
Monday, November 28, 2011

oh baby

I've been hoarding a stack of baby food jars and
considering my kids are teenagers it seems
I really like to hoard stuff .

In one of the bargain shops the other day I found
battery operated tea lights .

This was very exciting for me because I hate
real candles with a passion .
I can't stand the waxy smell and instead
of relaxing with candles they make me tense waiting
for them to burn my house down .

Anyway blah blah blah I decided to finally
use some of the baby food jars .

I just used some coloured string wrapped around ,
turned on the little lights and popped them in the jars.

I wish you could see these in the dark they look so pretty .

You'll have to take my word for it as the photos don't
do them justice , they are so beautiful
 all twinkling away and
safe too.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Hi everyone from Squiddley !

The winners for the pattern and 3 fat 1/4s is .....
Sally and Posie Patchwork .

The winner for the o/s pattern is ...
Indigo Blue .

Thanks to everyone for entering and could those ladies
please contact me with addresses .

If you are really , really disappointed in not winning
cheer up , the pattern is now in my shop !

Thursday, November 24, 2011

fabric and pattern giveaway

To celebrate the launch of Squiddley the very cute alien
at Australian Quilt Market I have decided to have a
fabric and pattern giveaway !

This has nothing to do with me becoming a very slack blogger
and needing feedback on my new design , really it doesn't .

Well yes it does but that's ok .

Unfortunately there is a little catch , sorry
but it would cost me a million dollars to post the fabric
and the pattern overseas so I am going to say
only open to Australian bloggers .

I will have one pattern on it's own for overseas visitors.

So if you are an Aussie and would like 3 fat 1/4s and
a pattern for Squiddley please leave a comment on this post.

If you are a guest from overseas please leave a comment
and just let me know you are far , far away ...

There are two fabric and pattern packs , yay !

Squiddley would make a fantastic Christmas
pressie for a little boy because it's really hard
to find stuff to make for them .

I need to be able to contact you if you win so
please make sure you are reachable.

I will draw the winners on Sunday but if you don't win
you will then be able to find the
 Squiddley pattern in my shop.  

Thanks to F.D Textiles for the great fabric !

P.S. You'd make so happy if you blogged about my new
pattern I'd give you an extra entry !

Monday, November 21, 2011

off to the trade show

Squiddley has left for the Melbourne Trade Show.

I thought he might be lonely so I made him a few brothers .

They were all hanging around as I packed patterns .

There was lots of giggling and mucking about
because they are very naughty monsters.

They waved goodbye
and happily jumped in the box with the patterns
and headed off to Kathryn at F.D. Textiles.

Kathryn is taking them to The Trade Show in Melbourne
this week and they will get to hang out with
gorgeous fabric from Saffron Craig

If you are going to the Show pop over to
F.D. Textiles on stand 55
 and see if they are behaving .

Maybe you'd even like them in your shop !

Friday, November 18, 2011

wrapping myself in love this Christmas

This year has been a difficult one and as Christmas
draws closer as I have been thinking more and more
about my dear Mum .

I have been hanging on to some of her nighties that she
gave me last year as she wanted
 the sleeves shortened on them.

I never did get to do them for her.

So I have decided to cut them up and make myself
a small quilt out of them as a Christmas present from her.

Yes some of the squares that I have cut
 have tea stains on them.

No I will not be trying to get these small stains out.
Mum will understand xxx

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

what ! more bunting !

I was so pleased to be asked by Kerryanne to
be a part of Simply Christmas again this year .
There is just much going on over at her blog
This is a tutorial that I had over there
and I thought you may like to make some bunting too .

I was lucky enough to find some Christmas tablecloths
in my local op shop but you could sort through
your stash and use up leftover Christmas fabric
to make multi coloured bunting .

I first made a template from cardboard 7" sides x 7.5" top.

Trace around the template on doubled fabric.
Cut out on the lines.

Stitch around the sides using 1/4"
seam allowance leaving the top open.
Trim the pointy bit.

Turn your flag right side out and trim the little
triangles that poke out.
Use a blunt skewer and push the base of your
flag to make your point nice and sharp.

Press all your finished flags.

Make yourself  some binding in a contrasting colour.

The length is determined by how many flags
you would like to make or where
you are going to hang your gorgeous bunting.
I made my binding about 3m long.

For this bunting I cut strips of white fabric about 2.5 " .
Press them in half .
Open them out and fold over and then press the edges
into the centre , press again .

Pin your flags with the open tops inside the binding.
Leave about 60cm at end end for hanging your bunting.
Stitch along the whole length .

Hang your beautiful bunting and enjoy !

Wishing you all a simply beautiful Christmas.

Yes I know I have turned into the slackest blogger
ever in the whole history of blogging .
I'll try and get my act together very soon .

Thursday, November 10, 2011

bye bye bunting

My baby girl is turning 14 this week .

We are having a family tea outside on the verandah
and I am going to decorate it with paper doily bunting.

Not too young , not too old , just lovely !

In the olden days when I was in primary school
we use to make these to decorate the classroom .

Paper doily bunting is great for any occasion
birthday , Christmas and markets .

Bunting and doilies = a perfect mix !

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

simply christmas

Do you want to be really , really organised this Christmas?
If you think you may need a little help hop over
to Kerryannes blog Shabby Art Boutique .

Kerryanne has lists to get you organised and
lots of home cooking and fantastic giveaways.

There are also going to be really simple tutorials including
one from myself today so you know it will be simple !

While you're there check out Kerryannes ebook
The Creative Mumpreneur

Seeya there !

Saturday, November 5, 2011

my place and yours

I'm joining Vic and all the others in My Place and Yours.

Now that I'm really old I'm not that interested in clothes.

If anyone gave me free rein to go anywhere clothes shopping
I would always still end up in Vinnies. 
Racks and racks of all the same clothes that are in the
trendy shops just bore me to tears .
Honestly I would rather poke sticks in my eyes
than to have to try stuff on in those places.

All that being said as the photo above shows
I did have a little flick through my wedding dress collection
this morning looking for something to show you.
I have such a nice assortment just in case I get
married again one day .
I have no plans at all to leave my beautiful husband
but you just can't ever be too prepared .

I'm sorry I couldn't pick just one stunner to show you.
So it looks like I just have to sit this one out
but you can still play , I'm just too comfortable
in my pink crocs and grey trackies to move anywhere.