
Friday, June 12, 2009

No you're not seeing double!

I've had quite a few enquiries about my header and yes there is a pattern available for it . I have just started listing my patterns in my blog shop . Remember I have only just started so there are only a few listed so far . If you are interested in having a look click on the shop link in my sidebar and hopefully it will take you straight there . If you have any queries email me I am happy to help.
Wholesale Enquiries are also welcome .

Only 5 more posts till my 100th ! I talk a lot .


  1. great little saying...great little stitchery.

  2. Good on you Clare and I am sure things will go well for you. 100 posts eh? Mmmm you chatterbox you! hehehe May you have many many more posts too. I love coming to your blog to see what you have got up to.

  3. I love this stitchery, OOOOHHH it's getting close for you 100th post, theres a few around at the moment inc. mine, thanks for commenting onmine and I'll be back here soon !!

  4. Hello Clare, thank you for the thumbs up on the Polka Dot Swap...I have your double stitchery...LOL...Warm Regards Lyn

  5. The applique and embroidery are adorable. I just became a follower. Love your inspiration.


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .