
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I'm really looking forward to 2011 .
Thanks to the exposure this blog has given me
I felt confident enough to scale down my
work outside my home to concentrate
more on Clare's Craftroom.

It is both exciting and scary but some
opportunities have come my way
and I would be mad not to have a go .
With less work it also means no more packing
orders and doing paperwork in the wee hours
and then having to go to work .
It means being able to take photos in daylight .
It means being around more for my kids .
You'd think it might mean having a tidier house
but I don't think that's going to happen .

Thankyou to all of you who have bought my patterns,
visited me and encouraged me .
Thankyou to the girls who make me laugh
in the middle of the night with silly emails .

I hope you all have a safe and merry Christmas !

I'll be back next week with my first new pattern for 2011.


  1. Happy Christmas! Thanks for the laughs you have given us too! How can you be so organised as to be prepared for 2011 already? - I can barely get the last of 2010 organised.

  2. Bless ya Clare. Have a wonderful Christmas! I'll look forward to spending 2011 with you.

  3. Congratulations that sounds very exciting! What a great year you have in store. I wish you a very happy christmas & enjoy the holiday period, I'll look forward to sharing in your crafty ways next year! x

  4. Hello Clare,

    Congratulations, I would say spending time with family is the most important one on your list.
    Happy days.

  5. Good for you, Clare, and the very best of luck for next year; I hope everything goes your way. I've really enjoyed getting to know you on your blog this year. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  6. On Ya Clare!!! Enjoy each moment of the new journey

  7. Good for you Clare, it's great being home for the kids. You are going to love it.
    Happy Holidays to you and yours too!

  8. Clare, I hope 2011 brings you all you desire and that your business thrives.

    I often chuckle and laugh out loud at your posts and comments.

    Best wishes my bloggy friend.

    PS I finally threaded and used that blasted sewing machine following a service. It works like a dream!

  9. Merry Christmas see you late January 2011. Charmaine

  10. Dear girl, I'm so happy you're following your dreams and talents - I wish you all the success in the world. May your Christmas be merry and bright!

  11. Have a lovely Christmas!
    Look forward to popping in to see your patterns next year. (gosh that sounds scary saying next year!)

  12. Merry Christmas to you too Clare and it was a fab year sharing it with you :) hugs Vicki xx

  13. oohh 2011 sounds like it is going to be an exciting year for you. Have a wonderful festive week and new year.

  14. Sounds like this new year is going to bring on some wonderful changes for you and your family. So glad things are working out for are certainly so talented that you have alot to offer this world. Good Luck, and Merry Christmas.

  15. Oh sooooooo sweet! Thank you and Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  16. Congratulations on being able to do away with some of the paid work outside the home - sure frees up time and head space for important crafty business.
    May your Christmas be Merry and Bright.

    Enjoy your new path in 2011.

  17. yay mate..cant wait!!! have a great chrissy yourself..and yours..enjoy relax eat and have fun....take care and see ya 2011..(or maybe talk before?) haha cheers

  18. goodluck for the New year may it bring bigger and brighter adventures for you in your crafting........

    hope everything goes well with your Mum..........

  19. merry christmas
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    Ive enjoyed visiting your blog Clare.. and the smiles it gives me. All the best for 2011 how exciting for you... Hugs Lisa

  20. Oh that sounds wonderful Clare :o)! I wish you every success for 2011 and I hope you have a truly fabulous Chrissy!!!!
    Joy :o)

  21. You go girl!!!
    Oooh I'm so happy for you Clare... I was hoping this may have been your news!!
    Wooohoo...go 2011!!
    I'll be the short woman with long dark hair cheering you very loudly :p
    "I know that girl!!!" *grin*

  22. Merry Crristmas to you and your family Clare, and good luck in the new year as new adventures await:-)

  23. Hey Clare! It sounds like 2011 is going to be an exciting year for you! How wonderful that you're in a position now where you're able to scale back on outside work to spend more time with your family and designing. Hope you have lots more time to take a breath and enjoy the creative process next year ... can't wait to see what you get up to! :0) Happy Christmas to you and your family and may your new year be filled with family, friends, fabulous adventures, fun and of course ... FABRIC! Christmassy Bear Hugs! KRIS

  24. Thanks for the laughs through the year and wishing you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous crafty 2011!

  25. Sound like an excellent arrangement. All the best for 2011 and I shall be back to see what happens next!

  26. Best wishes for you and your family.I enjoyed your Treasure Tuesday. Your sebse of humour made me smile plenty of times. Looking forward to 2011

  27. Merry Christmas Clare, the new year is full of great stuff for all of us and is sooo exciting. Have a wonderful holiday with your family, look forward to many more blogging moments.


  28. How exciting for you...2011 the Year of Clare!...Happy New Year (I kind of missed the Christmas thing blogwise)...

  29. Merry Christmas dear! I love visiting your blog and always glad to learn more good things from you, really appreciate your hard work always...

  30. hey!
    goodluck with your new venture in 2011. it will be nice to have more time at home.....
    i have the opposite, after 8 years at home, i have finally found a small casual job and am relishing getting out and doing new things :)
    hope 2011 is all that you dream it to be


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .