Friday, November 26, 2010


Yep that's me ,  crook !
Absolutely nothing going on here .
I've had that 24 hour bug for,
mmm let me see ,
72 HOURS!!
Just like me to get a bit carried away .
The housework and cooking and running
around for kids hasn't stopped but
the crafting has .
Really , really bad time of the year to slack off .

I took my first day off work in 9 months and
you'd have thought I murdered someone
the way they carried on .

I have stuff to show you ,
giveaways to organise and crafting
to be done .

For now I'll just enjoy the cricket .


Linda Lilly Cottage said...

Oh Clare, I hope you feel better soon, there is nothing worse when you have so much on your mind for your body to decide it needs a holiday...enjoy the cricket and a cup of tea or two in bed.
Kiss Noises Linda

Anonymous said...

OH, Clare!! How horrible! Especially when there's so much crafting and blogging to do. Hope you feel better real soon....does this mean you're not coming to my Tupperware party? *grin*

BubzRugz said...

Best wishes for a quick recovery....

Shay said...

Oh Clare, I hope you feel better soon. This is your body's way of Saying "woah" so dont try to fight it.

And as for work- stuff 'em. If you're sick - you're sick.

Tania said...

Poor Poppet. I think you should put yourself in charge of the official Seagull on the Cricket Ground count and THAT'S IT. Get better quicksticks...

marina said...

Amazing how all the tiresome stuff seems to have to carry on but the comforting stuff gets put aside when we are sick!
A speedy recovery. Maybe you could do some medicinal crafting?

barb's creations said...

((((HUGS)))) Hope you're feeling better real soon.I know just how you feel....everything else has to keep going and you're the only one capable of doing it all??? Go figure.
Take care of yourself :) Barb.

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Ick! You poor thing! The weather has been so odd though itis no surpise people are getting ill!
As for work....Bad luck! Do what you need to do!

Jeanette said...

Sorry to hear you are unwell Clare. Get better soon. Hugz.

Lisa said...

Hi Clare, I hope you pick up quickly..just sit back and enjoy the rest for a while.. not the having a bug is much of a rest! Big hugs Lisa

Joy said...

I wish I could 'magic' you up a maid while you're feeling so yucky!!! Sending big hugs instead ...
Joy :o)

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear you are Unwell...R & R with Tea might do the Trick..
Hope you are feeling Better Soon.

Christine M said...

Hope you're feeling better soon Clare.

Kris Meares - Tag Along Teddies said...

Hey Clare! Oh no!! The lurgy his you too! I'm almost over mine ... THANK GOODNESS!! So hope you feel better soon. I actually took two days off sick too this week ... and while my boss was very understanding, my jobs were all still waiting for me when I got back cos there's no one else to do them! PHOOEY! Still ... I guess that means they're guaranteed to miss me if I'm gone, right?! :0) Enjoy your cricket and hope you can chase your bug away soon ... maybe the ol ... "Lurgy bug, lurgy bug, fly away home ..." would work?!?!? Big 'Get Well' Bear Hugs to you! KRIS

Kate said...

Bugger! Keep comfy and make sure you drink plenty of water...hope you feel better soon.

quilary said...

That lurgy just has no respect! Hope you get better soon. The cricket should be good for your morale :) if yesterday is anything to go by!

RG said...

Take care gorgeous girl... so sorry you're unwell :(
Sending hugs and chicken soup your way xx

Createology said...

Try not to think of anyone else except yourself and getting well. Breathe, sip some tea with honey and just rest. It is amazing what others can do when need be. :o)
Hope you feel well very soon.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Clare, sounds like you do far too much at work.....please take care...and get well soon..

Apple Avenue Quilts said...

Don't worry about all you have to do. It will surely wait for you. Take your time and get better soon!!!

manda said...

I enjoy the cricket too...watching them being hunted and eaten by my dragons!!
Poor Clare, I hope you get better soon.

our shabby cottage said...

Get well soon Clare, Kathryn. XX

BusyBsewBiz said...

Oh no! If only you could have a lovely day off without being sick! I hope you are all better and feeling crafty again soon.

Anna Rosa Designs said...

Oh dear Clare,
What a time to be feeling sick!
How dare you take a sicky after nine months of solid work~LOL
Take care of yourself, sounds like a weekend in bed with lots of chockys and movies is booked for you.
Ooh, Love your gifty ideas!

Farm Gate Creations Incorporating Hummingbird Quilting said...

Get well soon Clare. Remember to drink plenty of fluids.

Allie said...

Oh you poor baby - I hope you feel better soon! Mum never gets to feel sick, something always needing done.

Kathy said...

I am sorry to hear you are not well. I do hope you are feeling better very soon, Clare. Sending 'get better' thoughts your way,

Deb said...

Awww, poor you Clare. Hope you're feeling better soon.

nicole said...

hope you're feeling much better soon.

Elderberry-Rob said...

So sorry you're poorly - sending healing thoughts your way. Complete indulgence and pampering for a few days and then back to work girl. xxx

Serenata said...

Take care Clare and hope you feel better soon, sounds horrible.

Melody said...

So sorry you are a sickie. Get well soon. Thinking of you.

Quiltin' Sandy said...

Get well soon, Clare!!! I recommend plenty of fluids, a nice couch to recline on, and watch the cricket to take your mind off feeling yucky.
Hugs, from Sandy.

Maria said...

Sorry to hear you are sick. Hope you get over your bug soon.

happy rosie said...

Hi sorry to hear you are unwell this my first blog for a long time wonderful bell spent some time working it all out.This is your blog advent partner.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear take care of yourself and hope you get well soon. Charmaine

Jan Quigley said...

I hope you feel better real soon. At least you can write some lists while you're out of action. :-) gentle hugs, Jan

Mistea said...

Hope that bug learns to count real soon!!
Enjoy the cricket.

melissa said...

Hope youre feeling better soon! x

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

Sometimes Clare, you have to forget about all those things on your 'To Do' list and just concentrate on YOU. You need to kick the butt of this bug so you can get on with the important stuff... like Christmas celebrations (LOL).
Hope you are resting this weekend.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne

Pauline said...

aw mate..sorry tohear you had a least you had the cricket to had it on the whole time I was painting ..hey get well soon ok..we cant have you sick...need your happy face back in blogland....

Impact said...

How do you come across such a picture to post in this blog. I don't think there was any point in making your face like that. Happiness and sadness come parallel to one another. So tomorrow will definitely be better than today.