Kylie over at A Bite of Country Cupcakes tagged me ! I need to tell you 6 random things about myself .
Now the rules of this tag are:
1.) Link to the person who tagged you.
2) Post the rules on your blog (copy and paste 1-6)
3) Write 6 random things about yourself (see below).
4) Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them.
5) Let each person know they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6) Let the tagger know when your post is up
Ready ? No hang on you might want to get yourself some strong coffee to stay awake .
1. I love cricket especially the tests .
2. My family has a pet snake .
3. I never wear brown and I always wear odd socks .
Hey wake up I'm talking to you !
4. I'm vegetarian .
5. I have clocks everywhere and still not enough time .
6. The name I was born with is not the name I have now and no I wasn't adopted .
Well how did you enjoy your nap ?
I'm still thinking about who I'm going to punish sorry I meant tag , I'll get back to you .
Friday, November 28, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Bee Sew Spoilt
As you probably know I joined up for the Bee Sew Whimsical Secret Santa Swap . When the partners were drawn a few weeks ago I received a lovely mysterious card from my partner just to say hello . Today I received a parcel from my Secret Santa and what a parcel it was . Just look at the time and effort my partner put into making a gift for someone she hasn't met . It was all made so beautifully and taking the time to personalise it was that extra touch that made it even more special . My partner was Bev from and I'd love for you to see her lovely work .
Thankyou Bev I love what you have done for me and the wallhanging will take pride of place this Christmas in my home .
Monday, November 24, 2008
Cheats Christmas Tags
If you go to all the trouble to make a handmade Christmas gift it's really nice to finish it with a handmade card . Little finishing touches make things extra special. These cute luggage tags are extra quick to make and perfect to have on hand for when time is really short . The kids can also help make them for adding to their teachers gifts .
Manilla luggage tags are available in a range of sizes from newsagents or you can always cut your own tags from coloured cardboard .
Prepare fabric in Christmasy shapes and fabric as you would do for applique.Use" heat and bond" or similar to stick shapes to tags .
Add the "stitching" around the edges of the tag and the shape with a fine marking pen .
Write your greeting on the back .
Thread a pretty ribbon through the provided hole .
These are so quick to make it's worthwhile making a few , just in case !
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Pay It Forward

You probably all know about "Pay it Forward". I'm not really sure when or where it began but the idea is to spread some kindness without expecting anything in return . I was lucky enough to sign up with
Dee from The Cackle Club
Now what I need to do is add a PIF symbol to my blog and a link back to Dee .(done)
The first 3 visitors to visit my blog and leave a comment saying they would like to be involved will receive a handmade gift from me within 365 days of joining .
These 3 visitors must have their own blog and be prepared to do the same for their first 3 visitors . It all just means (besides keeping Aussie Post on their toes) people that have generally never met are prepared to share some happiness just because it feels good .
If you would like to join up just leave me a comment and I will get in touch with you re - colours ,dislikes and address .
Friday, November 21, 2008
Fun with Dick and Jane
What to do , what to do !
I have always loved this fabric and have wanted some forever .
I even have some of my primary school readers that match it .
My problem is I can't bear to cut it now .
I think I might just cover some canvasses with it so I can look at it all the time .
Am I strange ?
Isn't it just beautiful ?
I love it !
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Bon Bons
Fabric bon bons are a great little extra to make for a stitching friend .
Raid your scrap pile and cut the main fabric piece approx . 8" x 11".
Cut the centre piece approx . 3" x 8" .
Lay the narrow piece right side down , place the larger piece on top with the right side down .
Place a cardboard roll in the centre .The roll can fit all sorts of little goodies inside .
Try adding embroidery threads , buttons , needle packets even more fabric scraps rolled up .
Roll the fabric tightly around the tube and secure ends with braid , ribbon or ric rac .
These bon bons would make a fun lucky dip at your craft Christmas party or personalise
them for special friends by making them in their favourite colours and fabrics .
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Advent Swap
The Craft Forum is having an Advent Swap . Partners are chosen randomly ,we then shop and buy and sew and create 25 gifts to be opened each day from the first of December .
I have only just completed mine and wrapped all the little goodies today .
My parcel will now be packed up and sent to my partner PIECEMAKER .
Another lovely lady , Carol , then sends a parcel of 25 to me .
It has really been so much fun I can't wait till next years !
Monday, November 10, 2008
All together now -OUCH!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Creepy Crawlies
Is it any wonder my garden isn't looking that great .
These little critters have been lurking and breeding out there .
Get yourself some little pom poms and stick on eyes from the $2 shop and thread the pom poms with dental floss , leave a bit at the end for threading some beads for antennas and glue on the eyes .
We are using these for adding to lolly bags for my daughters birthday party . A lot more interesting for the kids who have probably had enough lollies anyway . Besides they are so cute and fun to make .
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Ladybird Ladybird
Monday, November 3, 2008
Goodbye Old Shed
A bit of a sad post as I say goodbye to a shed . It's not just any old shed it has been next door to me at my in-laws and I have looked fondly at it for a long time . The shed is very old , probably over 50 years and has lovely tree trucks inside for supporting the roof and walls . Some may feel it is a bit of an eyesore and it certainly has some safety issues but I love that this shed has such character and sense of history . It will be coming down in the next day or so and my studio looks directly at it . I think the day it comes down I will leave the curtains closed .
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Christmas Chatter

The "silly season" is now upon us . November 1 must have been declared the day the shops were allowed to stop being subtle . Everywhere I went the decorations and gift ideas were on display and if I didn't know better all the stores would have you believing Christmas was just days away instead of weeks . Relax we all have plenty of time to make thoughtful gifts for our friends and family . Don't we ? Really , don't we ?
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