Friday, January 30, 2009

Back to school - for me !

Well I did it ! I have enrolled in a Visual Arts course at TAFE . I have wanted to do this course for so long but it was always too far away .Now for the first time they are holding the course in my town !

One slight problem is TAFE requires 10 students to start a class and as this is a small town it might be a problem .

When the call comes I'll be ready . I have my funky computer bag and my brand new pencil roll for my watercolours .

Dick and Jane will be coming to school with me again after over 30 years not being a student .


Kate said...

Thats awesome! Hope they get the numbers they need so you can go :-)

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Good on you...Hope they get the numbers and you can get Back to School!
Very funky lookin case!

princess pudge said...

wow, awesome news!! well done, i don't doubt that you'll excel!

Jeni said...

Well done your bag ....................
you will get the numbers ....I will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you

Julia said...

Good for you Clare!
it's always great to learn something new...
Good luck on getting the numbers.
Julia ♥

barb's creations said...

How thrilling for you Clare.I'm sure there are nine talented people out there who need to take this course as well.Love the case it's so now.Barb

ittybittyandpretty said...

weell done, hope it works out. i have been tempted by a 'get to know your camera' course. maye i should wait till i get a digital slr... yeah right in my dreams!!

Michelle said...

get some flyers about the course and pin them up can't miss this course...
if i lived there i'd be there...would love to do a visual arts course...the closest to me is over a hour away and little miss is not at school until next year...
so i have to be content crafting at home and getting crafty goodness from cyberspace...

Linda said...

Good on you! Fingers crossed they get the numbers for the class. Very cool 'puter bag!

Carla said...

Great bag and pencil roll. Hope it all happens for you!

Simone de Klerk said...

Love your bag! I love your Dick and Jane 'pencil case'!

Barb said...

How fun for you....hope you get the people you need.

Karen's Korner said...

Well done. I hope you get the numbers needed.

Vicki ♥ said...

Oh Clare I am so happy for you and I do hope that they get the numbers. Spread the word ....put an ad in your local paper for it. I look forward to all you design once you have done this course as what you have designed so far is fabulous and after the course...well its going to be exciting!! :) You go girl!!

MissyMack said...

Oh how exciting Clare! I really hope you get the numbers needed!
I love visual arts. :)

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

I hope the course goes ahead for your Clare. It is always nice to have a creative challenge - I bet it will be lots of fun.

Nanette Merrill said...

Wow Clare, congrats. School. I don't know if I could handle it after not going for nearly 30 years myself. Good for you.

Crafts a la Mode said...

That's great that you are going to go back to school. Every year I say I'm going to take a class and then it doesn't happen. good luck. Linda

Rustic Tarts said...

We have the same 'numbers scenario' here with the courses offered by TAFE - but no courses as interesting as that one.
Laughed when I read your Dick and Jane comment - they were good books weren't they??

The MemoryBook Shoppe said...

Well done, Clare. Hope the class goes ahead.

CurlyPops said...

How exciting. I would love to take the plunge and do something like that. I really hope they get their 10 enrolments!

Miss Muggins said...

Good for you! I am so jealous now for 2 reasons - you are doing that course and you won Curly pop's skirt.
p.s Thanks for visiting my blog, tell your son to see the Twilight movie - it is very true to the book (so far)

Whispy Love said...

Ah sounds exciting! Can't wait to see what you make:P

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

What fun! Hope the course gets enough enrolments. Love the funky computer case.

Kate said...

That's great- I hope you get to do it!

Anonymous said...

oh well done you! Hope you get the call!! I enrolled in the Art Craft and Design course just after my second daughter was born. I did a few hours a week and it took 5 years to get my Diploma but I LOVED it and I'm sure you will, so happy for you!!

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

I do hope you get the numbers for the Tafe course...looks like you are all ready anyway...

Christy クリスティ said...

hope you're enjoying your course at the TAFE! Good luck and enjoy . xx

Unknown said...

May I ask what NSW country town you live in Clare? I would have loved to do the visual arts course as well. But alas here they only do farming and business type courses which is discriminatory especially for us creative folk lol
Michelle M