenager, it more fun!

Quiltin' Sandy said...

Hi Clare, have the BEST birthday!!! I sometimes feel 100, then on rare occasions feel younger than I am. I am getting to the stage where, when I look in the mirror, I think " who's that old duck?-LOL"

Louise said...

Happy Birthday to You. Hope you have a good day. Age is just a number, bit of a cliche, but it's true. I think.

~Laurie~ said...

I'll be 49 this year too! I completely understand how you feel 100 vs 16! I'm glad I'm not alone!! Enjoy your day today - celebrate! Life can be good :)

Unknown said...

I'll be joining you to roll around in 49-ness next year, but I'm aiming on nurturing the inner teenager for all my remaining days :)

Have a wonderful wonderful day ... xx

home made gorgeous said...

Happy happy Birthday Clare! Enjoy the rest of your day! Sarah x

Susie said...

Happy Birthday Clare. Enjoy your day.

susie xx

Tarnyia said...

Happy Fabulous Birthday... and I know just what you mean haaha xxx

Tania said...

Happy birthday sweetheart. I suspect thinking like a teenager is key to keeping us young (maybe even the occasional teen tantrum?)...

Fee said...

Have a wonderful birthday Clare - You are only ever as old as you feel. So you are really still sweet sixteen....

Hugs - Fee XX

Kris Meares - Tag Along Teddies said...

Hey Clare! Blow out the candles, make a wish, keep believing in the faeries who live at the bottom of the garden, enjoy beauty in all forms when/where ever you see it and wring every drop of potential from every day ... and then, who CARES what the number on the birth certificate tells us! :0) Mostly, I forget anyway, cos I got stuck mentally at about 22 ... though my mother would say 16! Tee! Hee! Hee! Hope your day is incredible and that your 49th year is full of fabulous family and friends, fun adventures and of course ... FABRIC! :0) And may there be many more to enjoy - Big Birthday Bear Hugs!!! KRIS

Indigo Blue said...

Happy Birthday Clare.
I turned 40 at Christmas 2009 and I decided to ignore it as much as possible. Even when the cold damp weather in the UK has been playing havoc with my knees and hips! Standing all day is not helping but there you go.

Maria said...

Happy Birthday Clare...Have a great day!!

Barb said...

It ain't so bad....not at goes on and as long as it keeps going are doing good. Happy Birthday!

Jan said...

49? You're still a young'un, Clare. Hope you have a wonderful day.

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Best wishes for a fantastic birthday and a wonderful year Clare! Continue to embrace your inner teenager I say...

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

Life is to be enjoyed Clare, so do away with the numbers and just be what you feel - hopefully today you feel like a young chick!! Wishing you a fantabulous day sweetie.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne

Sue Niven said...

I'll be 49 this year too! and the same sentiments,Enjoy!

Sue said...

Have awonderful day Clare and many happy returns.

sandra said...

Happy Birthday Clare!!!It is only a number so have many more and be happy.

Allie said...

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Clare,
Happy Birthday to you!!!

You are only as old as you feel - IN YOUR MIND - your body doesn't count, lol! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! I hope you have a wonderful day, dear heart!

Jo in TAS said...

Biggest Birthday Wishes to you Clare! Have a fabulous day!

lovestitch said...

HaPPy BirTHdaY!!! I do hope you enjoy a very happy birthday Clare!!!

Yvonne Nicole said...

I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!

Red Heads said...

Happiest of birthday wishes to you. As long as we keep having a then I think that is Great. Enjoy you special day. And Mannnnny Mooooore. Dianne

Linda Lilly Cottage said...

Happy birthday Clare!!! You can be a teenager as much as you as much chocolate as you want, sleep in later, stay awake late, have a daily fashion crisis, that and so much more but I wouldn't suggest trying to ride a Ripstick if you feel 100, it is not going to end pretty.
Have a great day, eat some cake, drink some bubbles and make a wish!
Kiss Noises Linda

BubzRugz said...

Happy Birthday.. a word of warning.. the 40's are great... the 50's even better...

Unknown said...

49 is a great age...Happy, Happy Birthday!
Cheryl at My Sister's Cottage

crafty wren said...

Happy Birthday

RobynLouise said...

Only 49? Gosh you'll have to have the big party next birthday when you mature to adulthood!
Have a great day today!
Better yet - have a great day every day :D!

Faeryfay said...

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!

Mistea said...

Of course you are a teenager 4+9 = 13!

Have a fantastic year.

seabreezequilts said...

Have a lovely day and I know the feeling I am 43 and sometimes my body makes me feel every one of those years but on the inside I am still in my early 20's don't think I would go back to being a teenager though.

Liz said...

Have a wonderful birthday. Do not worry about those numbers. I stoppd at 21 ags ago.:)

Christine M said...

Happy birthday Clare. I hope you have a lovely day.

nicole said...

happy birthday to you deary!!!

Christy クリスティ said...

Happy, happy birthday dear Clare!

retdairyqueen said...

Happy Birthday Clare
You are still only a baby

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you!! we are 20 years and 1 day apart :) I reckon how you feel inside is what really counts, I am feeling older inside lately, not so good, so its fantastic that you feel like a teenager!!

Melody said...

Hope you had a great day and your 50th year is magical.

Stitchbird said...

I hear you! I hope you have a magical day and a fantastic year.

Unknown said...

There are a few Birthdays today...

Silvia LGD (Little Green Doll) said...

Happy Birthday Clare! Hope you have a wonderful day! :)

Sarah - Red Gingham said...

Happy Birthday Clare!! Well at least you aren't hiding the fact yet. I think the nines are the hardest number to digest when it comes to age. I'm doing the nines this year and it's not a good look. I hope you enjoyed you special day and managed to forget the silly number.

quilary said...

Happy Happy Birthday! Hope the day has been fun and full of goodness! You are still a youngster! It's what's in your head that counts - and you still have to think like a teenager to stay one step ahead of your children!

Jindi's Cottage said...

Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day...and keep on having fun...

Maria said...

Happy Birthday clare. Hope you had a wonderful day.

CurlyPops said...

Oh happy birthday to you Clare!
I hope you've had a super wonderful day.

Shay said...

Happy Birthday Clare! If it makes you feel better I had you pegged for early 40's.

Age is just a number anyway!

Enjoy some cake....

Web Design said...

Wish you a very Happy Birthday and many many returns of the day. I must mention here that today is also my birthday too. Hope you are enjoying your time bur I can't. I have to attend my job. Nevertheless this is a special day for both of us. Take care.

Unknown said...

happy birthday! that is my next birthday number - very young!!!

Deb said...

Happy Birthday Clare! Have a fab day.

Apple Avenue Quilts said...

Happy Birthday! You are just a youngster! I turned 60 last month, but I still don't feel old enough to be that old.

Anonymous said...

Belated Happy Birthday, Clare!! Hope you had a Claretastic day. *grin*

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Happy Birthday Clare...49 is a wonderful age.....

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Happy Birthday Clare...49 is a wonderful age.....

Bianca Jae Makes Stuff said...

Happy belated Birthday!!! xox

Sheila said...

Happy belated Birthday , 49 is only a memory for me :-( enjoy it while you can . Hope your day was extra special .

Daffycat said...

I hope you had a wonderful birthday, Clare. How fun ~ our special days are only one day apart!

Natalie Ross said...

Ahhhhhhh, I can't believe I missed your birthday...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, you look like a monkey and you smell like one too!!! LLLOOOOOLLLLL! Big birthday kisses from me to you. Hope you had a fantastically stupendous day and's only a number!! My number is not far behind you love......we are rockin'


Jules said...

I am sorry I missed your birthday Clare. They are very important as birthdays are your own unique special day. I hope you enjoyed yourself.

Thea said...

Oh Happy Belated Birthday my dear! I'm not far behind you. I like to think that we are not unlike fine vintage wines that only get better with age. xx