Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Yes it's got brown bits on it !

I'd been fiddling around making fabric boxes to display my patterns in . I finished this one and showed it to my family , this is the reaction I got - "It's got brown on it Mum " and "Didn't you have your glasses on Mum , you used brown " My family knows well my dislike of brown , I wouldn't wear a brown piece of clothing if it was the last item on earth so it was a bit of a surprise to see me sewing something with the dreaded brown in it .

They could of at least said "Great work Mum even though you used brown "


Vicki ♥ said...

If we didnt have brown we wouldnt have the earth :) I dont mind a bit of brown but its got to be the right shade of brown. I like your container Clare..it looks great :)

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

I guess it makes and takes all types to make the world go round....
I lurrrvvveeee browns!
I look good in brown more so than black too.
But in any case brown or not your little boxes look great!

Sew Useful Designs said...

Ah yes, but your brown is accompanied by turqoise and blue... which is very hip and chic!

I think your display looks fantastic Clare... it makes me want to reach out and grab it! It's a stand-out! :-)

Hugs, Vikki xx

Clare said...

I love it Clare, even with the brown. I think blue and brown go well together. hugs Clare x

Riches Stitches said...

I love your box Clare. I love the fabric, almost bought the same one at Spotlight last Saturday.
Jane 80)

Kate/Massachusetts said...

Oh oh...no brown for you??? It's the color of chocolate!!! That's gotta' be good! lol

Christy said...

i love brown especially if paired with tiffany blue and pink!

Carla said...

I love brown and love that fabric! Your boxes are nice!

Anonymous said...

It's lovely Clare. Kids! LOL You can always rely on them to boost your ego. Pam xx

Stina Blomgren said...

:o))) Great idea..lov e the display...Lovely ... and I love that fabric you used.. but I love both brown an blue/green..:o)))

Nanette Merrill said...

I love how our kids tell us what to do and what not to do. Funny. Fabric boxes - such a good idea.

blushing rose said...

I love brown, it is so rich, warm & inviting ... versatile with any other colors. Cute case. TTFN ~ Marydon

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

It's funny how certain colors just make our skin crawl...

Stay Cozy & Colorful,

Beena said...

I used to feel that way about brown. Brown is now okay with me. Brown is a great sidekick to other colors because of its neutral quality.

Barb said...

I love brown, sorry!!!
Love your little birds...you are one creative person.

Joy said...

Hmmm, you better be careful!! I used to avoid greens too for the same reason ... now, after using it in a project ages ago I find I'm liking greens and actually choosing to use them. He he ... you might just start liking brown :o)!!! Next thing you know you'll be buying a big brown winter cardi LOLOL!!!!
Joy :o)

Unknown said...

I was like you once Clare lol but now I cannot get enough of it, I choose that colour the most in my card making and every other thing I do and I even wear brown now. Once upon a time I would not have gone near brown at all!!! I love your project though it looks fantastic, and a really lovely colour combo hehe

Kris Meares - Tag Along Teddies said...

Hey Clare! Oh - I know JUST how you feel! I feel about pink the same way you do about brown, and even though I'm starting to use it a bit as I am working lots with shabby chic colours, people still rag on me when they see pink in my projects!! I just tell them that I am obviously maturing in my creativity enough to confidently use colours I'm not overly fond of! Tee! Hee! Hee! Sounds good, hey! Cute little fabric pattern holders, by the way!! Bear Hugs! KRIS

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

What a lovely way to display your pattern packets Clare and I actually quite like the fabric.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne

Sandra @ Pepperberry & Co. said...

I heart brown, so I naturally heart your boxes!! Very funny response though, LOL :-)

Jossie said...

So glad I found another quilter who hates brown. I really hate that colour in quilts. But like in your beautiful box it looks different with lots of blue or turkois. It's lovely.

periwinkle said...

I don't mind a bit of brown, and your bag and bear are delightful
lisa x

Whimsical Road said...

I'm not crazy for brown, either... but for some reason those sneaky fabric designers know how to make it look GOOD.

Thank you for stopping by my blog, as well :)

xoxo, Whimsical Road

The Little Miss said...

this is toooooo cute for words! the little bear just makes me smile!you are soooooo creative!

ittybittyandpretty said...

that is very nice fabric and the bag is a great idea. kids are soooo honest.

Liz said...

i reckon great work . I am a brown person. Love visiting .

Trish Goodfield said...

I'm with you, brown is not a colour that speaks to me but sometimes we surprise ourselves with our choices.

Serena Lewis said...

That fabric is beautiful! In my teens, I didn't like brown at all but now I love it. Great job on the fabric box!

Karen's Korner said...

I can understand your adversion to brown. It just does not rate on my colour list AT ALL!!!. I am the same not a brown piece of clothing sits in my cupboard. All my family know of my hate of brown and never buy me anything with brown in it. LOL!!