
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Not only is it naughty

but downloading movies on the internet uses up all your
allowance for the month very quickly , like in a blink !
I'm not being snobby not visiting anyone , I just can't .
You can bet your last dollar that my 15 year old son
was not downloading Gone With The Wind but
that is sure where he sent our internet
 use for the rest of the month ,
it has gone with the wind too !


  1. Oh dear :O
    Well lots of sewing happening this month then?? *grin*

  2. ˙ǝɹnʇnɟ ǝɥʇ uı ssǝɔɔns ǝɹoɯ uıɐƃ noʎ ɥsıʍ ı

    ¡dn ʇı dǝǝʞ ˙pooƃ sʞooן ƃoןq ɹnoʎ
    ¿noʎ ǝɹɐ ʍoɥ ¡oןןǝɥ

  3. Know the feeling and because their are three siblings here no one will own up and they all keep telling the other ones off. Haha. Time for me to disappear I think. Cherrie

  4. Don't you just hate it? I tell dh the more gb's we have, the more things I find to download. hee hee mainly craft!!!!

  5. HOw cruel!
    Hurry up download limit.

  6. Aah oh! Busted! Imagine all the time you will have to do the other things now!! - we will miss you ..... Hugz

  7. I guess you will have lots to show us at the end of the month. Happens at my house too, and no-one will own up to here as well. Bring on the superfast internet I say!

  8. Daughters downloading the latest episode of Glee will have the same effect!! I feel your pain!

  9. Oh POO Clare......Did he say "Frankly my dear...I don't give a damn" when you nicely asked him where all the internet usage had gone to?? LOL....What was he thinking?...Silly me...15. What am I thinking LOL! :-)

    Hurry back Clare.

  10. Oh dear Clare...being the mummy of three boys...all I can say is boys will be boys....I can remember those huge internet bills....and then came the phone bills....oh dear...

  11. You will be missed - but think of how much you will get accomplished in your blogging time!

  12. LOL, that's why MY computer is password locked so daughter can only use it if I know and I can monitor the use. Even 11 yr olds can max out download limits :O!

  13. Is he the one who used to find bottles for you??? Remember that if it helps!!!!!
    On the other hand, I have read about similar situations on other australian blogs. Is it that there is no flat rate over there???? Unbelivable!!!! I hope you get it soon.
    Get a lot done to show us when you come back!!!

  14. Uh oh! Well, I'd make him watch it over and over until your next allowance comes in! Bet he'd think twice about next time! :o)

    Hopefully you'll have lots of great projects to show us when you get back!



  15. Oh BUMMER!!!!!!!! I do so hate restrictions....

  16. Oooops! I hope your son will find other creative outlets to occupy his time.


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .