
Saturday, September 8, 2012

under the christmas tree ~ 15 weeks to go

I'm so happy to see you here !
Are you going to play ?
Very simply just add the link to your blog post that shows what craft you will be leaving under the Christmas tree .
It could be sewing , painting , cooking , decorations, wrapping ideas or just about anything !
Oh it doesn't need to be something new either !
It could be something you made last year or even earlier .
Please take the button from my sidebar and let everyone know how organised you are going to be this year .
Also it would be nice if you visited some of the other linkees , you never know what will inspire you .
I don't think we will have too many linking up this week but as the silly season draws closer it should grow .
Even if you can't play this week grab  the button and put it on your blog to remind you to come back .
Although there are just a bit over 15 weeks until the BIG day if we all get very organised we can have some time off and enjoy the lead up to Christmas .
Have fun !


  1. Hi Clare,
    What a great idea. I've just put your button on my sidebar. I'm hoping to get a few Christmas bits done this week, if I ever get my decorating finished in my craftroom.

  2. AArrgghhh...noooooooo...too sooooooon!!!!
    When I get over my fright I will pop a link in :)

  3. Hummm,will have to think of something quick! Super idea!

  4. I've added a couple of Christmassy projects for you.

  5. Left a little something there for you too, I'm still refusing to acknowledge how close Christmas is though! hehe

  6. Such a lovely idea Clare, thank you :)

  7. Ok, I shall endeavour to get onto Christmas sewing! It's hats all round for all the kids in the family this year!!

  8. Ok, I shall endeavour to get onto Christmas sewing! It's hats all round for all the kids in the family this year!!

  9. AArrgghhh...noooooooo...too sooooooon!!!! When I get over my fright I will pop a link in :)


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .