
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Reflections ....

I was sitting on the edge of the river admiring this amazing view at my families secret fishing spot .
With the sound of my kids playing in the background I thought of this title for my New Years post .
I composed the post in my head , it was long and flowery in parts . It was deep and meaningful in others .
Now I am at the keyboard I have decided to leave those lovely posts to others who do them so well .
All I really have to say is thankyou for your support in 2009 and I hope you have a great 2010 !

Monday, December 21, 2009

And you thought I'd forgotten !

Here it is finally , as promised I turned my daggy, plant hanging basket into a Christmas decoration .
The balls are just hung from it with fishing line , no shortage of fishing line in this house that's for sure !
It was a bit fiddly to do and the photo really doesn't do it justice , it really is stunning !
A bit tricky to take a photo of too as I have it hung in the loungeroom and everytime I took a photo the cricket was on in the background .
Not real sure whether I will post again before Christmas so if I don't I'll wish you and yours a safe and Merry Christmas .
 I'll leave you with what I've been saying to my kids the last few days , come here , come on , look at my pretty decoration !
Can you tell I really , really love this .

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Yes I'm a winner too ! I joined the Advent Swap organised by Jo and Fiona and I was lucky enough to get Ani from Anitings as my partner . These are just some of the the treasures she sent me all the way from the US . The things that didn't manage to get into the photo have already been used . I have received lovely fabric and patterns and gorgeous bits and pieces that we can't get here, all beautiful ! Thankyou so much Ani ! Also a big thankyou to Jo and Fiona for organising this swap , a huge job that has made a lot of people very happy .
Thanks to all who commented on my last Nothing to do with Christmas post and left congratulations for talking at you 150 times , lol .
The little bingo machine got a good shake this morning and no 57 fell out yay to Patricia at Tuppence Crafts.
Patricia if you would please email me I will send off your little parcel after Christmas .
Speaking of email I am having a problem with my work one , I am not getting and am unable to receive on it for some reason so if you have thought I am ignoring some of you I'm not , sorry anyway .
If you would like to contact me , so far this address still works , clarebower@bigpond(DOT)com

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Nothing to do with Christmas Giveaway !

I'm back ! I've had a lovely break spending time with my family, some I haven't seen for quite some time . As there are so many of us living in all different places and in one case a different country, it can sometimes be a little difficult to get us all together but when we do we make the most of it ! Lots of laughter and far too much tea .
As this is my 150th post( can you believe that !! ) I thought I'd have a giveaway as a little thankyou for putting up with me for this long .
This giveaway will go at least until the weekend so the winner probably won't receive their prize before Christmas so that's why it's a Nothing to do with Christmas Giveaway!
The prize is 10 fat quarters with no Christmas designs , an assortment of buttons and ribbons and 2 of my patterns - Little Party Frock and Frances Frog .
If you would like a chance to win all this just leave a comment , that's it !
I'm happy for you to blog about it and I'm happy for you to follow my blog but I'm just as happy for you to pop in for a visit and a cuppa anytime .
Edited to add- this giveaway has been drawn . Stay in touch for another giveaway in the new year !

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I love the postie !

I won this fantastic giveaway at Marydons gorgeous blog Blushing Rose , look at all this fantastic stuff , thanks so much Marydon , I love it all . 
I received my ornament from Jo from Jo inTas
who sent me this gorgeous bird and handmade card . I think Jo and I were meant to be partners in this swap as we both sent each other red and white polka dotted designs . I sent her a Little Party Frock in red and white .You should all have sent your ornaments and most of you have received your ornament from your new friend . There have been the most stunning ornaments posted on your blogs and I am really trying very hard to visit you all and thankyou for joining in this fun swap . If I have missed you so far I will try and get to you .I will be away for the rest of the week (will you miss me ? will you notice I'm gone ?) so if you have any problems would you please contact Robyn over at Daisy Quilts .
My next post will be my 150th !! Seeing how I missed my Blogiversary I might have a little celebration for my 150th post . Clearly I talk a lot so it's just as well I'm going away as you could all probably do with a break .

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Mum's the blue one !

I am one of 6 girls in my family and when we were small there was not a great deal of money around but  one of the things we all looked forward to on our birthdays was this pretty card . When it was opened it had 3 little girls holding their parasols one blue girl , one green girl and one yellow girl . Obviously if it was your birthday you got to choose which girl you were and the others could squabble over the rest . My mums favourite colour has always been green and so everyone has been giving her green things for years . Mum recently confided to me like a guilty school girl that her favourite girl was the blue one . I was lucky enough to find one of these cards the other day and put it into a frame for her. I will be seeing my mum and sisters and brothers very soon , I wonder if someone else will want the green or yellow girl .
I think the others will just have to be happy with the stockings I'm making for them all !

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Little Party Frock Pattern Giveaway Winner !

Good timing ! As it is the first of December I was able to put up a little Christmas Tree and decorate it with a few Little Party Frocks for you to see . Awww pretty !
Thanks to all who showed interest in my new pattern and entered the giveaway and those who also pre ordered a pattern . The pattern is now available in my shop which now has a PAYPAL button , if you have any trouble with the button please let me know .
Wholesalers and distibutors are welcome to contact me directly .
Now to the winner and of course there can only be one, can't there ? No , 3 winners were shaken out of the kids little bingo machine this morning .
The winning numbers were 45, 21and 52 .The winning ladies are Polka Dot Daze ,Selina's Vintage and Cathie . If you ladies would please email me with your addresses I will get your patterns off to you so you have plenty of time to whip yourselves up a few Little Party Frocks for all the Christmas parties that are starting .
Thanks everyone , ho , ho , ho !