Saturday, March 27, 2010

Safety Tips for Crafters

Do not turn stove on to boil water for cooking rice and then go and sneak a bit of stitching in .
Do not move pretty element covers and turn stove on and then go and sneak a bit of stitching in .
Do not move pretty element covers to the same element that you want to turn on to boil water for cooking rice and then go and sneak a bit of stitching in .
Do not ignore children asking what are you cooking mum ?
Do not ignore smoke billowing from your stove even if you are only boiling water to cook rice .
I've learnt my lesson .


Anonymous said...

I set the oven timer to remind me that I have a working kitchen for Everything - even boiling water for rice and pasta - much easier than scrubbing the burnt saucepan after wandering off to play stitching, again!!!

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

GULP! Lets just be thankful it was'nt worse and we have all had some new insiht from your gained experience! *wink*

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

That should say Insight!!!

Barb said...

I am sorry, I don't mean to laugh at your expense and yes, it could have been worse than what it was you know how many times i have done much to the point that I no longer put those pretty covers on my stove.....glad it was not worse....

retdairyqueen said...


Unknown said...

Yep, yep,! You definitely shouldn't ignore those questions about what's cooking...ROFL! I cannot tell you how many dinners were overcooked (heheeheee).

sandra said...

hmmm, I took the kids to a birthday party and left eggs boiling on the stove. Realised when they served egg sandwiches for p.m. tea!! Fast trip home!!

Anonymous said...

OMG Clare!!!!!!! I am giggling just a little, very immature of me I know but I couldn't help it. I know it's very serious and not funny at all!!!!

Christy said...

Yikes! That reminds me of the time I boiled water in a copper kettle and I forgot all about it. When I came back the kettle has fallen apart!

mel @ loved handmade said...

I hear you load and clear! I have spoiled many a dinner due to a little crafting & blogging!

barb's creations said...

Oh Clare,
Don't worry you're not on your lonesome in doing this.I've done it a couple of times,boy it certainly gives you a scare.I also have a timer I use when cooking now even if it's just to boil water for pasta :) Barb.

Dawn said...

ooh dear I remember doing the same when I had an electric stove and pretty covers.... Thanks God your all ok and no burnt kitchen or worse....
Hugs Dawn x x
Happy Stitching... after you've cooked rice...Lol.

Heleen said...

I know, time flies when we are being creative. Creative people need a private cook (lol)

Quiltin' Sandy said...

Oh Clare, I can commiserate with you! Twice in the past week I have put eggs on to boil and totally forgot about them. The first time was well after dinner, and I would have gone to bed without giving them another thought!!!! Luckily DH stayed up later than his usual time and heard a "pop" -went to investigate!
The next time I figured I would put them on before brekky, then went into lounge and dozed off (after a bad night) and DH (again) discovered them when he went to get his brekky- luckily there was still a small amount of water in the pot. I think I will really have to tie a piece of string to my finger next time! LOl.

Joy said...

You're right ... it's way to hazardous.
Easy solution .....
DON'T cook!!! Just keep stitching :o)!!
Joy :o)

Jeanette said...

oh dear, I've done the boiling bit once only mine was potatao's. I agree with Joy's solution except i'll add i'd make my kids cook for me. :) Hugs, Jeanette. PS: forgot to tell you i'm making carrots tomorrow as well as Chris.

simplestitches said...

I'm not going to laugh at you or anything like that....cos guess who earlier this week, put some apples on to stew and went outside to put the compost out, got side tracked and then realised about 1/2 hour later....THE APPLES!!! and no I'm not going to show the pot either!!!

Tip for cleaning said burnt pots...
put enough water in pot to cover the burnt bit, bring to don't walk away...when boiling add about 2 heaped tablespoons of Cream of Tartar, have your spoon ready and stir and scrape the bottom and most of the burnt bits come may have to do it a couple of times...but it works....yes I have burnt more than one pot....especially eggs (about 3 times!!!!)

cheers Julz

Silvia LGD (Little Green Doll) said...

uyuyuy! I will take note of your tips... at least nothing worst has happened...

I Purr-Furr to Craft said...

I've been there too! Glad it wasn't worse.

Vic said...

Tsk, tsk! You do realise too, don't you, that under "Leave your comment" you have ".....I'll have the kettle on..." I can only hope it's electric & turns itself off. ;)

Julie said...

Oh dear!!

Stitchbird said...

Oh no! At least no one was harmed for a a few more stitches.

Mistea said...

So cooking granny's way just doesn't work in these days of wood stoves that would go out if you didn't attend to them?
Must be why I stay out of the kitchen.
Glad it was just a bit messy and not catastrophic.

CurlyPops said...

Oh dear! I think you'd better invest in a microwave rice steamer!

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Oh dear - I burnt the dinner one night this week when I disappeared to do some more stitching! An occupational hazard I guess.

Daffycat said...

*gasp* How scary! I'm so thankful that is the extent of the damage, Clare! *hugs*

Terri's Place said...

Oh Clare, you poor thing having to clean it all up and make it all respectable again. Now I have the polite commiserations over I have to admit that I was giggling while I read what you did because 1) it is such a familiar stupidity and it makes me feel good that I am not the only one and 2) because of your sense of was tickling me on the inside!!!! You gotta keep laughing or you go mad :)))

Rumi said...

I did the very same thing once. I no longer use those pretty covers!

Sue at Dollytub Cottage said...

Oooops! Another safety tip....if you can see a sunset through the glass dining hatch and it's too early for sunset, then your grill is on fire! Suex

Mookah Studio said...

Thank god that is all that happened. I remember ruining my favourite Scanpan and steamer when I turned the hotplate on to steam the veges and came back 15 minutes later to realise I hadn't put water in the pan....uhoh!

Christina Lowry said...

Oh no!! Time for new element covers? :)

ittybittyandpretty said...

YIKES!! i have burnt 3 pots to black doing the same thing. putting them on to boil and then getting way too distracted by something.
glad nothing caught fire :)

Beedeebabee said...

Oh good grief!!! I was giggling until I saw your poor stove! You know, I burn something at least once a week, because I run downstairs to stitch or play in blogland, thinking I have a few minutes, and I completely forget I'm cooking! We need to move our stoves next to our craft tables!
xoxo Paulette

Allie said...

OH MY! I will take your advice to heart - glad the house didn't burn down!

Sharon (Stitches on Mars) said...

Hi clare,

I could also add don't sneak off and read blogs.
My best kitchen device is a rice proof :) and safe to sneak off from .
Hugs, Sharon

BTW thanks for visiting my blog

marina said...

But you didn't show us what you were stitching?

Anonymous said...

I'm having a de-javu moment. My Mum did the same years ago but she wasn't sewing/stitching.
I have a large floor tile covering my 4 hot plates and wondered why it (the first one) exploded.
One should make sure she put the oven on and not a hotplate.
So you are not alone Clare.

Jossie said...

Can't help smiling Clare. I must admit the pictures have some, how shal I put it, artistic value? And the lesson to be learned? Well I don't think there is any. You will be stitching whenever you want, rice or no rice....LOL

Unknown said...

OH my your so lucky you didn't burn your house down. Its good to see you still have a sense of humor after all you went through to make that rice.
LOL I am sure more than one of us has done something like that. Me I melted a Tupperware bowl in the preheat cycle of the oven!

Phyllis said...

I can't tell you how many pots of potatoes I've burned doing the same thing....not to mention melting a couple of tea kettles! :)

Cathie said...

ohh, ohh Clare!
I have done that with a jam glaze..yep, pretty sticky.

Margarita said...

thank you for your advice Clare, bit late tho, i did it with oil in the frypan, poor frypan has still not recovered.

Jeni said...

i did that once and mr fireman arrive up my drive in a very red truck

Liz said...

Enough said. Too late for me. like everyone else I have succumbed to forgetfulness and burnt many a pan. Thankfully not the house.I shudder when I see a fire engine, wondering whether I have caused a problem.

Jodie said...

You know you have my sympathy !

Rebecca said...

Hummm I will take notes and will tell DH he is cooking from now on lol.
Hugs Bec

Frolic in Fabric said...

Oh Gee!! So glad i am not the only one to do these things. Often it is the pees boiling over or the onions burnt to a crisp!. Thankfully no flames yet though. Elizabeth. Ps Good time to check your insurance has been paid.

Jodie said...

Oh dear... :(

Hugs - Jodie xx

Indigo Blue said...

Oh dear!! Looking on the bright side, as long as you are ok and the kitchen is still in one piece then put all of that down to experience!!

Bev C said...

Hello Clare,I have been there done that!!!! I remember being very pleased to have such fancy hotplate covers when we had our first home. The knobs on the oven used to be turned on by visiting children,just the right height for them to fiddle with. I see now that they don't have the knobs on the front but near the back of the stove. Hey at least the kids smelt what was going on although they didn't rush to see what was happening!!! Happy cooking.

Yarni Gras! said...

been there, done that. Now I set a timer!

Karen's Korner said...

Easy done .. from one who has done it one too many times. I no longer use element covers!

Michelle said...

Oh dear, could have been worse, thankfully you and yours are all safe and sound.

janjan said...

Oh Clare, sooner or later the family will used to this......
Pans boiled dry - I have invented so many recipes for disguising burnt rice. Washing machines going through the whole cycle - EMPTY. Taps left running in the sink (with the plug in). In fact there is a strange burning smell coming from the kitchen right now...........


Lois said...

Been there.....done that.....
It takes a while for the smell to completly disappear out of the house. Sort of like a skunk oder. There but not really there if you know what I mean.
The good thing is that you learned a valuable lesson....don't use burner covers....LOL!

Sandy said...

Hi Clare, Well, this is my first time making a comment on a blog! I've read the last 25 of yours and have thoroughly enjoy them. I love your 48 year youthful joy and zest for life! I'm 48 too. I did email you awhile back about your patterns, and will be in touch again soon. I'll be getting into blogging this year, and you do inspire me. Love your carrots, and look forward to future tutorials! Sandy

Trudi - Me and Ewe said...

Thanks for the advice... now I might just go and sneak a bit of stitching in ......

.... what's that smell????

RG said...

Oh dear me :O
So noted!!