
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Little Party Frock Pattern Giveaway Winner !

Good timing ! As it is the first of December I was able to put up a little Christmas Tree and decorate it with a few Little Party Frocks for you to see . Awww pretty !
Thanks to all who showed interest in my new pattern and entered the giveaway and those who also pre ordered a pattern . The pattern is now available in my shop which now has a PAYPAL button , if you have any trouble with the button please let me know .
Wholesalers and distibutors are welcome to contact me directly .
Now to the winner and of course there can only be one, can't there ? No , 3 winners were shaken out of the kids little bingo machine this morning .
The winning numbers were 45, 21and 52 .The winning ladies are Polka Dot Daze ,Selina's Vintage and Cathie . If you ladies would please email me with your addresses I will get your patterns off to you so you have plenty of time to whip yourselves up a few Little Party Frocks for all the Christmas parties that are starting .
Thanks everyone , ho , ho , ho !


  1. Yay! Thanks so much Clare! I've sent you an email, can't wait to make some of these!!

  2. yay!!! thanks so very much Clare!!!
    I just hope even an amateur like me can make them

  3. Congrats to the winners. You are so creative...your tree is adorable!!

  4. congratulations ladies. it is really lovely

  5. Oh yay - so cute! I think my daughter will love one hanging from her drawers in her room - I'll make her a pink polka dot one. Thank you so much!

  6. Congratulations to the winners!!
    ..and Oh Clare, what a cutie this dress is... so adorable :D

  7. Congratulations to the lucky winners! suzie. xxx

  8. How cute is this picture? I love it on the tree! Yay to the winners! :)

  9. Lucky winners
    Thanks for visiting and I am having fun with my advent gifts

  10. Congratulations to the lucky winners :)

  11. Congratulations to the lucky winners! Your little frock is so cute!

  12. What a gorgeous little tree, Clare - and the party frock is so sweet.

  13. thank you Clare, have received my happy package today!! soo excited ♥


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .