
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

morning tea with


Cam from Curly Pops !

Coffee or tea ?
Both - but I love a great cappucino. It's one of the benefits of living in Melbourne. So much great coffee everywhere you go.
What is your business ? What do you do ?
My business is named CurlyPops. I make and sell a unique range of textile based handmade Accessories, Lifestyle Products, Crafty Things and Boutique Fabrics. I'm also a Retail Stockist of You Sew Girl Sewing Patterns. For my handmade items, I design my own fabrics and transform them into finished products.

Are you right or left handed ?
Right handed
If you won the lottery what would be the very first thing that you would buy .
Oh gosh, that's a very hard one! There's nothing that I really need that money could buy. It's been a long time since I've had a holiday though, so maybe that's what I'd spend it on.
How long has Curly Pops been going ? How did it start out ?
I started my business some time in 2008. It was sort of slightly accidental after I started my CurlyPops craft blog.
How do manage around your family ?
It's only myself and Mr Limpy Houdini Dog around here. It's lucky that I don't have a family, as they'd probably starve to death while I was carried away with my sewing, or lost for hours playing around with new designs in illustrator. There's not really a routine or a schedule at my place.
When your craft becomes your work how do you relax ?
That's the hardest part about working from home. Work is always there. On the plus side, I love to go out to a nice cafe with friends for brunch or lunch. That's how I relax.
Do you make things and sometimes keep them for yourself ?
I hardly ever keep anything for myself, but I have been trying to occassionally make something just for me. I've made a bigger effort over the last twelve months to challenge myself to make more of my own clothes to keep.
What is your favourite craft ?
At the moment, it's definitely sewing. Machine sewing though, not hand sewing. I love making textile art pieces with the sewing machine.
Describe a normal day for you ?
There's nothing really normal or planned around here. My business has to fit around my medical schedule (I'm currently on the waiting list for a double lung transplant). Most of my computer based designing takes place during the three hours that I spend each day having nebuliser treatment. I also have sketchbooks stashed all over the house to write things down as my brain is constantly whirring.

On the days where I don't have any appointments, I try to get as much sewing completed as possible, but it really depends on what orders I'm working on, or whether I'm making shop stock.
Are your designs your own ?
Yes all of my designs are my own. I've taken it a step further by designing my own unique range of fabrics too.
Tell us something quirky about yourself ?
I have to put my vegies through a blender and hide them.... because I just really don't like them!
What are your plans ? How much further do you plan to take your business ?
World domination.. teehee..
I'm a bit limited in what I can take on at the moment, until I receive that amazing call to tell me that they have some new lungs for me, but really, the sky is the limit!
Where do you sell ? 
You can find me via my own Big Cartel Shop, as well as Made It and Etsy. I also have a Craftumi Shop where I sell my very own CurlyPops designed fabrics.

Thanks for popping in Cam it's been great having you here .


  1. Oh this is so gorgeous & happy. Look at our sweet Cam, her products are an explosion of colour, love Posie

  2. How lovely to have a 'morning tea' with Cam!

  3. How lucky we all were to have morning tea. It was lovely She is very talented and does not let her illness stop her.I really enjoyed .Thank you

  4. Lovely to read a bit more about you Cam..those cushions are such a beautiful hit of colour!

  5. Thanks so much for having me over for morning tea Clare. That was fun!

  6. Thanks Clare - this is such a fun little thing to do.

  7. Great article ... links to her stores are not working though =(


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .