Sorry I meant headbands , I am the headbanger !
A friend who works in a very touristy shop asked me a while ago if I would be interested in making a few things for her shop .
Being the yes girl I am I said yes .
I didn't think too much about it again until she turned up the other day with all this Aboriginal fabric .
I made a reversable headband to show her to see if it was something she could use .
She loved it and asked when she could have more of them .
How many ?
A hundred or so to start would be good ! What !
So if you don't see me around for a few days I'll be the one banging my head on the wall .
The last photo is a cropped shot of the most beautiful model ever , my daughter .
Almost forgot , I'll be back on Tuesday , probably with a headache , to release my new pattern !
Yay that will mean a giveaway .
Off to find some panadol .