
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Say cheese !

Rachel the editor from Handmade asked me a while ago if I would be interested in being profiled in Handmade in their Inspirations section . Would I what !
Great she said if I could just send in a photo she would organise everything .
 A photo of what ? Not me ? Yes Clare we need your photo .
Well I'm not big on photos of myself , not because I've got three heads or anything but I just don't like it !
The kids thought it was hilarious and gave me all sorts of suggestions like send in a younger photo of myself or send in a photo of someone else !! My son thought no one would notice if I look an awful lot like Miranda Kerr . The time came when I had to do something so I put some lippy on (it's a wonder it wasn't all dried up as I don't remember last time I wore any ) and combed my hair and handed the camera to my son , do it !
We went into the backyard and my son was very professional and took a heap of photos laughing the whole time and assuring me it wasn't going to hurt . He then showed me beautiful photos of my ear , my feet , the side of the house and a little bird that he had spied , no wonder he couldn't stop laughing the grub !
Finally a photo was taken and sent into Handmade . It has been a bit of a joke in my house that Mum looked like a roo caught in the headlights and they couldn't wait to see my photo in the magazine .
The magazine arrived and everyone awaited the big reveal , ta da ! No photo ! Great article though she says with a big sigh of relief .


  1. Congratulations Clare.I'm like you and hate having my photo taken.I'll have to wait till my sister's finished reading her copy then I'll get my turn :) Barb.

  2. Oh congratulations! What a wonderful honor! You were so funny about the picture stuff...I'm the same way, and just like you, I don't have two heads or anything, just a bit camera shy. I giggled through this entire post!...I'd love to read your article. Thanks for your sweet visit! xoxo Paulette ;)

  3. Congratulations Clare :) Now how about showing us THE photo??

  4. ha ha ha...this is absolutely hilarious Clare!!!
    Funny kid!! See it wasn't meant to be *grin*

    A hugs congratulations on being profiled... in a good way I

    You deserve it! You are such an inspiration to us all!!

    Wooohooo to you!!! Hugs and congrats!!

  5. How very nice to be featured in that magazine....and how funny about the photo business. I, too, don't like photos of myself as I never look in them like I IMAGINE myself to look. LOL

  6. congratulations on your spot! and no picture! thank you for stopping by simply feather and leaving such a genuine comment. i was admiring your quilt blocks. they are right up my alley. i prefer your style of quilting...just sewing for the enjoyment. i think your squares are beautiful. really beautiful!

  7. WooHoo! Now I can say I have a treasure made by Clare Bower and the world will know who I'm talking about, the stitching world that is! Congratulations Clare! I look forward to getting my copy and learning some more about you.

  8. Conrats....and what a fun time with your son....

  9. Clare, kids are great aren't they with all their suggestions ie. someone else's photo! That's too funny. Congratulations to you for getting in the magazine, I'll have to run off and buy a copy now. Kind regards, Anita.

  10. Oh how exciting Clare!!! Congratulations!!!

  11. Congrats Clare. Very exciting for you. Hugs, Jeanette

  12. Congratulations Clare! How fantastic. I've got a profile next month in Homespun and the photo was about the hardest part. I know exactly what you mean :)

  13. Congratulations!! i know how you feel, why do they need a snap when it's your work they are promoting!! oh well, i try to hide behind my children, that's a trick, further from the lens & focus. great work, how exciting!! love Posie

  14. Congratulations! Now Im going to have to go out and buy Homespun to read the article! Totally understand about the photo part, though.

  15. That is too funny - I think your kid sent the foot picture that's why we don't see it. Congratulations.

  16. congratulations clare....I don't know if i will get the magazine gere...i have to happy for you...

    It was nice to read about your photo shoot....

  17. Clare I'm still laughing at the images you have evoked in your post, just hilarious. I will rush out to get my copy of handmade and use it as my claim to fame. Is it the latest or did you get an advanced copy?

  18. I was wondering why there was no photo of you Clare :) But you did have a good time with your son and congrats on being Profiled :) It was a great read. hugs Vicki

  19. How jolly exciting is that???
    As for self portrait pics I too hate them!

  20. Congratulations Clare! How exciting to have an entire profile story.

  21. Congratulations Clare! How exciting to have an entire profile story.

  22. Oh! Now that's just NOT FAIR !!!!
    I'm sure it's a great article without the photo of YOU.

  23. Congratulations on being profiled
    I have let my subscription to Handmade lapse Will just have to go out and buy one
    Does that mean we never get to see you now?

  24. That's great Clare! Congrats! I'm sure the pic of you would have looked fine. Ummm.....wouldn't it??? lol.

  25. I carn't stop laughing, your house sounds like mine and I too hate having my photo taken. Congrates on the artical and I am looking forward to reading it.
    Big Hugs

  26. Oh great, look forward to reading that one!

  27. I received my copy in the post the other day and thought how exciting for you to be profiled. The photo shoot sounds hilarious.

  28. Congratulations Clare. I shall dash out now and get that copy ( like I need another excuse to buy a magazine!). At least your photo session sounds as if it were fun!
    Kiss Noises Linda Lilly C

  29. How did you get off so lightly, with NO photo. I have not been so lucky!

  30. happy new year you gorgeous thing! i still cant believe that someone famous like you would talk to me...congrats and keep on creating.

  31. Wow how wonderful! What an honor! That's hysterical about the photo. I don't know about you, but since I'm always the one with camera in hand, we don't have many photos of me - it's a good thing to have pics of yourself for future generations, though. Someday my kids may think I didn't exist, lol! So just chalk up all the pics you took for posterity.

  32. Congratulations!! What a nice article!! Your story about the photo is so funny!!

  33. Isn't it crazy - a whole article but all you can do is worry about the photo. I am exactly the same and dreading the final reveal...
    Can't wait to read the article - and I'll just imagine what you like...

  34. Hi Clare,
    My mag arrived in the mail on Monday and I was so excited to see your profile in it.........It would have been nice for them to have put in your photo but perhaps they thought you should remain anonymous so at least you can walk down the street without the paparazzi after Well done


  35. Oh No - No Photo!!! I'll just have to go out and buy it anyway. Looking forward to the article.

  36. Congrats on being featured in Handmade!!! What a pity about the phots... *wink* Maybe you could post it on your blog instead... LOL!!

    Take Care
    Jodie :)

  37. Oh wow - congratulations!
    I know what you mean about photos - yuck!
    Thanks so much for my pattern I won - I still need to post about it on my blog!

  38. I got my copy of Handmade today and was thrilled to see your profile in there. Congratulations Clare. I totally relate to the photo biz too. Well... at least now you can breathe easy.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  39. Hi Clare,
    I've just finished reading all about you in Handmade.
    Wow, that's one big family you come from!
    Ooohhh, I wanted to see what you look like.

  40. Congratulations Clare. Thanks for the laugh too, I love your stories.

  41. Clare --you deserve this . Your work is lovely.

  42. Hi clare...just found you via kylie cupcakes blog...

    Well done on being featured in a mag re your craft work..

    I used to own a shop some years ago.."lady nelson interiors"..had it for 10 yrs & used to sell heaps & heaps of gorgeous handmade golliwogs/picanninies/quilts etc..
    SOO I appreciate you crafty ladies..

    take care...andrea

  43. Hey Clare! Congrats on being featured in "Handmade"!! Had a giggle at your photo saga! The first time I was asked to do something for a magazine, the same thing happened ... were they trying to tell me something!! Tee! Hee! Hee! Laughed at your 'photographer's' escapades, too - what a mischievous son - with a wicked sense of humour! :0) Here's to many more magazine features! Bear Hugs! KRIS

  44. Congratulations and I know that feeling - but then again, I really do look like Miranda Kerr!

  45. Well done Clare, you know I think they are saving the photo for the front cover of the next issue!!!! Happy days.

  46. ha ha thats funny Clare, i used to hate having my pic taken too..but it has become so frequent now with digital cams..that I have just accepted it..and say..yeah why not ...go ahead...great article by the way....cheers

  47. Oh Clare I have wet myself laughing at what you wrote on your blog about the photo being taken. Congrats on the article. Shame about the photo, I would have liked to see it.

  48. Congrats on the article. How wonderful for you. Pitty about the photo though... I would have liked to see you looking all roo-like!!!

  49. Ahh Clare, congratulations for being in Handmade....I too loathe having my photo taken and avoid it if I can...however DH is devious and takes a photo when I am asleep...not happy jan...Warm Regards Lyn

  50. Congratulations Clare.
    How fabulous...when do we get to see the photos of your foot etc :)
    Sounds like your son had a wonderful time though.
    Hugs, Sharon

  51. I HATE having my photo taken too!!
    Well done on the magazine profile ... an interesting read.


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