
Saturday, August 14, 2010

You aren't all axe murderers .

On the left is the teapot I picked up from Vinnies and showed you a while back .
On the right is the jug that matches it that a blogger sent to me .
Who is this blogger you ask ?
Not a clue , no idea !
I received this jug in the mail the other day and all I know is it came from Victoria .
The person sent it as a surprise because she knew I had the teapot .
This person didn't want to say who she was because
she didn't want me to feel obligated to repay her .
Can you believe how kind some people are !
I was really floored by the generosity of this person
and am just so touched that they took the time and effort to send it to me .
I hope my mystery gifter reads this and knows how happy and grateful I am .
Thankyou so much .


  1. That is the nicest thing I have heard all day, Lucky you, It must be Karma for you for all the nice things you have done!

  2. what a fantastic thing to do - but i'm not surprised, bloggers are lovely people!!!

  3. There are some amazing people out there....and what a day it made for you...just lovely!

  4. How lovely! Utterly gorgeous design too.
    I had a similar thing happen recently. Someone sent me a book and I have no idea who it was apart from it was a blogger.
    Isn't the blogging world amazing?!

  5. A definite warm and fuzzy :) The Anne Marie pattern is so bright and cheerful.

  6. That is so lovely. A deserving recipient.

  7. People like Victoria makes the world smile. That was truly kind. Enjoy your beautiful gift.

  8. Oh that is just so cool!! Guess what, we're coming to Gundagai in the school holidays, middle weekend. Maybe we can meet if you consider a patchworking Canberra housewife with 4 children is very unlikely to be an axe murderer too. A public place, you know, where people will hear you scream (with laughter i hope!!) He he, love Posie

  9. How lovely to be given something in this way, a very thoughtful and sweet gesture. Yay for you and hurray for them! xo

  10. I bet that really made your day! Here's to random acts of kindness :)

  11. Oh my goodness - that is truly amazing! How lovely.

  12. Ah that made me smile! Some people are so kind and thoughtful! Hugs to whoever sent your gift!

  13. That's a lovely thing to do. I had a blogger send me some gorgeous bits and pieces but begged for me not to acknowledge it publicly. Kindness from the heart always is more touching. Cherrie

  14. That is so lovely, you are one lucky blogger and kudos to the beautiful person that sent it to you.

  15. You lucky duck!
    Now, if there's anyone out there with some cups and saucers....?

  16. How very kind and sweet! It is so refreshing and encouraging to know that kindness still lives in the hearts of people! Enjoy your sweet gift!



  17. How lovely for someone to do that :).

  18. How sweet is that? Bloggers are the best :-)

  19. I love to hear about the kindness that bloggers show one another, it makes me worry less about the future of the world ;O)

  20. Oh that is so kind!
    i have met so many lovely people since I started to blog that its sort of restored my faith in humanity a little bit.
    Anyways lovely set!!
    Em xxxxxx

  21. This has just completely restored my faith in humanity! there really are some wonderfully selfless folk out there.

  22. What a wonderful and thoughtful gift, and how very special...

  23. There are so many lovely people in the world. Enjoy your gift.

  24. Oh how nice for someone to do that for you! It would be killing me to not know who it was! Lovely set!

  25. Fantastic - and they look beautiful together....... Hugz

  26. blogland is full of some rare perfect to have the set now

  27. What a lovely surprise Clare. There are some special people in this world, a lot to be said for acts of kindness! :-)

  28. What a sweet thing to do...a lovely random act of kindness...lucky you.

  29. Clare that is a blogger for you...just so amazing..

  30. RAK's are the best - it always makes one feel good to be a 'giver' too! Your anonymous friend obviously thinks you're worthy of it! Very cute gift too.

  31. How wonderful! Bloggers are the best!

  32. Just gorgeous!!! Now that's why I love blogland... People just do things because sometimes and it totally blows me away...

    Enjoy your jug... Hugs - Jodie :)

  33. That is such a great story!
    Blogland is the best like that because I think it attracts so many kind, generous and thoughtful people.
    Enjoy your jug.

  34. That is so lovely of someone to send to you. the set looks lovely.

  35. That's so lovely! Isn't blogland a wonderful place.

  36. Was't that a lovely surprise for you? It's good to know that there are some lovely strangers out there and that they aren't all weirdo's. I agree with some of the other comments....there are some very nice bloggers out there that's for sure!
    Everytime you use it I am sure it will make you smile.
    Lois S.

  37. There are some amazing people out there,nice bloggers.The set looks pretty lovely.Great surprise for you...This is a true sign of generosity...

  38. that is so cute....generosity is what we dont often get to see in daily life........
    graphic designer


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