
Thursday, January 6, 2011

my socks are pulled up ....well sort of

 I'm getting there .
I'm writing this with an ache in my heart
and a tear in my eye but I know it must be done .
My mum was always so proud of my creative pursuits
and whenever I was published she would
ask for a signed copy of the magazine ,
I still find that just beautiful .

So with my greatest supporter watching over me
I will create , love and smile again .

I have a big year ahead and I think it
will be good for me to get back to work .
Lots and lots of new stuff coming !

Thankyou so much for your kind words but
I'm sorry I didn't reply as at the time I really found
them very difficult to read .
Also thanks go to my special friends who
privately contacted me and offered their support .

Just don't be too surprised if you see a lot of green
in my projects this year as this was mums
favourite colour .



  1. You go girl!!!!
    Definitely cheering you on and supporting you xx

  2. Hang in there Honey. It gets easier. It does seem though at the time. Love and hugs going your way. Hang on tight onto you memories.

  3. Time will heal the pain
    Time will bring her closer in your heart.

    Hugs Hon Hugs......

  4. Good girl, chin up. It is hard, there is no words we can offer that will change anything. Carry on knowing she is there by your side.

  5. It's ok to be sad sometimes Clare ... we'll be here for you when you need us. You still have lots of lovely memories, and your Mum will still be so proud of you ;o).
    Love n hugs,
    Joy :o)

  6. Your mum would be so proud of you Clare and something lieke this will take time.
    As for Green what a colour the world is so full of some amazing different colours of green, am looking so forward to seeing your new things
    big Hugs Bec xx

  7. Gosh you are a strong girl with a fabulous attitude! You will be just fine and I'm glad you know you Mum is still with you. Love to you xxx

  8. My heart goes out to you Clare and I know it's the right thing for you to do. Your mum would be so proud of you. All the best xx

  9. Clare I missed your last post. Sending big hugs and know she can still watch over you but without all the encumbrances that old age brings.

  10. Chin up, and remember it's okay to be sad. Treasure the wonderful memories and enjoy all that green as well as all the other colours in your life.

  11. I am so glad to read this post. Your mom -through your memories- is helping you heal. I look forward to seeing your work...and I think green is a lovely means hope.
    Take care and stay strong!

  12. Well done Clare....Chn Up and Chest out ready to brave things.
    It will be a hrad journey I imagine and I hope you do know we are all here willing you along.

  13. Nice to see you posting Clare.Looking forward to seeing your projects.
    Mum will be so proud of you.

  14. Welcome back. Having some projects to concentrate on and quietly dedicating them to your Mum will bit by bit help to ease some of your sadness and tears - and it's ok to fall apart at times still too.

  15. Mega hugs to you Clare and your Mums favourite colour is mine too :) Gorgeous things look fab in green. Your Mum will be watching over you and I look forward to seeing what you come up with this year :) Hugs Vicki xx

  16. I found it hard when I lost my mum as she would sit with me in the sewing room, it has been 15 years now. I never forget those days mum spent with me.

  17. Lots of love and wishes for you, May this year brings lots of happiness in your life.,

  18. Nice post!! Thank for sharing dear...

  19. Nothing will take away the ache in your heart Clare but I'm glad you are back here in blogland amongst friends. I look forward to seeing your inspiring crafting in 2011.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  20. I think it will be good for you to work, Clare. Nothing will take away the ache but it helps to be busy. I do hope to see lots of green in your projects, I think that's a lovely way to honor your mum.

  21. One day at a time Clare.

    Thinking of you.

  22. Hi Clare, my thoughts are with you, green is such a great colour, no doubt just like your mum. I am looking forward to your crafty adventures this year....Take care

  23. Thinking of you. Stay strong. xx

  24. Green is a very spiritual colour so a good way to go, your mum will always be with you as you are part of her so don't be sad. Betty x

  25. Have been wondering how you were going..Nice to see you back...
    Looking forward to seeing your New Designs...
    Sending Big Hugs.

  26. So Sorry to hear your news
    We had our own loss just after christmas
    Thinking of you

  27. Sending love and fondest thoughts! As you know, your mum will always watch over you and you will always make her proud ~ the heart really does go on! love Annie xx

  28. I think green is a lovely healing colour. Thinking of you :) x

  29. Clare--I understand it will be a difficult year ahead, but look forward to being by your cyber side.

  30. Love and strength to you, Clare.

  31. Oh Clare - I don't know how I missed your last post - and am so sad for you ...

    I can remember the desolation of losing my mum like it was yesterday, but it was 18 years ago! But ... Time dulls the pain, it really does.

    But in the meantime, be consoled that your mum would be so proud of all you create ... and green is the colour of life, so always look forward to new growth ...

    All the best for 2011 ...

  32. ... sorry ... how many 'buts' can you fit in a comment!

  33. Hi Clare,
    Oops, I missed your last post.
    I'm soo sorry to hear you've lost your Mum.

    How sweet that she wanted a signed published copy everytime.

    I understand the 'green' thing~My Mum is exactly the same.
    Big hugs,

  34. Dear Clare, with the holidays and all, I missed your last post. I am so sad for you, but I know that your Mum would want you to keep busy with your crafts, as you know how proud she was of your achievements. I am sure she will be watching over you and your family. many hugs, Sandy.((()))

  35. Take all the time and shed all tears that you need to. Mums are very special.

  36. So sorry to hear of your loss Clare. Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers your way.

    Can't wait to see your green projects! It is no wonder your Mum was so enormously proud of you.

  37. Your mom will always be with you in your heart. I can't even imagine how much pain you are going through. Keep talking about her, I think it will help. Green is a beautiful color.

  38. Oh Claire, you are such a strong girl with a brave attitude and your mum would be so proud of you Clare because you really have an excellent creativity and I really appreciate your hard work...

  39. I think your Mum is always by your side watching you create beautiful things and being proud of you.

  40. Clare, I wish you so much strenght. I only read the sad news about your mother just now. You will miss her for the rest of your life. Believe me. But you will always remember her with a smile once the pain has eased and I am sure she will inspire you and keep an eye on you.

  41. So sorry to hear of your loss. Keep going with your beautiful crafting.

  42. Hey Clare! A lovely way to picture it ... your Mum looking over your shoulder as you create. And obviously she was a lady of excellent taste ... from one green lover to another! :0) Can't wait to see what yummy things come out of Clare's Craftroom this year! Bear Hugs! KRIS

  43. so glad to see you back Clare you old hankie lady you xxx


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .