
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Opinions please on Etsy and Madeit because I'm dotty !

I placed a rather large order on Ebay last night for more ribbon and thought I'd better check first how many dotty ribbons I already have ....... mmmm running a bit low , so the order went ahead .
Anyway what I wanted to ask was your opinion on Etsy and Madeit .
I sell my patterns on Ebay and through my blogshop but have been thinking about trying Etsy and Madeit . Are they easy to set up ? Is it easier for overseas buyers to buy from Etsy ? Are the fees high ?
Any advice on either would be most appreciated , thanks so much .

We won't dwell on this (cause most of you already know I really am dotty) but I'm not ready to draw the winner for the Catchit pattern in the post below until the weekend so if you would still like to leave a comment below for a chance to win a pattern , go for it !
Seeing how you're all so patient with me we'll make it a pattern each for 2 winners .


  1. Hi Claire,

    I love Etsy and Made It - i think the concept behind them is fantastic! You should definitely consider opening up stores on either or both sites. Etsy is world wide so could provide you with more client base and Made it is just Australian Hand made products (no vintage or supplies) so you know what you a buying is Aussie made! Good luck

  2. I have two shops on Etsy and
    It is very user friendly and the fees are so much less expensive than Ebay ever was.

  3. I think both Etsy and MadeIt are a great way to sell. I haven't sold anything yet but I have bought from both and I thought the process was simple and worked well.
    Love your bag design, very cute.

  4. Hi Clare,
    That's a lot of dotty ribbon!!!

    Can't help you with the Etsy query I'm afraid but good luck if you decide to go that route.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  5. if i can do it...ANYONE can!! madeit is aussie dollar which makes life easier and etsy of course is US dollar for your overseas clients.
    have fun, cheap and easy.

  6. I have bought on and have a shop on Etsy. Very user friendly. Dont know about MadeIT.
    I love your ribbons :-)

    Hugs Lisa

  7. Right after I read your post, this is the next one I read:
    I have my shop on Made It so that I can just deal with aussie dollars, and so that I don't get lost on etsy!

  8. I am so glad that you blogged this question because it is one that I have been pondering on myself lately. I am eagerly reading what others think as well.
    Jane 80)

  9. Oh yes Clare, you are running terrible low on dotty ribbons. :0)

    I did some research and went with Madeit for a few reasons. I liked that it was Australian. I have found it easy to use.

  10. Etsy Is easy as ....Bit like Ebay but it is in US dollars,So for My MInd It was a bit tricky!!
    Made me go abit dotty!

  11. Oh something in common dots, spots, polka dots and spotty dots, love them all.

    Ebay is really easy and you can sell in Aus dollars aswell and it gets converted automatically to the currency of that country. Made it is all Aussie, i have a shop their aswell to sell my hand mades, and you can list for a long time and doesnt cost very much.

    I love your patterns.

    Hope some of this info helps.

    Susie from
    I Just Love That Fabric

  12. Hi Clare, thanks for visiting my blog :-)
    Etsy and Madeit are great, I'm sure you'd enjoy them both. Its inexpensive to list so there's nothing much to lose. It might take time to establish yourself but there are lots of great people buying and selling. Susie

  13. Hello Clare! I love polka dots myself - fabric and ribbon.

    I don't sell anything but I have heard that it's easy to get lost (as a seller) in Etsy because there are so many sellers there. For Madeit, it's mostly Australian market but easier to be spotted, so to speak.

  14. Ribbon mania or 'ribbon porn' as a recent post on my blog went . . . who can resist?? Love Posie

  15. Ribbon mania or 'ribbon porn' as a recent post on my blog went . . . who can resist?? Love Posie

  16. Ribbon mania or 'ribbon porn' as a recent post on my blog went . . . who can resist?? Love Posie

  17. Love all your dotty ribbons... they are divine..:o)
    And still love.. that bag of yours..:o)
    Have just shopped on Etsy... which is easy and have worked just fantastic... !!

  18. Can't really help you with Etsy advice, but love the ribbons and your bag is simply gorgeous!

    Good luck :-)

  19. Clare...
    I sell on etsy but it is very easy to get lost because there are so many sellers...
    But I do find it easy and very cheap.
    It is only 20c to list but you do get charged once something sells.3.5% of the sale price.but not the shipping cost.
    The important thing on etsy is to pick a great username as it can't be changed later.
    As it links to your e-mail address and unless you get a new e-mail address you are not allowed to change.
    It was easy once I had the hang of it.
    But you do need to relist regularly so that your stuff is seen...which can add up in the long run.
    I haven't had any problems from people overseas wanting to buy.
    and everything is easy with paypal.
    Hope this helps...

  20. Hi Clare - yes, Etsy is really easy to use and cheap! I buy from Etsy all the time as I find it easier with their being no auctions - all buy it now at a fixed price and normally the postage is always listed as a fixed price. Yes, there are gazillions of items on Etsy but you can link to it on your blog so your followers will find it easily

  21. I think Etsy is really easy to set up. Dont like madeit that much.
    One good thing about madeit is, not so much competition, its hard to stand out on Etsy. U really have to work on ur pictures and ur brand.:)

    Hope that helps.

  22. Oh how I love your dotty ribbons - but so FEW, I can see why you ordered. [said VERY tongue-in-cheek]. Don't sell any place so no opinion on etsy or otherwise, but I just started following your blogshop, I think that's a great idea!

  23. Hi,
    I never shopped in madeit, but I have shopped in Etsy. necer sold anything there, but as a buyer I can comment that it very easy to use and as for internationally buying (I am an international buyer) it is even more comvinient then ebay, so I think it;s worth it!
    Good luck!

  24. Clare I am with you there is never enough ribbon, as for the stores sorry no help here. Hugs Bec

  25. Hi, thanks for your comment on my blog - I love it when i get comments and it also makes me discover new blogs (like yours). I will now go and have a read of your blog and check out your shop.
    Jen :)

  26. Hi Clare,
    I have an Etsy shop with over 300 sales (IndieDesigns), although I've had it in vacation mode since my baby was born ....shhh a year ago!! gee that is bad.
    Anyway, I use to sell through Ebay (evilBay), but once I discovered Etsy I didn't look back, visually it is a beautiful platform, there is only one fee I think fee's are due around the 15th of each month, their % of your sales is far less than eBay, they host your photos for free and the best part it is really, really easy to navigate your way round. At the time I was making the move to Etsy I did look in on Madeit, for me it wasn't as user friendly, they may of changed that as this was a while back and I really needed something international. If you haven't done so you should sign up on Etsy as it's free and have a look around. Hope this helps you, goodluck.

  27. Hi
    Just discovered you great blog. Love the bag pattern.
    I set up a shop on MISI (think just UK ?) but not had much luck so have just set up an Etsy one.Only one item listed so far as a fiddle to work out dollars but I am sure I will get used to it. I couldnt get my first choice of name but quite similar
    I am big Ebay fan but not very upmarket for crafts
    Good luck
    Sue x

  28. I am just pondering the exact same question. I am opening a madeit store soon, and maybe an etsy one to go "international". I buy from them both, all the time, esp madeit. Easier than going to the shops with two little kids! (and home made stuff rocks)

  29. I love to shop on etsy. This is the cutest purse pattern and I am a purse pattern collector so I hope I win. If not is there a place to buy the pattern.

  30. Great info on both Made It & Etsy. Love the bag and all the ribbon!!

  31. I love Etsy & Madeit. I've had more success on Etsy as I can sell more things (supplies) on there. I have bought from both too. I also do ebay but not for crafty things. Both Etsy & madeit beat Ebay hands down for fees.

    There is also a "new" kid on the block too - zibbet. Free to list, but not a lot of traffic yet, but it will come.

  32. Hi Clare Great question I will be piggy backing and reading the answers with interest. I have had people suggest that I open an etsy shop, but must admit that the currency thing and also having stuff listed in multiple sites is a worry. What do you do if someone buys the last metreage of fabric on your website at the same time as someone buys on etsy? Could get ugly.


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .