
Saturday, June 6, 2009

Spots from Spotty

Living in a small country town I don't have the luxury of a fabric store , cruel I know , so I need to buy most of my fabric through mail order . I placed an order with Spotlight on Wednesday morning, received a very polite phone call from them in the afternoon letting me know what the price would be and received my spotty parcel on Friday morning .

After taking out the stuff I ordered that was unavailable all I was left with were spots !

It is spotty , dotty heaven here , I love them !


  1. Clare, what a ding-a-ling I would be! I didn't realize you lived in Australia - oh,you poor girl not having access to quiltshops and here I've been feeling sorry for myself because there is not one next door - so pleased Spotlight have been able to help and the spots look great!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  2. It's a well kept secret, but I have a polka dot fetish! So I think your new goodies are great!

  3. Hey Clare! Oooohh! I'm with the previous commenter - I'm a dotty, spotty gal too!! One can never have too many spotty fabrics, I say!! And while I am feeling very spoilt at how much access I have to fabrics (Spotlight and three patchwork shops in town!) I've lived in Bourke, so know all about being isolated from sewing supplies!! Enjoy playing with your spotties!! Bear Hugs! KRIS

  4. sometimes its nice to have spots and your spots look great Clare...Mmmmm what are you going to make with them :) I look forward to seeing these wonderful creations you do.

  5. My god woman where do you live? Let me help you!

  6. Polka Dots are classics...
    You just never tire of them.
    Candy stripes are abit like that for me...

  7. Clare the fabrics are all very what are you going to make...

  8. Oh.................I l your spots...truly love them....and I feel you pain over not having a quiltshop near by...but that online buying is awesome. I have that down pat, just ask my husband.

  9. Hi Clare, just coming over to see where you are. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. Where about in Australia are you? I can see my dear friend Lurline was here too. Love the spotty fabric. Must visit Spotlight and get some for myself.

  10. hi, how u doing? they all look so pretty together!

  11. Love spots and stripes, they are so classic.

    Thank you for following my blog too.

  12. Ooooh, Clare ...... they're so bright and cheery, I just LOVE spots and dots!!! What will they become???
    Joy :o)

  13. How cool are those spots .. Love all the colours you got there.

  14. Hi Clare,
    Thanks for your comment on my blog! Ooh, I'm loving all those dotty spots. They are so fresh & vibrant! x

  15. Oh yes lovely - definitely means you have to do my swap!

    Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I have started registrations for my swap - and the polka dot idea won hands down. Go to my blog to check it out!

  16. Love the spots carn't wait to see what they get turned into
    Hugs Bec

  17. So what's the plan for the spots?

  18. Hi Clare,
    Oh, Ah, I can't wait to see what comes out of all those spots and dots.

  19. very cute. i have a hunch that you would like this blog:

    thanks so much for stopping by to enter my giveaway!


  20. I love spots, always remind me of long summer days.

  21. Thanks for your comment on my blog. The Boutique Market on Sunday is the first one in that location, which is always touch and go but it should be fine as there's bound to be plenty of people around dining and shopping. By the way, love this bunch of spotty fabrics !! Christine xo

  22. Thanks for visiting my blog. Lucky you like spots!!


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .