
Saturday, September 29, 2012

under the christmas tree

Hello and good morning , thanks for being here !

We had the most linkees last week , hooray !
I expect that we will have more each week as we get closer to Christmas .
Did you play last week ?
Are you playing this week ?
Do you like Christmas ?

Add your link , take a button , visit different blogs , make new friends , have fun !

Friday, September 28, 2012

let's make up

I've seen various tutorials around using felt circles and thought
how great they were but because I don't have a circle
cutter thingy there is no way I would be cutting 100 plus circles by hand.
So I thought I would give these cheap make up pads a go .

All I did was fold them in half and scrunch the bottom to form a point
and then hot glued the point to a styrofoam ball .
I used a knitting needle to pierce a hole all the way through
the ball first and threaded some cord through for hanging.

Then I glued and glued and glued and glued and

I ended up with this !
The photo doesn't do it justice it really is the softest
and prettiest thing and really beautiful !
Well worth all the gluing .
Don't forget if you have some Christmas craft even if
it is from last year come and link up here on Sunday to show us .

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

morning tea with

It's Jane from Lil Pip !

Coffee or tea ?
Coffee although I don't mind a Chai Latte in the afternoon.

What is your business ? What do you do ?
My business is Lil Pip and I make mainly girls clothes and children's toys. My 'famous' product is the Boobook ribbon owl that I designed and I'm currently working on a pattern for release in the next couple of months.

How long has it been going ? How did it start out ?
I started the business in August 2010 when I started making creations for my daughter and as gifts and all my friends asked me if they could buy them!

How do manage around your family ?
Oh this is a constant juggle. I work 4 days a week in a marketing role (yes it comes in rather handy for the business!). I have one day at home on Friday but by the time I walk my eldest to school, take my younger daughter to swimming lessons, rush home for nap, then back to school for pickup, it is no wonder that I don't seem to get much done that day! I usually try to cut out and prepare during the week and sew on the weekends. I have an incredibly supportive husband and he and the kids seem to disappear for hours (usually on a Bunnings related adventure) which leaves me to sew in peace. I love you honey! School holidays are coming up and I'm looking forward to two solid weeks of sewing in preparations for markets coming up.

When your craft becomes your work how do you relax ?
See for me craft is the relaxing! Because I have another 'real' job, sewing for me is my creative outlet. I just love putting my Boobook owls together, deciding on fabric, matching the ribbons and putting it together. Is there nothing more rewarding then seeing the finished product? I have changed my focus over the last year and moved away from selling online. I don't take orders and just sew what I want, when I want and only sell at markets. It has taken most of the stress or pressure away and now I just do what I love!

Do you make things and sometimes keep them for yourself ?
Oh rarely which is terrible. I do however make lots of things for gifts for friends and family. mmmm maybe I should make that skirt pattern I've 'been meaning to get around to' for ages!

What is your favourite craft ?
Sewing for me but I have done scrapbooking, cross-stitching and last year I taught myself to crochet thanks to YouTube.

Describe a normal day for you ?
When I create my Boobooks it is a rather involved process! I surround myself (on my bed since that is my 'sewing space') with piles of fabric and put together a 'suite' usually about 4 of each colour or design. I'm determined that each one has to be different (which is saying something now that I have created over 200 owls!). Then I match the ribbons for wings, feet and the handle. Last is cutting out the felt eyes, beak and the minky back. That is before I have even started sewing! I then tack down the background eyes, tummy and wings with hemming tape (rather than iron on interfacing), stitch around all the pieces and put it all together. Stay tuned for a pattern though - with much more detail! I'm also planning some variations and have already sketched out the most gorgeous giraffe, elephant and turtle!

Are your designs your own ?
My children's clothes are usually sourced from other designers patterns but my Boobook ribbon owl is my own. I have adjusted it quite a bit over my time making them and only now feel like it is ready to put to paper, so to speak.

Tell us something quirky about yourself ?
I finally got my drivers license when I was 7 months pregnant with my second child, after having my learners in three different states over a period of 13 or 14 years! Yay for my patient hubby that got me there!

What are your plans ? How much further do you plan to take your business ?
I just want to keep doing what I love doing. I do plan to sell my patterns and that's what I'm working towards now. I also am a committee member helping to organise the Maribyrnong Makers Market <> and have loved gaining the insight from the other side.

Where do you sell ?

