Friday, August 20, 2010

Another Craft Book Giveaway !

To celebrate my new friend Stick let's have a giveaway !

I can't help it I love books .
Would you like a copy of
Sew Fabulous Fabric ?
Silly question , who wouldn't ?
Please just leave a comment on this post
and I will draw the lucky winner on Monday .
Please make sure I can contact you .
As always my giveaways are open to all .
Good luck !
This giveaway is now closed .
Thankyou for your interest there will be
 another giveaway next week !


ittybittyandpretty said...

how could i be the first to leave a comment?? i think i am , that must be an omen of some sort :)
this book has me written all over it...well not really but you know what i mean :)

Beedeebabee said...

Hi Clare! I would LOVE a chance to win this great looking book! Please toss my name into your hat! xo Paulette ;)

Michell said...


I would love to win this fabulous book

Sarah Craig said...

That looks like a great book! Throw my name in the hat please!!

Allison said...

OOOOH, yes please. My daughter (who reads all my crafty blogs after I do) would love this. Love it loads!!

Thanks for the opportunity Clare.

sy said...

i love the banners and flowers on the cover, looks like a fun book. thanks for hosting the giveaway.
songyueyu at gmail

Me and My 4 Fellas said...

Oh, I would love the chance to win. Thanks for the opp to win this beautiful book and would love to add it to my collection.
Fingers Crossed


Little Lady Patchwork said...

Thanks for the review and the great giveaway! Fabulous!

Margaret said...

Sounds like another exciting book , ah! don't we love to browse in bookshops. The winner will certainly be a grinner.

Lisa said...

Thanks for the opportunity Clare!! Id love a chance to win... :0))

Marrissa said...

Hi Clare :) I've been away from blog-land for a few months but how awesome to be back just in time for this fabulous give-away! I would love to win, I need some motivation/inspiration.
Best wishes, Marrissa

Copper Patch said...

Oh looks like a fabulous book (thanks stick!) and I'd love to win it.

Tamara | One Craftee Mumma said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am now a follower!

Judylynn said...

I'd love to win this book. Please enter me!


Jo in TAS said...

I like Stick for inspiring you to have another giveaway!! This is a book I'd like to check out.

Anonymous said...

pick me please pick me pick me
come on pick me

Cheers Geniene

Michelle said...

Please pick me it would be lovely to win it, thanks for being so generous!

Gra said...

Clare, I would be more than happy to win it!!!! thanks for being so generous.
My e mail

Barb said...

Most definitely count me in...what a fun book... I noticed all your jars on your treasure mother saves jars...gotta love them.

Allie said...

That looks like a great book - you are such a hoot, girl!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Simply Sandy said...

I would love this book. Who wouldn't love fabric flowers?!

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway - I love book especially crafty ones ;-)

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway - I love book especially crafty ones ;-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the generous giveaway. I would love to win. Love your blog as well.
Diana, Melbourne

Unknown said...

Wow this is really nice of you...I would love to have this book...


CraftyMummy said...

Thanks for the giveaway, Clare! I'm feeling lucky today ;)

mel @ loved handmade said...

Oh, yes please! I've had a look through this, it's lovely..

Kathy said...

What a beautiful giveaway yet again, you are a generous soul:) Hope you are enjoying your new super speedy friend;)
Have a fabulous weekend,

Erin J. said...

I would love a copy of the book!

posie blogs Jennie McClelland said...

Oh Sew Lovely Indeedy!! Sure it will go to someone fabulous. Have a fabulous weekend, i've already voted, so i'm one step ahead already!! Love Posie

TrishJ said...

Hi Clare, I'd LOVE to win this book, I'm a bookaholic from way back, and those samples on the front are just delish. TrishJ

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Looks like agreat read,tHE WEATHER HERE sure is sewing weather!

arlette said...

Hello Clare!, of course I'd love to be entered in the drawing, and win the book :), thank you so much for the chance <3

Bec R said...

Oh how I love a craft book! Please count me in!

The Prickly Pinecone said...

Oh I am always on the look out for more craft books and this one looks so cute!


Anonymous said...

Hi Clare,I would love to win.Please count me in.

karlyn Jackson said...

Oh I love a good craft book. Thanks for the chance to win!

sandra said...

I would love to win this. I do love a good book!

Sarah - Red Gingham said...

Oh yes please!! I love craft books but never seem to find them to buy them. That one looks rather sweet.

Miranda said...

I'm going to try aswell! Perhaps I'm going to be the lucky one to win this precius book....on this lucky day. Hugs from the Netherlands

BubzRugz said...

Thanks for the chance to win a lovely book.... Hugz

Margarita said...

I too would love a copy of "Sew Fabulous Fabric" and you know where I am Clare

Duchess said...

What a lovely book! How generous you are. Count me in:)

Bellgirl said...

What a great looking book! Thanks for the giveaway :)

Janet C said...

Please include me! Thanks. :)

Anonymous said...

such a gorgeous book Clare and a lovely giveaway

elliesue said...

Please include me as well, I have never won a book, this one would be especially useful.'Thank you.

Melody said...

Hi Clare, I would love to win this great book. Please put me in the draw too

Pootle said...

What a lovely giveaway! Count me in please ! - PootleFlump x

Maria said...

Oh Clare what a lovely giveaway. Would be great to win.

Elderberry-Rob said...

Thanks, what a lovely giveaway opportunity - you can never have too many books - count me in please, Betty xxx

Anonymous said...

What a fab giveaway, I've just got a machine for my birthday so all help gratefully received! I'm on hols Mon to Fri next week so will check when I get back if I've been lucky enough to win :) x

Anonymous said...

Yes - most definitely a silly question! Yes PLEEEEASE.xx

Susie said...

yes, yes, yes, i loooove books, especially about sewing and things, and fiddly little things.

Susie xx

Anne-Lise at Rag, Tag, Bobtail said...

Looks like a lovely book - please toss my name in the hat!

Branka said...

I would love this book, please count me in!

Jenny's Place Online said...

Hi Clare, a big thank you for the opportunity. I would love to enter :) Happy crafting, Jenny

Renee said...

Looks like a good book. Thanks for a great giveaway!

Bev C said...

Hello Clare,
Have a great weekend. It will certainly be a Happy Monday if I win this.
happy days.

Janellybelly said...

I just blogged about winning your last book giveaway, I also linked to this one too.
It goes without saying that you don't have to include my name in this giveaway :)
Janelle xx

Unknown said...

Yes please count me in for the giveaway! It looks super cute.

Scented Sweetpeas said...

Oh yes please - fab book!

Tess said...

yes please! looks like a good read

Idayu said...

Hi, I love book too :)
Thank you for great giveaway.

RobynLouise said...

Lol, even the cover is inspiring! I'd love to win this book. Thanks for the opportunity Clare and 'Stick' :).

Unknown said...

Me too, me too! Susie xx

Chocolate Cat said...

I'd love this book!

Tudy said...

Love the looks of the book from the cover. I would love to win it.

Linda said...

Fantastic looking book! There's no such thing as too many books :)

The Patch Craft said...

This book looks fantastic

Joan and Kevin said...

Would love to win the book, it looks fabulous!

Jess @ Scrappy n Happy said...

The book looks great! I would love to win!

Mannick...91 said...

Since it is open to all ... I try my luck from France. The book cover is pretty and tempting!
Godd Day.

Sandra :) said...

I would love a chance to win this fun book - thank you for the opportunity!

I just found your blog from a link at BubzRugz, so I'm having fun peeking around!

Kris Meares - Tag Along Teddies said...

Hey Clare! I've not seen this book before - looks like a lot of fun projects to create there - love the flowers on the cover. Aren't those 'sticks' wonderful?! That's what GB was using on holidays ... when we were in places that HAD internet coverage, that is!! Quite a few dodgy spots. Happy surfing! Bear Hugs! KRIS

Cyndi said...

Hi Clare! What a great-looking book. I don't think I've ever seen it before, but I bet there are some great projects in there! Please count me in the draw!



Carrie Me! said...

What a cute book! I'd love a chance to win it, thanks! :)

TJ, Kaylan, Miles, Perry & Simon said...

Oh, how I would love to win!! I don't have any craft books, and I need to get some:)

Carin said...

Please include me in the drawing :O)

Jaedyn said...

What fun! I would love another inspiring craft book. :) Thanks for giving it away!

ladyufshalott at yahoo dot com

Vintage from the Village said...

Thanks for advice on your stick thing !!
Yes please put my name in the hat
Sue x

Tracey said...

what a tresure to have this book, it will help me learn much more,
take care,

Kim said...

I love craft books!! I'm in for this give away please!

Unknown said...

Yup! I am a craft book connoisseur myself! I have a hard time not spending all my money on them too!
I go to the library and check out tons, but OH to Own the's SO much better! :)
Thanks for the give away!
PS joined your blog too!

annemarie said...

This is a book I definitely want - hope I am lucky. Sounds like so much fun!

Marie-Andrée said...

Hi! I love books. particularly craft ones. count me in!

Cat from Raspberry Rainbow said...

Looks like a great book, count me in, thanks :)

manda said...

Count me in Clare!!! And thanks!!

Narelle said...

Ohhhh Clare, i was just looking at this book at The Book Depository and thought that it would have to wait till next time. i would love to win.Thank you for the chance.
Happy Sewing,

Lori said...

A lady can never have too many craft books.

Lisa said...

Looks like a great book!

Lucky-1 said...

Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful book Clare:)

Chrissie said...

Please count me in, I love books, this one looks good

quilary said...

Glad that you have your own internet access now - I have 4 teens in the house and it can be nightmarish. Thanks for the chance to get my hands on this lovely book.

Judith Tetley said...

Oh you are so sweet to giveaway such a pretty book Clare. As I my current passion is making banners...I'm thinking maybe I should have checked them out in this book first! Yes please...I'm in!

nicole said...

what a lovely looking book!
you're always having giveaway miss, you're amazing ha!

Jules said...

thanks for the give away opportunity Clare. Please enter me in the draw.


ilsa-fay said...

What a gorgeous looking book!:-)

Posy Linda said...

Ho ho, what a great looking book. That looks fun. Enjoy your Sunday!

Unknown said...

OOOhhhhhh yes please put me in for the draw ... fingers crossed I will be lucky !

Thank-you ! XXX

Sandy said...

I'm with you, Clare, I love books too....especially ones I might win. Thanks for letting us play :)

Megan said...

i would! i would! just what i need to find some usage for my big boxes of fabric!

my blue stick, named Pokey Stick, the cousin to your yellow one says hi. aren't they just fantasic creations!

Anonymous said...

count me in too please!!

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Hope I'm not too late. Pick me, pick me, pick me :-D I love crafty books.

Sandy said...

What a great book, I would love to win it!