
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Nothing to do with Christmas Giveaway !

I'm back ! I've had a lovely break spending time with my family, some I haven't seen for quite some time . As there are so many of us living in all different places and in one case a different country, it can sometimes be a little difficult to get us all together but when we do we make the most of it ! Lots of laughter and far too much tea .
As this is my 150th post( can you believe that !! ) I thought I'd have a giveaway as a little thankyou for putting up with me for this long .
This giveaway will go at least until the weekend so the winner probably won't receive their prize before Christmas so that's why it's a Nothing to do with Christmas Giveaway!
The prize is 10 fat quarters with no Christmas designs , an assortment of buttons and ribbons and 2 of my patterns - Little Party Frock and Frances Frog .
If you would like a chance to win all this just leave a comment , that's it !
I'm happy for you to blog about it and I'm happy for you to follow my blog but I'm just as happy for you to pop in for a visit and a cuppa anytime .
Edited to add- this giveaway has been drawn . Stay in touch for another giveaway in the new year !


  1. Well done on 150 posts Clare!!!
    I'm glad you had a lovely time with your family too, Kathryn.

  2. I'm glad you were able to spend lots of time with your family. What a CUTE idea to have a nothing-to-do-with-Christmas giveaway to celebrate this blogging milestone. Please add my name to the drawing! And I wish you MANY more blog posts!!!

  3. Who would not love to have two of your patterns? I love frogs and your pattern is so much fun.

    Thanks for the giveaway.


  4. Congratulations on the 150 posts. I just have to join in because like everyone elsi I just love fabric. Cherrie

  5. Great giveaway! Glad you had a good time. Congrats on 150 :)

  6. Congratulations -150 posts seems so many to a relative newbie.! Would love to win your generous giveaway.

  7. Congratulations on 150 what a milestone!!! Please count me in♥x

  8. WElcome back Clare and wow...150 eh? I hope that you do heaps and heaps more as I do enjoy reading your blog :) Please enter me in your giveaway as I could use those FQ's no trouble at all :)hugs

  9. Congrats on 150, quite an effort! Fabulous giveaway I love Frances frog xo

  10. Thanks to your fingers for all the blogging, 150 is a lot. Hoping you have many more happy blogging days.
    Happy Holidays from Oregon

  11. A giveaway that arrives right after Christmas is a good giveaway. The lucky recipient can enjoy it without having to feel guilty that they should be doing something in preparation for Christmas.

    That frog pattern looks awesome! Congratulations on 50 posts!

  12. congrats on 150th post...thank you for the fabulous giveaway...please add me to the draw

  13. Congrats on your 150th post, Clare! A "Nothing-To-Do-With_Christmas" Giveaway is such an inspired idea! I don't usually enter giveaways, but if you want to enter me for just popping in and visiting, that's great!

  14. Oh, nice giveaway! I'd love a chance to win that Little Party Frock pattern. Congrats on 150, and happy holidays!

  15. Congratulations on 150 posts Clare. I still have a 'Dolly Varden' Birthday card, I think your idea of framing it is brilliant!
    I would love to be included in your giveaway draw.

    Glad you had a nice time.

  17. Lovely to have you back . Congrats on your posts. Anylittle thing from you would be wonderful.

  18. Wow! 150 posts! Good job. Lovely give away. I love your frog pattern!

  19. It is so great to catch up with family with lots of cuppa's and chats to go with it..... 150th wow keep it up! Wouls love to enter... I have eyed of this little froggy for a little while now....
    Hugs Dawn x x

  20. What a lovely generous giveaway I would love to win it
    Well done on 150 posts and putting up with you is easy

  21. Fabulous giveway Clare! Congrats on 150 posts, time goes so quickly!
    Cheers to another 150!

  22. Glad to come by for a cuppa and see what you have been up to. Good to hear you had a fun time catching up with family and drinking Tea. Those are two cool patterns - can't believe you're just giving them away. Enjoy

  23. Glad you had a nice time away and catching up with your family. That's how our family is now too... everyone spread out. Sooo nice to catch up with them though. Congratulations on your 150th... and many more to come. Lovely giveaway you are sharing... thanks for the chance xx

  24. Clare, glad you had a nice visit with your family. Great to catch up with family news eh? Congratulations on 150th blog. Have a nice day. Kind regards, Anita.

  25. Congrats on 150 posts! I hope to be there someday! I would love to enter your giveaway. Thanks

  26. Glad to hear you had a lovely break and congrats on 150 posts.
    I wouldn't miss them for all the tea in China. Please add my name to your fun Nothing to do with Christmas Giveaway!
    *Merry Christmas*

  27. Hi! With pleasure read your blog! Write me at parties. I am from Russia!

  28. Great giveaway. It sounds like you had a good catch-up with your family.
    Absolutely love Frances Frog!
    Fingers crossed for a win,

  29. So glad you had such a wonderful time with your family! And well done on your 150th post!! Thanks for such a generous giveaway!

    Merry Christmas!

    Hugs - Shari

  30. It does sound like you had a good break..congrats on yur 150 posts, I look forward to the next 150.

  31. Congrats on your 150 posts!!Yay!!!
    And thanks a lot for this fantastic giveaway! Wow!
    I love those cute buttons ^^

  32. Congrats on 150 posts. Keep them coming.

  33. Congratulations on your 150th post. So nice to drop by for a visit. Frances Frog is so very cute that I just have to join in on your giveaway. Glad you had a nice break with your family. Merry Christmas.

  34. Congratulations on your 150th post. So nice to drop by for a visit. Frances Frog is so very cute that I just have to join in on your giveaway. Glad you had a nice break with your family. Merry Christmas.

  35. I would love to win your great giveaway. I do follow you on Google Reader so I know everytime you post. Have a great Christmas season.

  36. hello clare bear...
    i have a funny feeling that you have won another blog giveaway somewhere else..i think it might be one of sweet tidings sponser...i cant rememeber now but i am sure i spotted your name somewhere in my travels. i dont think it was marydons one but i could be wrong.
    your giveaway is sweet but dont count me in as you have already kindly sent me a gorgeous just because parcel.
    have a great week and you will have to tell me if i am right about your win...

  37. Thanks for the chance to win! I'd love to make your little frog.

  38. Congratulations on your 150th post! What an accomplishment :) I'm so thanksful I found your wonderful blog for soooo much inspiration. Thank you for the giveaway, and Happy Holidays!!! :)

  39. 150! Woohoo lets hope for 150 more!
    I would love to enter your giveaway...I wonder if I will be lucky this time..fingers crossed.
    Kiss Noises Linda

  40. Sounds like your little break was fun! Congrats on 150!

  41. It is lovely to spend time with family and friends.
    Congratulations on 150 posts and many more as I enjoying popping in.
    I would love to be in your giveaway thank you.

  42. how sweet...the perfect way to begin the New Year! Please count me in!!!

  43. Congratulations on 150 posts! I do love popping in with a cuppa to see what you are up to! What a great giveaway, I'd love to win this.

  44. CONGRATULATIONS, Clare and THANK YOU for these inspiring 150 post ! Please keep going, I really enjoy reading you ;>)
    Hmmmm.... such a lovely giveaway, would you please count me in ???
    (crossing my fingers AND toes!LOL)


  45. Congratulations on your 150th post, Clare! Sounds like you had a great holiday. :-)
    What a fabulous (not to mention extremely generous) giveaway. Please put me in the draw. Sandy.

  46. Hello, so glad you have a lovely time! What a wonderful giveaway, please count me in too! Suzie. xxx

  47. 150....really??? How wonderful....doesn't time fly???
    Love the giveaway...I'm not scrooge but I'm over Christmas!!! (probably because I'm behind again this year..and I promised myself I'd be organised!!) I MUST get that tree up today!!!!! hehehe
    sugary hugs :O)

  48. I couldn't possibly pass up the chance of winning your adorable Frances Frog pattern!!! She's simply GAWJUS!!!!!
    Congratulations on 150 posts Clare!!! Woohoo!!! I shall look forward to the next 150 .... no pressure he he!!
    Joy :o)

  49. Hi Clare,
    Well done on 150 Posts.
    How generous of you to have such a great giveaway.

    Well, I just must enter this giveaway. Already thinking of all the yummy things I could make and of course you know how much I think of your little party dress and Frances Frog.

  50. Thanks a lot for this fantastic giveaway!

  51. ROFLOL Love this title!

    Enter me please! I'd so love to make your frog!

  52. Congratulations on your 150 post, Clare! I always enjoy your blogs and I love your patterns - you are one very talented lady! Have a great Christmas and New Year! Oh, yes please, can you put my name in your giveaway. Thank you. Cheers from Donna in Brisbane (Domac in the Craft Forum)

  53. Congrats on the 150th post, such a proud moment when you reach it. Always nice to read soemthing that isn't about Christmas at this time of year.
    The frog pattern is so cute.

  54. Wow Clare 150 posts way to go! I would love a chance to have a pattern of Francis. Merry Christmas!

  55. Hi Clare, I am pleased you got to spend time with your family. My family are spread from Tassie up to Qld. We have a ball when we catch up so I can imagine how much fun you had.


  56. Congratulations on your 150th post. I'm glad you had such a good time with always does good for the heart.

  57. 150 Posts is a fantastic achievement - You are very easy to put up with :)

    Hugs - Fiona

  58. Happy 150th post. I look forward to the next 150.

  59. Congrats on your 150 posts what A great give away count me in.I will be over in the morning for A cup of Tea.LOL.
    Hugs Mary.

  60. Well done Clare 150 posts wow that is a lot of blogging. Love your give away.

  61. Whoohooooo!!!! Congratulations 150 posts! Where does the time go? lol! Well, I recently made a frog and now I'm in love with I would love to win that cute little froggie! If I don't already follow you, I WILL! and sure will blog about your blog and giveaway!

  62. congrats! that's such a lovely way to celebrate! thank you for the chance to win it!

  63. Season's Greeting, and congrats on making it to 150 posts! Glad you had a great time with your family!

  64. Congrats Clare on your 150 posts, I do enjoy reading yor blog.

  65. Wow! What a cute giveaway. those froggies remind me of the ones my mum used to make for street stalls and school fetes in the early 80s. I remember helping her fill them with rice - they were such hideous 80s fabrics too!

  66. Hi Clare, just checking in on how the unwrapping is going for your advent pressies? All is well with what I sent? Best,

  67. Congratulations on 150 posts. I'd love to have a chance at winning this great giveaway. I have a collection of frogs and would just love your pattern for Frances. Hope you have a Wonderful Christmas and a Safe, Healthy and Happy New Year.

  68. Welcome home and congratulations on 150 posts.
    "Too much tea.." I can't imagine there could be such a thing!
    Thanks for the chance to win, especially the super cute party dress.

  69. Hello Clare, Congratulations on 150 posts. Family and tea drinking does seem to go together doesn't it. Glad to hear you all had a great time. Happy days.

  70. Congratulations on 150 post. Many words you have written!
    What a generous give away.

  71. yipee - no christmas designs!!! reaching saturation point as far as christmas is concerned - bah humbug!!!!
    gill x

  72. What a wonderful giveaway...congrats on your 150th post! Count me in.

  73. Congratulations on 150 posts, I hope we share many more. This is a great give-away. Thanks.

  74. yay congrats on 150 posts
    I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas
    hugs Beth

  75. thanks for the giveaway it looks great!
    and congrats on the 150th post!
    have a happy holiday
    i also blogged about your giveaway

  76. happy 150th post dear clare! yours is one of the most enjoyable blogs! thank you for the inspiration!

  77. Wow! That's a lot of posts! Congratulations, and thank you so much for the chance in your lovely giveaway! I love your blog Clare!
    Hugs, xoxo

  78. Happy 150th posts!!!, please enter me

  79. congrats on the 150 posts!! a glass of bubbly to celebrate perhaps?

  80. Hi Clare, congratulations on your 150! Wishing you all the best for at least 150 more too! Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. I really appreciate you taking the time to leave one. Merry Christmas!
    Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

  81. Thanks for dropping by my blog and your lovely comment. Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! Cathy

  82. Hi there, Clare! I'd love a chance to win your lovely Giveaway!!!
    Welcome home, as well!!
    Cheers! Mary Ann in Denmark

  83. great giveaway and please include me.. love fabric and those patterns are adorable!!

    Courtney Short-Prudhomme

  84. Congratulations on 150 posts Clare :) Great giveaway!!

  85. Oh my what a generous darling you are Clare!!! Count me in please.
    Hugs from Judith

  86. such a generous giveaway Clare soooo many goodies, congrats on the 150 posts milestone! and thank you for organising the xmas ornament swap with Robyn it was great fun

  87. Congrats Clare on your 150th post, i would just love to go in the draw for your contest, it sounds like a fun giveaway.

  88. Congratulations of reaching 150 posts ... a great achievement.

  89. I'm so glad you joined Blogland Clare, I love seeing your beautiful creations. Congrats on reaching 150 posts.

  90. Whoo hoo! What a fun giveaway!! Congrats on your 150 post!!

  91. Hello gorgeous Clare!

    Congratulations on your 150th post sweetie, but most of all - how wonderful that you got to spend some extra special time with your family!! :-) Too much tea hey? Is it *possible* to have too much tea?!!! he he... not if it comes with a plate of caramel slices!! he he...

    Lots of love darling Clare, and if we do not chat before - have a wonderful Christmas!!!!

    Hugs! Vikki xoxo

  92. congrats on soo many posts Clare..oh just to own one of your patterns would be fabulous-please enter me in your draw, cheers vickie

  93. Big congrats on your 150th posting!
    Please enter me in your drawing and thanks!

    Merry Christmas
    Nita Butler

  94. Congrat's on the 150th post....Hopefully I'm not too late to enter your great giveaway. Hugs Naomi


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .