
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I'm just a stripper .

Some of you were a little surprised I don't quilt and now you can see some more of my strip blocks you now know why I don't quilt ! Yes they are pretty terrible but I really wanted to get something done with all my scraps . This is also a very productive way of stalling when I should be doing other things . I have a new softie to be released soon and I'm almost at the point where I need to start the pattern writing and the longer I can put that off the better .
 The Cath Kidson fabric in the photo below is what I won from Susie at I love that fabric and it will not be getting cut up for my blanket , thanks Susie .


  1. Your blocks are fine Clare, wait till you sew them all together you will see that they make a gorgeous quilt.
    What lovely fabric. What do you plan to do with it??

  2. those blocks look fantastic, so bright and cheerful, and your win looks lovely too. Great stuff.

  3. I think your blocks look great, Clare. The first impression is how happy and bright they are. I think they will make a lovely quilt.
    I love the fabric you won ... it's just gorgeous :))

  4. clare, blocks looks pretty...i love the fabric you won...lucky you

  5. Ooooh pretty blocks - and you're a fancy stripper at that!!! ;)

  6. i think the blocks look great, nice stripper work

  7. Hi Clare, I think your blocks look great. Unfinished blocks always look better when they are sewed together. Even perfectly done blocks don't look good until they are together and yours look pretty good to me. Love your fabric win!

  8. It is inevitable that you would become a stripper...after all, you've been hanging around with that "Barbie" girl! She has corrupted you, my sweet Clare! (wink)

    Seriously...the blocks look lovely! I think the colors/fabrics you've chosen are just scrumptious!

  9. Clare are you sure you weren't joshing us about not knowing how to quilt? I think you've done a fantatic job with your first attempt.Can't wait to see them all sewn together :) Barb.
    Oh,and congratulations on your fabric win you lucky girl!

  10. I think your blocks look GREAT - I love the scrappy look! What are you going to make with your incredible fabric win? I think I'd just take it out and pet it every now and then.

  11. For a "non quilter" those blocks look great to me. Good luck with the new pattern.

  12. Looks good to me....Very vibrant and gypsy like colors.

  13. Hi Clare,
    I'm no expert but these strippy blocks look great.
    Ah, what will you come up with next.

    I don't blame you for putting off pattern writing-I need to take notes while designing and painting something and then quite often change my mind while I'm going along. Tee hee
    Happy creating,

  14. I reckon the quilt blocks look really good. All scrappy and lovely!

  15. They look lovely and bright and cheerful Clare and to me it looks like you have been quilting for a long time :) Congrats on your win..they are gorgeous fabrics and also looking forward to seeing your new softie :)Hugs Vicki

  16. Ha ha ha ... love your title Clare ... that's sure to raise some eyebrows ;o)! Must admit, I wondered if maybe you were doing a bit of moonlighting LOLOL!!!
    Clare your blocks are delish!!! I LOVE scrappy quilts and this one is going to be gorgeous!! Can't wait to see it finished :o)!!
    Joy :o)

  17. Its looking great, I can not wait to see the end product. It also sounds like you are enjoying the making as well.
    Big Hugs

    PS pop over I have a surprise for a lucky person.

  18. Those blocks are super and you are going to be pleasantly-surprised when they are sewn together into a quilt top!!!

  19. Hi I think your blocks look great I think the bug has bitten!

  20. I like them! You're no worse than me Clare. Looking forward to your new softie! I'd love to have another lizard softie pattern, any chances it's a lizard? lol

  21. Your blocks are looking FANTASTIC. I love strippy quilting.

    Nice win too.


  22. It's going to be a gorgeous quilt Clare..
    Well, for someone that doesn't quilt, your doing great..
    Julia ♥

  23. Clare the blocks look good and very colorful. They will make a great scrappy quilt...scrappy quilts are such fun.

  24. Oh a little bith of Cath Kidston goes a long way . . . even the larger roses look beautiful chopped up clashed with spots & stripes. Love Posie

  25. I like your colourful blocks, Clare - just keep on stripping! (Domac in Craft Forum)

  26. Good on ya girl! They look fabulous!!
    Have you 'patted' them yet??
    Yes I really did ask that :p

  27. i don't think they are scary at all - they will make a lovely quilt.


  28. They are fanstastic - great combination of fabrics!

  29. Hi Clare, love your string blocks...a string quilt is on my to do list this year...Warm Regards Lyn

  30. I think you are a beautiful stripper - beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I say "Just Gorgeous" . . .

  31. Now if these blocks didn't get our attention, your TITLE sure did. LOL! Thank goodness it was about sewing and not what you've had to do at night to support your sewing habit.
    Love all your blocks together.

  32. Oooo, great minds think alike...or maybe it's creative minds! Gorgeous string blocks. Glad you're joining the challenge.

  33. Oooh! You say you are not a quilter but what beautiful work you did. My daughter and I both went "Oh!" when we saw your blog. So pretty! Good for you. I am a hacker quilter as well! :)

  34. I just love all the colours

  35. Wow, lucky you winning that beautiful fabric, I just adore it. Hope you had a great New Year Clare and look forward to reading your blog in 2010

  36. Looks great Clare...what gorgeous fabric you have won...Congratulations!!!

  37. Oh Clare...your quilt is going to be gorgeous. Thanks to you and Robyn I decided to try this block too and now I'm hooked. They are way too much fun. The hardest part is stopping......

  38. Hi Clare-
    Love the way you've put the fabrics together! Should make a powerfully gorgeous quilt! I'd love to know what's planned for the Cath Kidston fabric too.
    Bronwyn ...

  39. I'm loving all those colours....and a little procrastination is natural isn't it? wink ;)

  40. Fabulous Clare, your blanket looks great.

  41. clare -your work is fine. If you had not told us about it I would not have picked up on anything. The material is beautiful. I think the blocks looks great.

  42. Clare your string quilt is wonderful, I love the colours you have used, I hope you keep going with it, it will be a happy, fun quilt! xo

  43. Hi Clare, I LOVE the colour combination! I agree with the above, once it's all together and quilted - You will be fine. I learnt something very important long ago. There is no such thing as a mistake when sewing - It can always be a design feature!


  44. Wow, this will be an amazing quilt - so happy and colourful. Great idea to use up all the fabric scraps.

  45. You may not be a "quilter" but that is just fabulous!

  46. So exactly why are these blocks terrible Clare??? I think they are lovely, will be even more so when you put them together. Hugs.....

  47. Ohhhh, I think they all look so nice together!

  48. I am not really a qui8lter but I am trying to get better. These blocks look really fun to do. I think it could get quite addictive too.

  49. I have to admit that I am surprised too, that you dont' quilt! I don't worry near so much about my quilting since reading Lisa Boyer's 'Dorky Homemade Quilts' book where she talks about the 'quilt police' - very funny! If you look up Lisa Boyer for blogspot you should be able to find her - let me know if you don't. Love your strings quilt blocks, they look fantastic!

  50. STRIPES.. I love i! Looks fantastic and what a great way to use up scraps. :) E

  51. You are a head of me Hun! We will get there! You watch. They are beautiful the colours are amazing!

  52. Actually I think your blocks are great. Not a quilter? You may have to eat those words. . .LOL!

  53. I also think your blocks are great. String quilts are magic. Piece them together and they'll turn into a top. Add a border and 'bingo'. Oh listen to me....I'm telling Clare what to do. But seriously, do it!


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .