I am one of 6 girls in my family and when we were small there was not a great deal of money around but one of the things we all looked forward to on our birthdays was this pretty card . When it was opened it had 3 little girls holding their parasols one blue girl , one green girl and one yellow girl . Obviously if it was your birthday you got to choose which girl you were and the others could squabble over the rest . My mums favourite colour has always been green and so everyone has been giving her green things for years . Mum recently confided to me like a guilty school girl that her favourite girl was the blue one . I was lucky enough to find one of these cards the other day and put it into a frame for her. I will be seeing my mum and sisters and brothers very soon , I wonder if someone else will want the green or yellow girl .
I think the others will just have to be happy with the stockings I'm making for them all !
What a beautiful card, I'm sure your mum will love it.
Take your time with the postcard, I'm sure you are busily making other gifts.
I have a very similar card in my collection (from when I was little). I was always the pink one however!
OMG I had this card when I was very young and I held on to it for years...then of course got rid of it a while back. Thanks for the flood of memories you just brought back. It was such a beautiful card with all the lovely girls in it.
I love the card and I have some that are similar and I have often thought about getting them out and scanning them ...She is lovely :) I am sure your Mum will love her.
Your mum will love it I'm sure. As for the lots of sisters I to come from a family with 5 girls but I had two brother ( man they were out numbered in our house). Your stockings are cute ad I am sure they to will be loved.
Hugs Bec
oh that is so nice of you...i'm sure your mom will love it
oh that is so nice of you...i'm sure your mom will love it
Memories! I too loved this birthday card and always hoped someone would give it to me each year. I was always the pink one! It must have been the most popular birthday card of its day (the 1950s). Your Mum is sure to love what you've done!
I'm sure your Mum will be touched by your thoughtfulness.
I absolutely love these adorable stockings you have made!!!!!
love the card and story that goes with it!!
Hi Clare,
I'm sure your Mum will be thrilled with this card and how lucky are your sisters-all receiving these yummy stockings.
What lovely presents, I also remember seeing that card. Love how you've framed it with the ric rac and ribbons.
What a lovely memory and story. I love the framed card and I'm sure your mum will too! So pretty xo
I love this card. It reminds me of when I was a little girl. I always loved paper dolls, too. If I ever have a grand daughter, I will see to it she at least knows what they are. Also the Christmas stockings are sooo cute. Your family will love them.
Gorgeous Christmas stocking - love the cute fabric and trim.
Oh the memories stirred by that card!
Im sure they would have to be happy with the lovely stockings
Well that's a trip down memory lane Clare. I always loved that card too.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne
Family is the most wonderful thing. Each family has it's own funny little quirk and special happenings. What a lovely little picture of the girl. Kind regards, Anita.
We must be the same vintage Clare. I too remember getting those cards. I think mine was pink ?
What a very sweet thing to do for your mum Clare. Such a loving daughter you must be. x
oh yeah, my sister & I used to get this card for a few years! Looks like it stuck around for a long time!
I received that card as a little girl and treasured it. I am going to have to hunt one down. I love how you've framed it for your Mum. The stocking are gorgeous too.
Janelle xx
What a sweet little story.... Love the red stockings they look great...
Jodie :)
What a gorgeous thoughtful gift!
It looks like many of us received that card. I think if I went looking I would find I still have it in a box. Your Mum will be thrilled. It is a really thoughtful gift.
Now that takes me back I remember those cards. What a thoughtful gift.
I received the same card from my Grandma and have a reproduction copy in my vintage card collection. It really is lovely and I am so glad you have been able to find one in blue for your Mum!
It must have been a very popular card for little girls and printed for a long time. I have an almost identical one my Dear Mum gave my eldest Daughter for one of her childhood Birthdays. Michelle is now 34.
That is such a beautiful story! Clare, Thanks for sharing I love story's about family they are so precious!
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