Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The "Royal" 100th Post Giveaway !

Well I did say "royalty" didn't I? Here she is my new softie pattern from the Kennedy Kids range Frances Frog done up in all her Prints Charming finery .
Now would you like to hear about my giveaway ?
There are 3 prizes , yes 3 ! First prize is my new Frances Frog pattern as well as 10 fat quarters of greenish fabric and green DMC thread and a few other green bits . Second prize is my new pattern plus a copy of the brand new Australian Homesewn Magazine .Melissa from One Crafty Mumma is the editor and what a fantastic job she has done !
Third prize is a copy of my new Frances Frog pattern and a few little green bits .
So you're wondering how to win all these goodies ,well here's what you do-
Leave a comment =1 entry
Become a follower =1 entry
Blog about this giveaway =1 entry (feel free to take the top photo if you would like to blog about the giveaway as I'm just not clever enough to make a button , der !)
Come back and tell me you have blogged about the giveaway !
I will draw the winners on Sunday 12th July (I hope)
Thankyou to all who have looked at , commented on or followed my blog , you have made my blogging adventure such great fun!
If you have trouble leaving a comment just email me and I will count you in .


Barb said...

That frog is just tooooooo cute!!! I am already a follower....because I love your blog.

Mark said...

Your Frog is fantastic!!! And I love the Prints Charming fabric, How perfect!!

muser said...

I love the frog but WOW! I love the look of the magazine!! If I don't win I will definitely be hunting that down in the newsagent.

Mistea said...

Gorgeous Prince. Congratulations enjoy you Celebrations!

Petrina McDonald said...

oh what a gorgeous froggy!! My sister loves making softies - i will have to send her over for a lookie :)

Jo in TAS said...

How could a girl resist! I love the frog and green is my favourite colour! I blogged and I follow :-)

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway Clare, I would love to be a part of your giveaway. The frog is so cute.....I have heard about the new magazine looks like a great mag. Kind Regards

elissma said...
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elissma said...

I stumbled across your blog this afternoon, I love the frog, he is gorgeous :-) I'll definately follow your blog from now on.

LieselotteFilz said...

I love Frances. Just too cute! =)
I posted your giveaway on my blog.

rachelmp said...

Just beautiful Clare! You are up on my blogroll list too :)

Anonymous said...

Scuse the cluelessness but how exactly do I 'follow' you? :-( Anyway, I haven't checked out Mel's magazine yet so I am dying to win one! Congrats on 100 posts :-)

Kimba4 said...

Love the frog and love to follow your blog. Congrats on 100 posts

Lara said...

gorgeous frog, very keen on the magazine too...came here from Melissa G's blog :-) Off to place a post on mine and did the follower thing as well as adding this fun blog to my google reader.

miss~nance said...

Great giveaway Clare. I have blogged about it http://missnance.blogspot.com/2009/07/clares-100-post-giveaway.html and have become a follower, even though I thought I already was one, as you come up on my following feed. Anyway love your frog.

Hugs & blessings

Ange Moore said...

Congrats on your 100th post! I love your little froggy and you can't beat all things green.

Rebecca said...

Congrats on making 100th you don't look a day over 21.Well done all the best for the next 100 have enjoyed them all
Big hugs Bec
PS frog is cute too

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

What a cute froggy!
Very wind in the willows-ish!
Love to celebrate 100 posts with you,Thanks for having me along for the ride....
Pop my name in the hat too..Pleeeaaassseee

Renee G said...

These are adorable. Please enter me.

Teresa said...

Well done Clare! The frog is really cute and your prizes are awesome.. You are already on my blogs to watch, but I have become a follower...Love your blog xx

MaddyMazeStudio said...

Wow! Love the frog and boy, would I like to get my hands on that magazine! LOL

Ellen said...

Your giveaway prizes are wonderful, love that frog. Sure would love to own him. I am new to patchwork and love surfing quilters' blogs. Love your blog.


bubbachenille said...

I love this frog, I wouldn't mind making it in chenille !

retdairyqueen said...

Wow thats very generous of you I would love to enter and Im already a follower
I don't know how to do the linky thing
Take care

Anonymous said...

Hello Clare, congratulations of your 100th post....I have done all that you require.......love your new pattern....Warm Regards Lyn

Isabella said...

Love your new wee frog, I'm allready a follower but cant put a link on my blog as I'm do good with these PCs

barb's creations said...

WOW I love your prints Charming Frog and what's that I spy a new magazine I've not seen before....I'm already a follower cos I love your blog.I'd definately love to be in it :) Barb.

Joy said...

Oh your froggy is just adorable!!! You clever thing!! I'd love to win the pattern, please add me to your list ;o).
Joy :o)

ittybittyandpretty said...

mmm...me thinks you are very clever!! i would love a peek at that magazine...
i love visiting your blog but you know that :)
%*_*% rosey

Susan said...

Love your giveaway, just fantastic!

Beena said...

Visions of a spotty frog keep going through my mind!
Great giveaway, Clare! And a very cute frog!

Catherine said...

congratulations on 100 posts! And on a fabulous frog too! will be thinking green thoughts for luck!

Treasuresofjoy said...

I LOVE green just ask my daughter and we could use a frog with all of the princessness around here!
Great magazine too!

supermom said...

oh my, such a cute softie. i love frogs. i am following now too!

Lilly said...

That frog is adorable!!! Please count me in and thanks a lot for this great giveaway!
Congrats on your 100th post ^^

Carla said...

Very cute frog!! It would go great in my new granddaughter's room. I'm already a follower.

Donna/Sara from Kindred Crafters said...

I love that frog so, so much!
Great giveaway.


Clare said...

Your work is really beautiful!! You are very talented! Maybe because your name is Clare ;) And I am totally smitten for your frog!!

Christy クリスティ said...

Hello Clare! Congrats on your 100th post! It's been a joy reading your blog and I appreciate all the lovely comments you leave on mine. Just blogged about your cute giveaway too!

Christy クリスティ said...

I've always followed your blog ;)

crafty diane said...

What a fantastic giveaway! I am becoming one of your followers right now!
Have a Blessed Day,

Christy クリスティ said...

If I don't win that cutie pie of a magazine where can I buy one? :D

Kara M said...

I am very curious about your blog - this just came to my attention and I'm so excited to see it!

grymerspalet said...

I have never tried a give away before. I am so happy to look at your frog - it is so wonderfull. Our oldest daughter have just born a little girl - now we have 6 grandchildren: 4 boys and 2 girls. They love, when I sew something for them.
Have a nice time.
Yours sincerely Kirsten in Denmark.

klaudia said...

Congartulations on you 100th post! Such a lovely giveaway, thank you!!

Annie10 said...

I love the frog! The fabric is fantastic as well ... Thanks for the inspriation and Happy 100th Post.

Sarah Pead said...

Christi over at Sweet Tidings sent me over for this give-away. This frog is just splendid! Here's my entry!

Jingle said...

That frog is simply fabulous! I love him! Congrats on making your 100th post!

Anonymous said...

i know this is random but i would love to win!
THanks for a cool giveaway!

Rochelle said...

The frog is adorable. Congrats on the 100th post. I have been a follower for a while now. Love the inspiration.

Carrie Me! said...

Wow! What a great giveaway and the frog is adorable. Thanks so much for the chance, love following your blog =)

Anonymous said...

I just discovered your blog and I heart it! That frog is adorable! :)

Anonymous said...

What a great give away,thank you

Anonymous said...

oh oh oh! too adorable!
and the magazine looks awesome :)
thanks so much for sharing :)

Jenna Z said...

Oooh, what a neat and generous give away! Thanks for the chance to win!

EB said...

love that frog! Congratulations on your 100th post!

Darlene said...

Did you see those feet? Just gorgeous

Sue Cahill said...

Love your green guy, he is too cute!

I would be thrilled to win any of your prizes.

Thanks for the chance.

Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Sue Cahill said...

I have happily joined as a follower!

Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

ezeldabeth said...

the is the cutest frog stuffie EVER!

Heidi said...

The lovely Mel Goodsell recommended a visit to your blog to check out your gorgeous frog - I'll definitely be back! Being new to sewing (being the daughter of a seamstress there was never any need!) I would love the opportunity to give your frog a go! My girls would love him! Heidi

Heidi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sewkalico said...

Love your frog!

Michelle said...

Your blog is new to me - how have I never found it before? It's fantastic! Christy from Sweet Tidings sent me over here.

Kim said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hello.....I love your creativity....You go girl!

Waxy said...

I feel froggy! Great giveaway!

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Well done on 100 posts Clare!! Frances Frog is so adorable.

Sandi said...

The frog is very CUTE!!!
Jo from TAS sent me over. What a great giveaway!!

manda said...

What a sweetheart! I'd love to make my own. I saw the Homesewn magazine in the newsagents the other day and really wanted it!! But the price is way out of my budget range, especially after a trip to spotlight last week. So I'd just love love love to win a copy!!
I saw your "flutterbys" pattern in the new Handmade magazine, Page 82! It looks fantastic!
Hugs, Amanda.

manda said...

Oh, and I've followed your blog since...well since I found an ad for your puppy in an old Handmade magazine and found your blog! lol

Sew Flippin Cool said...

Great pattern! I'd love to win!!

Sew Flippin Cool said...

I'm a follower

Liz said...

Clare--what great prizes. Just love the frog.I am a follower but no blog as yet!!

Anonymous said...

your frog is gorgeous :) love your blog too.

Lali said...

Oh, would love to kiss him anytime ;-)! And of course I'm becoming a folower, but not just becouse of the fabulose froggy, but becouse of your inspiring blog (found my way here thanks to Sweet Tidings)

Creative Times with Sue said...

What wonderful prizes you are offering. I have published a blog post about this giveaway along with Prince Charming :D I am already a follower of your blog. Thanks so much for giving me this opportunity to enter.

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

Frances Frog... what a prince!!
Hugs ~ Kerryanne

Mrs Button said...

Hey Clare, Happy 100th and what a charming way to celebrate. I love following your blog and think you are a very attentive follower. Glad you are enjoying your adventure. By the way, you would not believe what the word verification word is on this post!!!! Lisa. x

Betsy said...

Wow what a giveaway. I became a follower. I just love the magazine and the froggy would be cute to make for my grandaughter,

B. said...

well that is just about the cutest frog ever! pick me!

kim said...

I love it when you find a link to a great blog (thanks Lara). I'm a follower now too!

Patchwork Harmony said...

awh! what a lovely giveaway! and congrats on the 100th post! It is a nice feeling isn't it!?

you've had lots of entries but I'll keep my fingers crossed! ;)


chook said...

oh I just love your sweet little frog congrats on your 100th post
please enter me in your draw

hugs Beth

Unknown said...

Oh wow I love your frog..i love this blog I will become a follower straight away. I also have a giveaway on my blog too....come over and have a look...

Kerry said...

What a lovely, cute pattern! Please count me in for your giveaway!

gran1 said...

First time to your lovely site via jo in tas. Your frogs are a delight. Cant wait to make one

MissyMack said...

Oh how exciting! What a fabulous giveaway!! :D Please count me in too! :D

Janellybelly said...

Congratulations Clare, 100 posts is a huge bloggy milestone. Your blog posts, and encouraging comments, are always fabulous.
PS I will pop you giveaway badge on the sidebar of our blog.

linda said...

Congratulations with 100 posts. Love the frogy, so cute

carole brungar said...

Hey congrats to you!! I love the frog! And I know he would just love to come live at my place!! Lovely fabric too, by the way,
pick me! pick me!
Carole ;)

heleen said...

All these prizes are just precious! :)

SS Admin said...

I love patterns! I am so thankful for people who create them... I must have the wrong kind of brain. I guess I don't mind with so many cute patterns floating around! Adorable!

SS Admin said...

Now following this blog

Patty said...

The frog is so cute. It would be hard for me to give him away.

Lucky-1 said...

Oh what a FAB TAB give away and in my most fav colour green:)

I have popped a post on my blog as well.

Lois said...

Hi Clare.
I hope this fellow blogger from Canada is eligible. I have posted about the giveaway on my blog and have taken advantage of your picture of the frog. He/She is sooo cute!
Thanks for sharing.
Have a great weekend.

RG said...

Clare!!! Phew I'm glad I'm not too late... been busy :D
I loooooovvvvveee Frances and I soooo need to make her, so please enter me and if some other lucky person wins, I'll need to buy her if possible *grin*
What a wonderful giveaway... Wooohoo!!
I thought??..I was already a follower, but I was gone, so now I'm baaack!! Maybe I was only following in my mind...mwah ha ha ha!! Who knows..
Anyway please include me and I'm off to post about you.
Tootles and good luck to all the players.
Robyn xx

RG said...

Done :D

Heleen said...

congratulations on your 100 post!
great give away!

I Purr-Furr to Craft said...

Hi Clare, Please add me to the list.
How wonderfully cute and how generous of you. I have posted your giveaway on my blog, and have become a follower. Too cute!
All the best and congratulations to the winner.

Béa said...

Wonderful giveaway, thank you !
Kiss from France

Kriza said...

This frog is just cute, I have bought 2 frog cross stitch kits recently, this little fellow would fit them perfectly. Please pick me, pick me! :-)

Cathi said...

The frog is adorable! Great giveaways!

Dayna said...

Francis frog is so cute! Would love to see it up close and personal! I am a follower.

Katie B said...

Oh, so cute! I love those froggie feet!

Katie B said...

P.S. I'm a follower!

Cathy @ CabbageQuilts said...

Frances is a very pretty frog, just waiting for her handsome prince to come along! I would love to win and I love following your blog xo

Dolores said...

Clare, I love your Frances Frog so much I have become a follower.

PinkLady said...

I love that frog. He is so cute!! I am now a faithful follower!

Micki said...

I just found your blog and love it. I love your giveaway, and I have blogged about it and become a follower. The frog is just oh so cute!

free indeed said...

I'd like Prince Charming for my grandson's room...he is only 5 months, but it would be cool to have him get attached to a stuffy I made.

Claudia/Ompompali said...

That frog just makes me smile!!! So cute and I would love to take part in your giveaway - what fun!

Kim Reid said...

Congratulations! Please add me to your great giveaway - added myself as a follower - Thanks!

Noela said...

The frog is just great. I love the green fabric also. Have become a follower.

Magpie Tracks said...

I love frogs and who doesn't like being "green"?! And...every quilter loves fabric, magazines and surprises!!!

Quilter Going Bananas said...

Woohoo! Congrats on making it to 100 posts! Looking forward to reading the next 100 posts from you :^)

I've blogged about your giveaway too.

Unknown said...

Oh my I just love frogs.. and I try to purchase every frog material I find. I just love them.... I have frogs all over my house ;)
Please enter me in your fantastic drawing ;)

Sheila said...

Way too cute!!!

Jenny said...

Your frog is darling! Little Frank would love it here at my pad that is for sure! Thanks for the giveaway!
Krousegirl2 at aol dot com

Ginny said...

Congrats on the 100th post!

Ginny said...


Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Congratulations on your 100th post Clare..look forward to your next 100 posts...love your frog and I have beena follower for quite a while..

Canarella said...

Well looks as if you have enough followers as well as entries but had to stop long enough to say nice blog and sweet froggie....Happy blogging and god bless

Sandy in Buenos Aires said...

Hi Clare!!
Congratulations on your 100 posts!!!
I absolutely LOVE that frog and I'm addicted to Prints Charming fabrics! Perfect match! And sooo Yummy!!
And the fabrics are gorgeous!All of the prizes in fact!
Love your blog!
Thank you for such a great giveaway!

Agnė said...

I love your blog. I have found it now and I like it very much. So I became your follower and I posted your giveaway on my blog. Your frog is so cute :)

Sue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sue said...

Wow so many comments already but I still want to be in it. I love your green froggy and have posted her picture on my blog.

Srinity said...

The frog is the cutest one I've ever seen. I hope he comes to live with us and prevents other kind of frogs from entering our house and my stitching. :D

I added a link to your giveaway to the sidebar of my blog. I also became a follower.

Lara said...

yep, did the blog thing too :-)

Unknown said...

Love the frog- it is so cute!
The fabric is beautiful.
I am going to follow your blog now- it has such wonderful stuff!

Mescrap said...

I love the prince frog.
I'm one of your follower too :)

Thank you so much for such great offering.

Babs said...

Congratz on your 100th post. I followed your blog, not just for the prize, but also because I like your works.

Abby and Stephanie said...

Darling frog! I have a frog loving friend. Fun fabrics you used.

Nita said...

What a fun blog. Congrats on your 100th post.
Ive done all three things, so count me in!

Sandy said...

I love your blog. Congratulations on your 100th post! I also love frogs. I would love to have a pattern. It looks awesome! Thanks for such a great giveaway!!

Sandy said...

I signed up to be a follower of your blog!

Феникс said...

I very much want to get! It has become your constant reader! Keep the message on my blog: http://magic-feniks.blogspot.com/

rockgranny said...

Congrats on your 100th blog, wish the 200th soon
Your frog is so nice, are you sure he is not a prince?

carmel said...

the frog and the fabric are beautiful!
what a great picture!
thanks for this giveaway!
and you have a great blog!

carmel said...

and i became a follower 2!

carmel said...

and i blogged about your giveaway
thank you very much

Judy said...

I hope that I'm not too late to enter!! I just found your blog thru Irish Muse. Can't wait to read your blog!!

Unknown said...

I love your frog and green into the bargin one of my favourite colours.

Carol R said...

Congratulations on your 100th post. Handsome frog - please enter me into your giveaway.

Anya said...

How cute! Thanks for the chance.

DaiseyB said...

I love the froggy pattern and so so hope I win. I am going over to my blog right now and post about your giveaway and than come back and tell you.

DaiseyB said...

OK Clare I posted about the giveaway on my blog.


Snug N Luv said...

I love love love those patterns so much.


Kirsten said...

I love the frog Clare!! One of my sons collects them and he thinks it is very cute :)

Anne D said...

What a great frog!!!!The magazine looks good too. Thanks for the chance to win

Debbie said...

Hey, Congrats on your 100th post.
I'm glad it's a frog and not a toad. Pls pop me in the draw.