Facebook ~ Lil Pip
Blog ~ Lil Pip

You will find me at the following markets: Craft Markets here
Werribee Park Market, Saturday 13 October, 8am - 1pm
Flemington Twilight Market, Saturday 17 November, 3pm - 8pm
Maribyrnong Makers Market, Saturday 24 November, 9.30am - 3.30pm
Werribee Park Market, Saturday 8 December, 8am - 1pm

Thanks so much for having me over for morning tea Clare.
Did you enjoy the banana cake I made? I just couldn't come empty handed!


Thanks Jane you and your cake are welcome anytime .

Next week another fantastic crafter is coming over for a cuppa , seeya then !

Sunday, September 23, 2012

under the christmas tree ~ 13 weeks to go

Hello there , I'm so glad you popped in !
Are you able to play this week ?
If you are making anything for Christmas we'd love to see .
Do you have a great decoration idea ? Or gift wrapping?
A favourite recipe maybe ?
It does not have to be something new , you could have blogged about
it last year or even before then .
Melanie from The Patchwork Robin was the only
one who played last week I hope you will keep her company this week !
Don't forget to grab a button to let your readers know that you're playing !

Friday, September 21, 2012

what's up ?

What's up Doc ?
I know very corny but that's me .
The majority of the visits to my little ol' blog is to the carrots tutorial .
lately things are changing and the Under the Christmas Tree linky
on Sundays is receiving huge amounts of hits.
Last week Melanie was the only one who linked up , thanks Melanie
but as Christmas is getting closer and closer we all need some
inspiration so I do hope more link up this week .
It's a great way to find different blogs and make new friends
all while getting a Christmas scare treat .
Just so you're not leaving here empty handed today I'll share
with you the new family favourite ~ Carrot Cake !
I used to think Carrot Cake was a bit ho hum but this
is just delicious and so very easy to make .

Grate 3 medium carrots and add to 1/2 cup chopped walnuts
2 eggs, 1 cup castor sugar , 1 cup plain flour ,3/4 cup canola oil,
1/2 tsp vanilla , a pinch of salt , 1 tsp sodi bicarb and 1/2 tsp mixed spice.
Mix together and bake at 180c for about 45 minutes using a ring tin .

Cream cheese icing ~ 1 tsp butter , 1/2 cup soft cream cheese
1 cup sifted icing sugar and a good splash of lemon juice .
Mix , mix , mix and spread on cold cake .

Do not bother putting this cake in the fridge
everyone just keeps taking it out and eating it .
If you don't have a ring tin (sounds like Rin Tin Tin )
just use a 20cm round tin with a small clean tin in the centre.
See you on Sunday for Christmas linking !

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

morning tea with


Cam from Curly Pops !

Coffee or tea ?
Both - but I love a great cappucino. It's one of the benefits of living in Melbourne. So much great coffee everywhere you go.
What is your business ? What do you do ?
My business is named CurlyPops. I make and sell a unique range of textile based handmade Accessories, Lifestyle Products, Crafty Things and Boutique Fabrics. I'm also a Retail Stockist of You Sew Girl Sewing Patterns. For my handmade items, I design my own fabrics and transform them into finished products.

Are you right or left handed ?
Right handed
If you won the lottery what would be the very first thing that you would buy .
Oh gosh, that's a very hard one! There's nothing that I really need that money could buy. It's been a long time since I've had a holiday though, so maybe that's what I'd spend it on.
How long has Curly Pops been going ? How did it start out ?
I started my business some time in 2008. It was sort of slightly accidental after I started my CurlyPops craft blog.
How do manage around your family ?
It's only myself and Mr Limpy Houdini Dog around here. It's lucky that I don't have a family, as they'd probably starve to death while I was carried away with my sewing, or lost for hours playing around with new designs in illustrator. There's not really a routine or a schedule at my place.
When your craft becomes your work how do you relax ?
That's the hardest part about working from home. Work is always there. On the plus side, I love to go out to a nice cafe with friends for brunch or lunch. That's how I relax.
Do you make things and sometimes keep them for yourself ?
I hardly ever keep anything for myself, but I have been trying to occassionally make something just for me. I've made a bigger effort over the last twelve months to challenge myself to make more of my own clothes to keep.
What is your favourite craft ?
At the moment, it's definitely sewing. Machine sewing though, not hand sewing. I love making textile art pieces with the sewing machine.
Describe a normal day for you ?
There's nothing really normal or planned around here. My business has to fit around my medical schedule (I'm currently on the waiting list for a double lung transplant). Most of my computer based designing takes place during the three hours that I spend each day having nebuliser treatment. I also have sketchbooks stashed all over the house to write things down as my brain is constantly whirring.

