Thursday, February 12, 2009

Time is running out!

Yes that's right time is running out according to Auntie Olives' watch .My beautiful watch that I wear everyday was given to my great Aunt Olive in 1915 by her suitor before he left for war .

Sadly he never returned but she continued to wear this lovely piece . It has since been passed on to me me and I think I'd be lost without it .

Anyway after my little bit of family history I thought I'd let you know that the watch is ticking on my stitchery pattern giveaway . Time to get a move on .

Then again maybe you don't like my design ,but you gotta love my watch !

Winner will be drawn Sunday night Aussie time .


ittybittyandpretty said...

off to enter now, wouldnt like to make you think i dont like your stitches!!

Lurline said...

They are both beautiful!
Hugs - Lurline♥

Christy クリスティ said...

hello clare! your auntie's watch is a beauty. now i'm off to enter your giveaway

Simone de Klerk said...

How special to have a watch like that. Who wouldn't just love your gorgeous 'engel' pattern?
Have a nice 'time ticking' day (O:

Karen's Korner said...

That is such a sweet story about the watch and thanks for sharing it.

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Yes gorgeous watch and even more gorgeous story behind it!

Vicki ♥ said...

Love stories like that Clare and I also think your patterns are fabulous too.

Michelle said...

oh the watch is divine....
i would love to have something as special and such a sweet tale to boot...

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

What a very special piece of jewellery Clare. No wonder you wear it every day.

Allison's Page said...

I love the watch, and your blog. It's always great to see what your up to.

Bev C said...

Hello Clare, what a beautiful treasure you have in your Aunties watch. Happy days.

Kathie said...

Jumped over from Stellas blog and boy I am glad I did!! I love hearing about family history and love your work as well.

Lorraine said...

what a lovely watch...don't let thet time tick away too quickly...!!

Isabella said...

What a lovely watch how sad he didn't come back.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Clare how beautiful....

ittybittyandpretty said...

thanks for your encouragement you are sweet.

Debs said...

How beautiful that you have the watch that would have been loved dearly by your Aunt. A story to be shared and never forgotten in your family.

Clare said...

Hi Clare, this is beautiful, shame I missed the deadline. Thanks for following my blog, I'll follow yours too. Only the best people are called CLARE (without the I!) hugs Clare D x

manda said...

What a great heirloom! I have my grandmother's watch. My first ever flight was down to Tas for her funeral at 3 weeks old. I can't remember whether Dad gave the watch to me or I simply claimed it before my half-sister (who never cared for Nana even though she got to know her) could. It's the most beautiful thing, and is actually very similar to my mum's engagement ring. I'll post about it with a picture one day!