
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesdays Treasures

These dusty old bottles are indeed treasures .
My son like a lot of little boys liked to dig and dig and dig .
He used to dig so much he found where people used bury
 their rubbish in the bottom of our yard .
He would dig up all the old bottles
 knowing how much I liked them .
This is only a small selection of them ,
 there are just so many .
My son is almost 15 now but I can still see
 the pride on his much younger face
each time he presented me with a new bottle .
Precious treasures both the bottles and the son .

Come along and show your treasures .


  1. I remember digging for bottles at Grandma's. It was such fun to find one, almost as good as finding gold. I'm glad you have kept them (and your son).

  2. Cool bottles Clare. Some look quite old.

  3. Cute story of your son collecting them for you..... funny how glass bottles ALWAYS look lovely - however old and scratched they are...... a lovely collection.

  4. I've missed the last two Tuesdays. I made sure I didn't forget this time. I love all our different takes on what our 'treasures' are.

  5. Old bottles are interesting, so glad digging resulted in all these treasures.

  6. they are definitely treasures!!
    beautiful story Clare.
    hope he didn't dig up anything not treasure worth!

  7. What a lovely collection of bottles. I finally remembered it was Tuesday on a Tuesday and I've actually taken a photo this time so my treasure is posted on my blog this week :).

  8. I am like you Clare just love old bottles...what a fantastic collection..and you had your very own tresure hunter....

  9. You are a little like me Clare, a bottle collector by proxy. Others have collected them for us, makes them extra special I think!

  10. We live on a sheep & cattle station in outback Australia and have found heaps of bottles around the old rubbish dumps on the property. I once saw someone fill all of their glass bottles with coloured (food colouring) water and sit them in a row on their window sill they looked great with the light shining through! Sophie.

  11. the bottles are great. What a treasure to have as a memory of your boy's childhood. Glass bottles always look good.

  12. How fabulous does your bottle collection look - great memories too

  13. I love old bottles too Clare.. You have a wonderful collection and so lovely that your son "found" them for you. Great post xx

  14. Thats funny, I have just come up from the kitchen where I put some little flowers from the garden in the 2 old bottles I bought last week on the Isle of Wight for 50p each - I love them !
    Sue x

  15. You have such a luvly blog...and the bottle are just beautifull.

  16. Finally, my treasure is back again! Thanks. Clare for the motivation. I hadn't forgotten - just a little sidetracked. Love the bottles. I've got some from my childhood farm, but not that many!!

  17. That is a very neat collection you have an indeed a treasure .Our youngest son also collected old bottles and some of them are still here , in fact I use one to put dish soap in so it looks more decorative .Thanks for sharing.

  18. Clare I apologize for putting my name in twice but the first link wouldn't work.

  19. Hi Clare,
    Oh wow, what a collection.
    I must join in on this Tuesday treasures.

  20. Awww, I love these stories Clare and the memories of seeing our children taking pride in these accomplishments.
    Brings back wonderful memories of my little boy doing similar things... he is now 20 but still my little boy (somedays) *wink*

    Sorry I have missed TT for a couple of weeks. I am currently head down with work and have just finished moving same son for work.
    Phew :p
    But I'll be baaaaaaccck *grin*
    Hugs to you,
    Rob xx

  21. Oh boy, you've got some real treasure buried in your yard! I've never found anything in mine. Bless that son of yours for all his digging and treasure finding!!! Boys are such fun! xo Paulette

  22. Isn't that the strangest thing? Just this afternoon I was thinking that I should start decluttering the shelves in my living room. I did a mental check of what was there and remembered that there was a bottle that I had dug up in the yard of the house I grew up in, when I was around 17 or 18 years old. (I am 55 now) That house was well over a hundred and twenty years old at that time. Anyway, I still have the bottle and decide that I could not get rid of it.
    I am glad I am not the only one to hang onto such memories.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Lois S.

  23. My sister & I used to dig in a paddock behind were we lived...we used to find pretty peices of china!!

  24. Lovely collection of bottles.Its good you kept all of them,good to have a reminder of such old things..


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .