
Friday, August 13, 2010

The Doctors Report

Medical report for Toby Kennedy .
The patient appears to be resting comfortably .
We did a cbc, a chem 7 and other stuff , stat !
There's seems to be a little trouble with his heart .
Doctor recommends - patient is to continue bed rest
until further notice .

Really big bill on the way .


  1. Hope Toby has a speedy recovery and is all well again soon.
    You may want to think about some private insurance for next time. Perhaps insurance line could help!!!!

    Cheers Geniene

  2. Oh Clare, that is too cute...little Toby lying there all swathed in bandages! I am sending him many well wishes for a speedy recovery from his reconstruction surgery! :o)



  3. I'm pacing the floor hoping that Toby will be happy with his new look. Is he on a liquid diet or solids??? I'll eat some chocolate for him, that'll help to make him better.

  4. I hope Toby gets better soon!! We can feel sorry for each other while we recover... my bandage just goes around the top of my head though! LOL.. I hope a wonderful family member comes fourth with some money for you!! Hugs Lisa

  5. Toby looks like he has had a complete makeover - didn't recognise him for a minute.

    Wishing him a speedy recovery. Hope the bill is not too big (you need some money left over for fabric after all).

  6. Thanks for the update Doctor Clare!

  7. Oh my did this make me laugh - GREAT post, Clare!

  8. Did he go to a celebrity makeover specialist?

  9. He he he.... Oops - sorry - shouldn't be laughing during this serious time!!!!! Get well soon Tobes... and um... get your mum to feed you some yummy hot chocolate through a straw...

    Hugs Clare!!
    Vikki xoxo

  10. Awwww, poor Toby!!!
    Reckon he's in good hands though ;o). Take good care of him Doctor Clare ;o).
    Joy :o)

  11. I hope the patient is covered my Medicare...may have to take out a personal loan to pay the bill

  12. You are just too first I was trying to think of a real person and then I remembered your other post about his make over...too funny!!

  13. I work in the cath lad in Hamilton, NZ. Let me know if his enzymes are elevated or if his Trop T is up, may need a quick look at his coronary arteries!
    Otherwise bed rest is good

  14. Get well soon Toby. What a cutie pie.

  15. Poor Toby,I hope you have a speedy recovery.I am sure Doc clare is taking good care of you. LOL

  16. Ouch...that is a big hurt...Get well soon Toby...

  17. Looking forward to the 'celebrity unveiling'. Will Ted need bodyguards, like Michael Jackson did, to keep the paparazzi at bay? lol

  18. Lol, now I sound like paparazzi getting the name wrong! Toby just reminded me of a bandaged bear when I was typing and I hit enter before editing. Apologies Toby, you can sue me later, lol!

  19. Just got back from a week away and catch up on your blog..... poor Toby - get well soon....... Hugz

  20. With expert bandaging like that he will be back on his feet in no time!!

  21. I pray for the speedy recovery of Toby he may get well soon..My well wishes are all with him...Thanks for the updates...

  22. Thanks for sharing this post. Really Informative for us..keep it up guys..
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