
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

You were wondering .......

You were wondering what I was going to do with all those lovely spots in the previous post .

Do you think I'm the sort of person that buys fabric just because I have to have it ?

Do you also think I'm just not brave enough to cut into it ?

Well you are absolutely right but I know I'm not alone with this .

I have found the perfect motivation for disrupting my polka pile - a swap!

Not just any swap A Polka Dot Swap !

Stacey over at Polka Dot Daze is having a swap for all the dotty girls and sign ups close in just a few days . If you need a good reason for cutting into your spots stash join in , it's going to be great fun .


  1. Have you started already? My goodness you're good! Thanks for dedicating a whole post to my swap :) Looking forward to seeing how everyone goes.

  2. I don't know that I can part with any of my "beloved spottys"! (okay, you can stop with the wild snickering at any time now). Seriously!

  3. This is a lovely combination Clare. Can't wait to see the reveal.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  4. I know all those spotty fabrics, as I own most, and then see them every time I'm at spotlight! lol I only just had a polka dot swap on swapbot! I hosted it! lol The pink dots look great with that fabric!
    I found a heap of back isssues of Handmade the other day, and as I was going through them, found several of your advertisements, including your puppy to make! lol It's great seeing people I know advertised in there!

  5. OOoh are you making that pretty piece Clare?? I love the combo too.
    so gorgeous!!
    I'm popping into say hi too *grin ~ waving atcha!!
    Robyn xx

  6. Now that is cheating. All the rest of us fabric lovers have to just look at our collections. LOL Great swap too.

  7. I love polka dot fabric. This looks so cute!

  8. Hi Clare,
    I don't know what you're making but those two fabrics look great together.
    Looking forward to seeing the finished item.

  9. Thanks for saying hello on Haby G! Dots are the perfect accessory fabric, they go with everything!! My fav is laminated dotted fabric at the moment.

  10. Hey Clare! Thanks so much for visiting my blog yesterday! I love new visitors and making new friends. Can't wait to see more of your work now on your blog! :)

  11. what...I am not the only one who buys fabric and then doesn't want to use it...?

  12. Thanks for letting us know about the swap. So many spots to choose from...where to begin? Kind regards, Lisa.

  13. Hi Clare,

    Thanks for dropping by my blog. The outcome at the dentist was good, so now onto the crafting. I haven't got any spots yet, but I'm sure they will come one day - have a few baby quilts I need to get started & finished first. The spots go beautifully with the floral, con't wait to see the finished item

  14. Hello Clare ,thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I hope you looked at some of my older blogs . This stash of spotted fabric is sumptuous. I cannot join in I live in England.----cottonreel

  15. Hi Clare, thank you for the thumbs up for the swap.......bitterly cold down south.......Regards Lyn


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .