Saturday, July 10, 2010

I do other crafty stuff , really I do .

Still school holidays here and with a house full of teenagers
 it is just easier not to try and do anything too serious.
I have become a little obsessed with crocheting this blanket and
 it's been getting dragged around with me just like a security blanket .
The beauty of doing something like this is I don't have to think just hook away merrily !
As I am also the teens taxi driver how do you think they'd react if I turned up in this beautiful wagon .
Bit of eye rollng I think !


Michelle said...

Oh I don't know throw some hay on the back add some horse power and off you go! Lol. The crochet blanket looks great too!

Susie said...

Im picking up the old crochet needle next month at crafty coasters, on the gold coast, i havent crochet'ed since i was about 12. I am inspired by your Blanky!! though mine wont be quite so good somehow.

Have a lovely weekend.

I Just Love That Fabric

Beck said...

Gorgeous blanket! I know what you mean about a project that allows you to zone off/out and not have to think too much. I started a blanket recently but had to pull most of it out as it wasn't quite working. I must get back to it as it was so fun! Love the wagon xo

Shay said...

I am the most unsympathetic mother EVER. I'd be saying get in the wagon or walk.

Your crochet is lovely ...why wouldnt you be carrying something that stunning with you wherever you went?

Sally said...

I adore the colours that you're using - your blanket is wonderful.

Anonymous said...

I love your blanket!!! I just have to have yet another go at crochet, I REALLY want to be able to do it

Sew Useful Designs said...

Lovely blanket!! LOL... I'd love to see you driving that cart Clare! Great taxi!!

Vikki xoxo

Miss Muggins said...

I am working on a mindless crochet patchwork blanket for the same reason!

Anonymous said...

I'm the same with my crochet, you can just work without thinking and you're creating something beautiful :).

Lovely colours in your blanket btw x

Craftdrawer said...

I have to agree. I like using scrap yarn to crochet blankets and see what I come up with. Your afghan is really nice!!

Elderberry-Rob said...

I love it, would like to wrap up in it by an open fire!

janjan said...

There must be something in the water Clare. I'm trying very hard to break away from crocheting, its all I seems to do at the moment. I love hows its so portable. But i'm running out of family and friends who I haven't made a blanket for.
Rather than throw the smalls bits of yarn in a bag I use them to make flowers, ifs its yellow I make lots of circular flower centres, green I make leaves and then when I have petal colours i finish off the flowers and then throw them into a box. I make them up as I go along.
Sorry I didn't get into Tuesdays treasures this week. Hit a few pot-holes in my life at the moment, but I promise I'll be there this coming tuesday.

Keep on hooking


Kiwifruit-Shiree said...

off to market then huh!!

BubzRugz said...

The blanket looks lovely - we are having some really cold nights and it is just the thing to wrap over knees and work on at the same time. I love the contrast with the blanket draped over the faded wood of the wagon.... Hugz

Vicki ♥ said...

It certainly would be different thats for sure. I love your colourful blanket and its coming along nicely :)

mel @ loved handmade said...

Your rug is beautiful, I like the rainbow stripes!

Apple Avenue Quilts said...

Your crochet blanket looks great. Sound soothing.

Allie said...

Ah GORGEOUS blanket. I think I'm done being a taxi driver - my oldest got his license yesterday, and today took his brother on his first solo drive. Oh my heart - the palpitations - but it's kind of nice not to have to get dressed to run to the store for bread!

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

I think my teens would run away screaming if I arrived in that mum's taxi... so where do I get myself one of those Clare - LOL.
Beautiful crochet.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne

Mistea said...

Where has the teens' sense of adventure gone??

Beautiful blankie - they'd be able to snuggle under it to keep warm.

Enjoy the rest of the holidays.

Cyndi said...

That blanket is lovely...I love crocheted blankets! And that wagon is to die for...wish I had one like it! Don't have any kids, but I know my dog Noah would love to ride in it! :o)



wonderwoman said...

o wow, your crochet blanket looks amazing and the colours are lovely!

Indigo Blue said...

I am crocheting a blanket too at the moment having seen one over at Attic24. Yourse uses a different stitch, and it looks really good in these pictures. How big is it going to get?

Copper Patch said...

The blanket is looking amazing. Love the wheels!

Copper Patch said...

The blanket is looking amazing. Love the wheels!