
Sunday, December 20, 2009


Yes I'm a winner too ! I joined the Advent Swap organised by Jo and Fiona and I was lucky enough to get Ani from Anitings as my partner . These are just some of the the treasures she sent me all the way from the US . The things that didn't manage to get into the photo have already been used . I have received lovely fabric and patterns and gorgeous bits and pieces that we can't get here, all beautiful ! Thankyou so much Ani ! Also a big thankyou to Jo and Fiona for organising this swap , a huge job that has made a lot of people very happy .
Thanks to all who commented on my last Nothing to do with Christmas post and left congratulations for talking at you 150 times , lol .
The little bingo machine got a good shake this morning and no 57 fell out yay to Patricia at Tuppence Crafts.
Patricia if you would please email me I will send off your little parcel after Christmas .
Speaking of email I am having a problem with my work one , I am not getting and am unable to receive on it for some reason so if you have thought I am ignoring some of you I'm not , sorry anyway .
If you would like to contact me , so far this address still works , clarebower@bigpond(DOT)com


  1. Wow lucky you enjoy it all.
    Big Hugs Bec

  2. Good on you little Clare bear! What a win, enjoy the lot. Ha ha, you'll be a busy girl. Hope you show and tell. Kind regards, Anita.

  3. wow...lucky you...

    Merry christmas to you and your family

  4. What a fun deserve it!!!

  5. Hi, I'm Laura from Italy! I have a blog and I'd wrote a post where is cited also your blog:

    I'd like to invite you to visite my italian blog, bye bye Laura!


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .