Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Button up !

I love buttons can you tell?

These little decorations or

place settings can be whipped up very quickly and

you're also doing a good thing by recycling your old

spice jars .

The buttons were simply

threaded on fine wire and

matching ribbon was added

to disguise the white lid with the holes in it .

Fill the jars with buttons , beads ,lollies or even rice coloured

with food colouring . Just make sure the rice is really dry before adding to the jars .

Aren't they cute ?


A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Very cute and so creative...Who would've thought eh??

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

What a crative button display - I have a thing for buttons too!!

princess pudge said...

so cute clare!! i especially love the last jar!

The Little Miss said...

those are reallllllllly cute!!!! Im glad ur in the challenge!!

Dee said...

Oh Clare, I just love these. So beautiful. D. :=)

Eileen said...

Oh my goodness.. your blog is so cute! This is my first time here. I am definitely putting you in my Reader. :-D Thanks for the lovely comment. I'm off to read a few more posts..

Vicki ♥ said...

Wonderful and very colourful too Clare. A great way to display your buttons and also a good idea for recycling the spice jars. I had no idea that is what you used until I read that you did. Great stuff :)

The Little Miss said...

had to see these

melissa said...

oh my gosh those are adorable!!!

Bev C said...

Hello Clare, I received your lovely card and surprise inside this morning. Thank you. I think I need your imagination my buttons are kept in a tartin coloured tin. I especially liked the spice jar button. I bought two cards of buttons the other day at the local Good Sammy's. I have noticed shops today have very few four holed buttons mainly only two holes are available when I saw these I knew straight away they were coming home with me. Have a wonderful weekend.

Narelle said...

A very clever and pretty way to display buttons, must show my mum.

It's always lovely to meet new bloggers and those cupcakes look delish, both edible and not.

Julia said...

Very cute and so creative..pretty way to display buttons,
My grandkids loved to play with my buttons when they were little..


Christy said...

These are the cutest things!

miss~nance said...

Clare - where do you find these brilliant ideas. Just loving all your clever crafts. And I love buttons too.