On the days where I don't have any appointments, I try to get as much sewing completed as possible, but it really depends on what orders I'm working on, or whether I'm making shop stock.
Are your designs your own ?
Yes all of my designs are my own. I've taken it a step further by designing my own unique range of fabrics too.
Tell us something quirky about yourself ?
I have to put my vegies through a blender and hide them.... because I just really don't like them!
What are your plans ? How much further do you plan to take your business ?
World domination.. teehee..
I'm a bit limited in what I can take on at the moment, until I receive that amazing call to tell me that they have some new lungs for me, but really, the sky is the limit!
Where do you sell ? 
You can find me via my own Big Cartel Shop, as well as Made It and Etsy. I also have a Craftumi Shop where I sell my very own CurlyPops designed fabrics.

Thanks for popping in Cam it's been great having you here .

Saturday, September 15, 2012

under the christmas tree ~14 weeks to go

Leave a link , take a button .
Thanks for coming over I hope you can play .
Any craft old or new is welcome .
If you do have a spare moment please visit some of the other linkers .
Have fun !
I really , really have to go to bed now but when I get up
in the morning I'd love to find lots of craft under the tree !

Friday, September 14, 2012

let me point out

Hello hello !
A very quick post to remind you that the Christmas linky party
is on again this Sunday , hooray !
The most common question I have been asked is
"Does it have to be a new project ?"
Seeing as it only September most of us haven't really
started too much serious Christmas crafting so please
feel free to link to something you did last year .

I do hope you are able to join in this week
the more the MERRIER !
My next post will also be my 500th post come and celebrate with me !
PS The tutorial for the poinsettias is here .

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

morning tea with

Hello there , thanks for coming over . Make yourself comfy .
This morning Mich from Lilli May Designs is here for morning tea .

Coffee or tea ?
Decaf Tea please .
What is your business ?
  Lilli May designs.
What do you do ?
 I hand make clothes and decor items for children and the home.
How long has it been going ?
 8 months
 How did it start out ?
  I have been sewing for over 20 years, but really started focusing on it when I was made redundant late last year.
How do manage around your family ?
 When Lilli May (16 month old daughter) sleeps, that's when I sew.
 If I am particularly busy, then my husband will take her out for the day on Saturdays and Sundays.
When your craft becomes your work how do you relax ?
 I have allocated Friday's as my 'day off' so even when she sleeps I don't sew any orders. If I feel like sewing on a Friday, I will make something 'just for fun'
Do you make things and sometimes keep them for yourself ?
Yes all the time! Sometimes I create a fabric combo for an order, and realise how great it is, that I make one for Lilli May as well!. Plus I am in the middle of making a skirt and vest for myself.
What is your favourite craft?
Sewing and all things fabric
Describe a normal day for you ?
Get up and dressed, have breakfast and play outside and then go for a walk with the pram with Lilli May. Come inside and have lunch. Lilli May then goes down for her nap so I get 2 hours of sewing done. I will usually spend this time working on orders, locked away in my cougar cave with the radio on. Then after dinner whilst we both watch her, I respond to emails, search for fabrics and do the invoicing.
Are your designs your own ?
 Some are my own, some are purchased and some are modified from purchased patterns
Tell us something quirky about yourself ?
I LOVE to eat lemons and salt!
What are your plans ? How much further do you plan to take your business ?
 I plan to keep creating beautiful handmade items for my family and customers and to grow it so that I can continue to help support our family and spend precious time with Lilli May as she grows.
Where do you sell ? 
 I currently only sell online, with a view to start street markets next year
Mich it was lovely having you here for a cuppa thanks !
Please pop over and visit Mich and say hello and
see her beautiful items for yourself .
I'll be back for morning tea next Wednesday with .......


Saturday, September 8, 2012

under the christmas tree ~ 15 weeks to go

I'm so happy to see you here !
Are you going to play ?
Very simply just add the link to your blog post that shows what craft you will be leaving under the Christmas tree .
It could be sewing , painting , cooking , decorations, wrapping ideas or just about anything !
Oh it doesn't need to be something new either !
It could be something you made last year or even earlier .
Please take the button from my sidebar and let everyone know how organised you are going to be this year .
Also it would be nice if you visited some of the other linkees , you never know what will inspire you .
I don't think we will have too many linking up this week but as the silly season draws closer it should grow .
Even if you can't play this week grab  the button and put it on your blog to remind you to come back .
Although there are just a bit over 15 weeks until the BIG day if we all get very organised we can have some time off and enjoy the lead up to Christmas .
Have fun !

Friday, September 7, 2012

under the christmas tree

Yes , yes I know I'm a bit early but if I don't
get organised now I won't be organised again this year .

So because I am such a big thinker I thought maybe
I'm not the only one who wants to be organised this year.
I have also noticed that pinners are pinning a lot of Christmas stuff already.

So I thought what if I had a linky thingy here and you
could show what you are making to put under the tree.
You could link your sewing , recipes , decorations anything !
What do you think ?
Would you like to join in ?
What if I made a special button and you could tell
your friends what you have left under the tree ?
What if you could find all the links to the best Christmas stuff here ?
What if you found out it starts on Sunday ?
What about it ?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

morning tea with....

Hello there ! I'm so glad you are here to have morning tea .
Jos from Sew, Cook , Laugh and Live is here having a cuppa.


Coffee or tea ?
 Oh tea for sure!!
What is your business ? What do you do ?

I am a blogger. My blog is called Sew cook laugh live.
  The name of the blogs sums up my life in 4 words. I blog about all of my sewing adventures, cooking, crafting & my wonderful family. It is a little insight into my creative world

Are you right or left handed ?
I am right handed but I play some sports with my left.
 How long has it been going and how did it start ?
I have been blogging for around 1 , 1/2 years. I started off blogging to keep in touch with my family & friends who live all around Australia. Also to have a place of reference for myself to know where all of my recipes & patterns are! My blog is like my recipe box and sewing diary all rolled into one!
How do you manage around your family ?

My husband is an interstate truck driver so my nights are pretty much mine once the girls go to bed. That is when the blog writing goes into overdrive. I try to stick to a rule of never blogging on the weekend. That is family time & blogging takes second place. I also like to blog once all the housework is done during the day....ok, I lied, my housework is second to my blog!

 When your craft becomes your work how do you relax ?

No matter what, sewing will always be my way to relax. If I don’t make something, I go a little crazy. The old saying is true of, “If you do something you love, you will never work a day in your life!”

Do you make things and sometimes keep them for yourself ?

I always make things for myself. I make a lot of my own clothes & handbags. My bedside table is full of accessories that I have made for myself & my handmade necklace collection is of ginormous proportions!

 What is your favourite craft ?

Sewing, for sure! I love to see a piece of fabric turn into something truly amazing! I also love to make jewellery. Taking a few bits and  pieces and turning them into a necklace is something that brings me so much happiness.

 Describe a normal day for you ?

I start a creative day by sketching what I want my newest project to look like, then I make sure that the preparation is done. It is important to me to make sure I have all of the fabric, thread, needles, scissors, pattern paper, pens, rulers, etc all organised before starting so that the day runs smoother. It is the same for blogging. I have to make sure I have a cup of tea and a snack with me at the computer so I know I can settle in for at least an hour of blogging.

 Are your designs your own ?

I love to design my own clothes. I sometimes use a pattern but most times, my designs feel more like me.

 Tell us something quirky about yourself ?

I am completely scatterbrained in all aspects of my life except for my sewing, cooking and crafting.
 I am always late paying bills but I will never be late making a dress for an event!

 What are your goals ? How much further do you plan to take your business ?

One day I would like to make some real money from blogging. Right now, it is more of a hobby. I would love to be a famous fashion designer but I love being a housewife too much. I know, I am crazy right? But I do love being able to blog from home and not have to deal with deadlines, traffic, paying workers, etc.

Where do you sell ?
 I don’t sell but you can find out more by visiting the blog

Finally Jo what would be the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery ?
Ok, the first thing I would buy if I won the lotto is a tropical island.
Thanks for stopping in for a cuppa Jos it was great to have you here .
Next week ????  is coming for a chat I hope you can join us .

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Good morning and Happy Spring !
I've been busy , busy , busy as a bee Spring cleaning
for my guests that are starting to come next week for morning tea.
Very exciting !

Are you a Spring cleaner ?

If you would like to make some of these daffodils my tutorial is here .
Gosh I love daffodils they are my favourite flower ever .
Do you have a favourite flower ?