Thursday, August 19, 2010

I have a new friend !

My new friend is hidden in my laptop bag .
My new friend is just so clever .
My new friend prevents blog withdrawals .
My new friend laughs at the rest of my family
on sloooow internet speeds .
Would you like to meet my new friend ...
introducing Stick !


Christy said...

wireless broadband is the best!

Mistea said...

Nice to meet you stick. Glad you have become Clare new friend so she can keep up with all the crafty goings on in Blogland.

Shay said...

Whooooooooo Hooooooooo. Well done Clare. Now nobody can mess with your internet.

Nice to meet you stick.

Shay said...
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Sandy said...

I love your new friend, Clare. I've been using his cousin this week while in Coffs. They are great friends!!

Liz said...

You are so funny. I have not used one yet. Sometimes at sports days I think it would be good:) Glad you showed us your new friend!!

marina said...

Wow, it is nice to make new friends so that you can keep up with your old friends.

BubzRugz said...

Love it - problem solved! Hugz

RobynLouise said...

Lol, you'll be talking techie next!

Vintage from the Village said...

I must be a bit thick, what is it !!??
Sue x

Unknown said...

well you do sound Excited..I have a cousin also...she is the Best!

Jindi's Cottage said...

Oooooo....nice to meet you Stick!...enjoy playing with Clare.

nicole said...

just be sure to KEEP it HIDDEN in your laptop bag, other wise it might disappear... and reappear with the rest of the family ha!

Copper Patch said...

If only Optus actually had towers and therefore reception here...I hope you enjoy your wirelessness :o)

Quiltin' Sandy said...

Lovely giveaway, Clare! :-)
BTW, Gone with the Wind is showing on the big screen in Newcastle next week!!!

Allie said...

Ooo what a great friend to have!!!

Posy Linda said...

Now you're set. You can blog is peace where you want. Love the dotty bag.