Tuesday, February 17, 2015

these are a few of my favourite pins ~ overlocker/serger tips

I have an overlocker in fact I have two.
One I have had for years but haven't used in ages
and the other was a gift that is still in the box.
Part of my problem is finding time to set
myself up to use them.
The other part is fear and dread of threading
and actually using my overlocker.
I'm psyching myself up and checking out some
great posts on using my overlocker.
I'm not alone here am I?
I'm not the only one who keeps putting
off learning overlocker secrets?
Tell me I'm not alone.
Anyway I hope I'm not the only sook and
some of these posts help you too.
Bottom left ~
Getting started with a new serger from Create Kids Couture
Top right ~
Serger 101 from Sweet Verbena
Bottom right ~
 Using a serger from Make It and Love It.
What do you call it overlocker or serger?


Jane from Lil Pip said...

I only use mine to finish seams on clothing. Otherwise I really haven't used it to its full advantage. I must really sit down and read the manual I guess!!

Anonymous said...

I sooo want to learn to do rolled hems on mine.... one day, ha ha :-)