
Thursday, December 30, 2010


With all your life before you.
And all is good and true .
Ah girl ! The days are glorious .
When all the world is new .
by Henry Lawson .

My dear mother passed away this week .
I have cried a million tears .
I know there are more than a million to come .

I will be back when I'm coping a bit .

I love you mum xxxx


  1. I am sorry to hear about your mother's passing. Keep your chin up she is looking down at you loving you even now.

  2. Oh Clare, big cyber bear hugs coming your way... take heart and rejoice in all the wonderful memories.

  3. I am so sorry about such a great loss in your life. I pray that God will surround you with His most perfect love, peace, and comfort, filling the void in your life with His presence that surpasses all understanding. (hug)

  4. Oh, Clare, I'm so are in my thoughts and prayers.

  5. I'm so sorry Clare you are in my thoughts, take care.

  6. Oh Claire, I am so sorry. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. toni xoxoxo

  7. My condolences Clare.... this is such a hard time for you. My thoughts and prayes are with you and your family..

  8. I too am soo sorry for the loss of your dear mother. I too lost my mother 3 months ago. Think of her every day in love. I pray that your heart will heal remembering her love & precious times spent together. Blessings: Dianne

  9. I am really sorry about your loss. I am on the other side of the planet but I am sending you a bear hug from here. You are and will be in my thoughts. Look for the good memories and you will soon notice that tears start turning into smiles.

  10. Oh Clare! I am so sorry! I know it doesn't mean much to simply say it though. I wish I could make it all better for you! I shall be thinking of you and praying for you! Big hugs!
    Amanda. xx

  11. Sorry to hear about your mum Clare, big hug to you xxx

  12. Dearest Clare, My Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time. Please know that your crafty friends are there for you at this time.
    Big big Hugs

  13. That is very sad news Clare, my thoughts are with you.

  14. Oh Clare I hardly know what to say ... I can only imagine how you're feeling. My thoughts and prayers are with you ... I wish there was something I could do or say.
    I'm so so sorry.
    Joy ;o)

  15. Oh Clare. I feel for you. Big (((((hugs)))) sending your way. Thing of you. Hold on to those memories( they do help in time)


  16. Hey Clare! I'm sad for you at such a huge loss. I know nothing that we can say will make it hurt less, but I pray that knowing that so many of your blogging buddies are thinking of you and sending caring thoughts at such a touch time will be like a warm quilt around you, perhaps not seen, but felt. Let the tears flow, they're cleansing and healing. Comforting Bear Hugs. KRIS

  17. I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum. I think of my Mom everyday. There are always things to show her and tell her. I know she lives on through me--that is one of the reasons I quilt. She did and taught me to sew. You will always miss her, but memories help.

  18. Hi Clare, so sorry to hear your sad news. Hugs coming your way. (((())), Hugs,

  19. I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my mom 10 years ago and still miss her. I'll keep you in my prayers.

  20. I am sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. I lost my mother to cancer 2 years ago and still think of her everyday. Mums are very special people.Our prayers and thoughts are with you.

  21. Oh, sweetheart. I am so, so sorry. Cry those tears and then some more and hold tight to all those precious moments your Mum gave you before she left. xxx

  22. Clare, I am so sorry about your loss. We'll be thinking of you and praying for you and your whole family - it's not much but it's what we can do. Hugs from our side of the planet........

  23. So sad and I feel so sorry for you..lost my Mom in December 2007 and it is hard I know. Please take care and take the time you need to work through it all. Keep thinking about all of the wonderful things you shared and the beautiful memories that will last you a lifetime!

  24. Oh Clare that's so awful. I can't think of anything more awful than that. Keep crying and get it all out. They I hope the sun shines again for you soon. Love to you.

  25. I am so sad for you at losing your mum. My thoughts and love are with you. xxx

  26. SO Sorry to hear your News...
    sending Big Hugs.
    Take Care

  27. Dear Clare,big hugs heading your way ((((()))))So sorry to hear of your loss :( Barb.

  28. I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of your mother. Thinking of you.

  29. Remember her with all the grace, and love she gave to you. I hope you find peace soon.

  30. I'm sorry to hear of your Mom's passing - such a difficult time in this season of your life. I do believe that she is at peace now and that you will see her again - to be re-united in a beautiful, joyful place. Peace and comfort be with you now.

  31. Im so sad for you Clare - tears and blessings for you!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  32. Clare, I'm so sorry you are sad. I'm sure you will miss your dear Mum but she will be watching over you. Hugs from me.

  33. My deepest sympathy to you Clare ... keeping you in my thoughts.

  34. Dearest Clare,
    I'm so very sorry to hear of your loss, I wish I had some words to convey my thoughts in to words; just know that I'm thinking of you, praying for you and here for a chat or a listening ear if ever you need one.
    An abundance of love to you darling girl,
    Vikki xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  35. Deepest sympathies to you and your family Clare, God rest her soul.

  36. Deepest sympathy Claire to you and your family. May she rest in peace.
    Hugs all round.

  37. I'm so sorry Clare. I wish I had the words to make you feel better. Look after yourself xx

  38. One more Angel in Heaven
    One more star in the sky.

    Thinking of you Clare, look after yourself at this difficult time.

  39. Dear Clare, I'm so sorry for your loss. Thinking of you.

  40. Oh Clare, I am so sorry to hear this. Please try and take care of yourself.

    Big hugs,
    Selina xx

  41. Sorry for your loss Clare... Thinking of you x

  42. I have utmost sympathy for you as I lost my precious mother in October 2009 very suddenly. I have cried millions of tears as I miss her so very much. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    God Bless
    Elizabeth New Zealand

  43. (((((((((((Clare...))))))))))) I have no words....I'm so so sorry...

  44. My heart aches for you Clare. Thinking of you and your family at this very difficult and sad time. We are all here for you when you are ready to return.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  45. Darling Clare, it's one of the worst parts of growing up, your parents get old & you start to lose them. I'm so sorry your week has been so sad, a million tears possibly doesn't even cover what you're really cried. Thinking of you & wishing you well, love Posie

  46. Im so sorry to hear that Clare. All the best.

  47. Im so sorry to hear that Clare. All the best.

  48. Dear Clare, I was so very sorry to read your sad news. I lost my mum nearly three years ago and can understand how you feel right now. Hugs and a ton of good wishes to you and your family. Jan x

  49. So sorry to hear about your Mom. My Mom passed away about 2 1/2 years ago. It's still hard and I miss her, but as the days go by I find I'm remembering the joys more and the sadness is fading, so chin up, it does get better.

  50. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family at this sad time.

  51. Oh, Clare. I am sad to hear that. God bless xxx

  52. I am so sorry to hear of your very sad news take care of you and I pray for you and your family. (((((Hugs))) dear one ..Vicki xxx

  53. Big hugs Clare. There arent words that can make you feel any better at this awful, dreadful time.

    Love you sweetie.

  54. Oh dear Clare.. sending HUGS from afar... praying for you and your family...
    Dawn x x

  55. Oh Clare, I'm so sad for you. If only our mums could be with us forever. Don't forget that her love for you will be with you forever and always. I hope the love and support of your family helps you through this tough time. My thoughts are with you, much love xo

  56. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Sending you big hugsxxx

  57. I am so very sorry Clare, I know you will be feeling terrible. I like to think when someone very special is taken from us they could be our guardian angel. Don't forget, she is part of you so you are never copmletely without her. Betty x

  58. Much love to you and your family Clare. X

  59. Sending love to you at this sad time Clare.
    Val xx

  60. So sorry to hear your sad news Clare, take care, lots of love light and energy for you chrissie

  61. In heartful thoughts with you, dear Clare...
    BIG, friendly (((HUG))). Take care.

  62. My father passed away recently. This doesn't make it any easier to be able to find the right words to say, but please accept my condolences. Jenny

  63. Oh Clare, my heart goes out to you. Big big hugs...she will always always be in your heart (and near to you)
    take care

  64. Condolences to you and your family Clare...Hugs, Annette

  65. Big hugs to you Clare.. thinking of you at this very very sad time ... Lisa x0

  66. I'm so sorry for your Loss. Shed all the tears you need dear Clare and we'll be here when you're ready to blog again
    Thinking of you

  67. Oh I am so sorry, my thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time.
    Em x

  68. oh Claire, there is nothing I can say but I wanted to give you a huge virtual hug. x

  69. Oh Clare, I am so, so, so sorry to hear about your mum. You're in my thoughts. Be safe, and take comfort in your family. xoxo

  70. So sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you to help you through this trying time.

  71. My condolences on your loss. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  72. I am so sorry to hear about your Mum. I never know what to say at a time like this. I am sending lots of hugs from the UK and my condolences to you and your family.

  73. oh clare! that is dreadful!!!
    many hugs and thoughts!!

  74. I'm so sorry, Clare. Take good care of yourself.

  75. I am so sorry to hear of your loss Clare.

  76. Clare, I'm so very sorry.
    I hope you and your family and relatives can support and comfort one another. Lots of strengths,
    Dutch hugs

  77. I am sorry for you Clare, such a sad loss. Take your time to heal and deal with your mums passing, you can see by your comments left here that you have much love and support in blog land.
    many hugs for you & your family xx

  78. Oh Clare!!! My Heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with you....I can only imagine your pain,And wish I could just hug you and make it all okay.
    XOXO to you.

  79. oh Clare.....sending lots of hugs......Illene's daughter passed away this week too.......very sad news for both of you......
    Love and hugs Chookyblue

  80. Dear Clare...I am so sad to hear of your loss. Thinking of you!

  81. I'm sorry for your loss and I'm thinking about you. Whenever I hear of someone losing their mother, it brings back the loss of 1989....years ago, but it still hurts when I think of all the milestones in my life she never got to share with me. I pray the Lord gives you the strength you need at this time.

  82. Clare, I am so sorry to hear of your great loss. I hope you are able to rest happily in the many happy memories.

  83. Oh Clare! What a great loss. My heart and thoughts are with you at this most sad time. *HUGS*

  84. Dear Clare, My heart truly goes out to you and your family, this is such a great loss....a very big generous hug coming your way.

  85. Clare, I'm so sorry to hear of your mum's passing. Sending you hugs all the way from Canada. My heart goes out to you during this difficult time.

  86. My thoughts are with you, Clare. Take time to care for yourself at this sad time.

  87. Oh Clare my heart aches for you. My thoughts are with you and your family. Treat yourself kindly as you deal with the hurt and sadness. I hope you get some comfort knowing that there are so of us many concerned for you and wishing we could hug you.

  88. Clare, my thoughts are with you and your family.....I am so very sorry...

  89. Oh Clare - I am so sorry - my thoughts are with you and your family - take very good care of yourself.

  90. Clare--so sorry for your loss.

  91. Oh Clare, I am so very sorry to hear your awful news. My heart goes out to you and your family as you go through this dreadful time.
    Hugs and Kiss Noises,

  92. Oh Clare, biggest hugs to you my love, from someone who knows how bad it hurts. I hope you find the strength to carry on with your blog and all your lovely work. xox

  93. Dearest Clare, I am so very sorry to hear this sad news. My deepest sympathy to you and your family.

  94. Chris from NZ said.....

    So sad to hear of your loss Clare...thinking of you & your family at this time....

    We have dear friends of ours going through, the same thing this week with the loss of a much loved Dad & Grandad......

    Kia Kaha....Stay Strong

    kind regards

    Chris... NZ

  95. Clare,
    I am so very sorry for your loss...sincerest sympathy to you and your family. You'll be in my prayers.
    Cheryl at My Sister's Cottage

  96. Oh Clare, I am so sorry. My deepest sympathies to you and your family.

  97. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your Mum. My sympathy goes out to you and your family.

  98. So sorry for your loss. Sending you much love.

  99. Dear Clare so sorry to hear your news. My Mum died 20 years ago this february and it was the most devastating time of my life, I was just glad that I was 23 and not younger at the time. I just wish she could have stayed longer to see me married, see my kids and so much more. I know you will, but remember to treasure all your memories and they will help you through this difficult time. It is never the same but eventually you find a way to pick up all the pieces and go on.

  100. Oh Calare, I am so sorry to hear that, Mum's are so so precious.
    You take care of yourself, and think about all the wonderful memories that you have,
    big hugs!

  101. My best thoughts ae with you Clare. Take it easy and remember you Mum fondly. Hugs from Jo

  102. oh my god Clare I just can't think of a single word to say except I am sending you hugs xxxx

  103. My Heart goes out to you, such a difficult term to ever come to terms with. We will be here when your ready, sending you blogland love and support.

  104. I'm so sorry...I'm sure Mum is with you in Spirit...Love and HUgs to you, Dzintra♥x

  105. I don't think there are "right words" to say when a Mum dies. Be kind to your self, take the time you need, go a bit crazy. My Mum died relatively young and I still miss her so much, but the good memories do eventually out weight the pain of that loss. Big hugs.

  106. Cherish the memories hugs from me xx

  107. I too am so sorry for the loss of your dear mother but the poem you mentioned above was really heart-melting...

  108. So sorry for your loss. I hope you are able to remember the good times and see through all those dark clouds. xxx

  109. Thinking of you Clare....

    * hugs *

  110. Clare - I am so sorry for your loss. I cant imagine how you are feeling at this time, but know that you are in my thoughts.

  111. I'm very sorry for your loss. Take care. Hugs, Silvia

  112. clare, I'm so sorry to read this. Oh my heart breaks for you....unfortunately my mind has to go there these days and I don't want to. We never get enough time do we.

    big hugs to you and knowing that your mum's memory will be with you all the time



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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .