
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

what ! more bunting !

I was so pleased to be asked by Kerryanne to
be a part of Simply Christmas again this year .
There is just much going on over at her blog
This is a tutorial that I had over there
and I thought you may like to make some bunting too .

I was lucky enough to find some Christmas tablecloths
in my local op shop but you could sort through
your stash and use up leftover Christmas fabric
to make multi coloured bunting .

I first made a template from cardboard 7" sides x 7.5" top.

Trace around the template on doubled fabric.
Cut out on the lines.

Stitch around the sides using 1/4"
seam allowance leaving the top open.
Trim the pointy bit.

Turn your flag right side out and trim the little
triangles that poke out.
Use a blunt skewer and push the base of your
flag to make your point nice and sharp.

Press all your finished flags.

Make yourself  some binding in a contrasting colour.

The length is determined by how many flags
you would like to make or where
you are going to hang your gorgeous bunting.
I made my binding about 3m long.

For this bunting I cut strips of white fabric about 2.5 " .
Press them in half .
Open them out and fold over and then press the edges
into the centre , press again .

Pin your flags with the open tops inside the binding.
Leave about 60cm at end end for hanging your bunting.
Stitch along the whole length .

Hang your beautiful bunting and enjoy !

Wishing you all a simply beautiful Christmas.

Yes I know I have turned into the slackest blogger
ever in the whole history of blogging .
I'll try and get my act together very soon .


  1. Love the Christmas bunting....I think bunting is a thing of beauty!


  2. Thanks for coming to play over at Simply Christmas Clare and for sharing this neat Christmas bunting tutorial. I suspect there will be lots of bunting popping up all over the place this Christmas.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  3. Love it!!
    Ive not been the best blogger this year myself.. dont go beating yourself up now... Hugs and love your tut.... Lisa

  4. Thanks for sharing the steps to making Bunting,i have a pile of old vintage tablecloths sitting ready but just can't seem to make the first cut.With your pattern thers no excuse now!!


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .