
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Farmhouse Envy

As some of you may know I'm doing a Visual Arts course through the local Tafe and the other day we decided to go on an excursion . We met at one of the ladies homes where a lovely morning tea was ready for us complete with all the fine china and I didn't want to leave , isn't it beautiful ? We took ourselves to another part of her property to sketch this gorgeous view .

It was a chilly day but we walked and laughed so much it didn't really matter .

Of course this is all I wanted to do when I got home but the cat wasn't moving from in front of the fire for anyone!


  1. Please take me next time! TTFN ~ Marydon

  2. Old farmhouses just exude such Charm.
    We infact lived in one for 9 months very similsr to that one...
    I still have memories of the big wraparound porch and the ffact the kids could play on it summer,rain whatever!
    Ahhhhh,I t was a happy home.
    Was cold in winter though,It was huge!

  3. Oh isn't it just gorgeous!!! My dream was always to have a home with a verandah that wrapped all the way around it ;o).
    Joy :o)

  4. How enchanting Clare...looks lovely and peaceful and I too love big wide verandah's, hope you are enjoying your course.

  5. Cats always have the best ideas. Lovely farmhouse, no wonder you have envy!

  6. Ahhhh Clare... I'm feeling very dreamy after seeing those pics! What absolutely stunning views!

    I'm with Marydon... any chance of squeezing me in your bag next time you go for a visit?!!

    Vikki :-)

  7. Sounds like an ideal day, minus the cold!

  8. Don't you just love the wide verandas on those old Australian farm houses. I'd be envious too of that house and to think you also enjoyed a beautiful morning tea.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  9. Love old farmhouses - no doubt an enjoyable and inspirational day!

  10. Looks beautiful!!
    Thank you for commenting on my blog!
    I am now a follower of you!
    ~Michele from By Your Side

  11. Oh wow! What beautiful scenery!! Just gorgeous!
    You might be in Farmhouse Envy, but I'm in python envy! I already own 3 lizards, but would desperately love a python! I'll have to wait to have my own place though...sigh. What kind is he?
    And have a guess as to what kind of snake is in my photos! You never know, you may be right and win something! He's one of the deadliest!

  12. Oh I could live there and the

  13. what a great house.glad you had fun

  14. Nice to see another house where the cat (and dog) are boss! I wouldn't want to move either.

  15. Oh my goodness. That house has me asking, oh, only for the 27th millionth time: WHAT AM I DOING LIVING IN THE CITY? Food for thought, with the Saturday papers including Real Estate section landing on the doorstep in not very many hours!

  16. Looks like you had a great afternoon at the beautiful house, and tea in proper cups too! How civilized. Oh, that sounded condescending and it's not meant to sorry! hugs clare xx

  17. Was the sky really that colour,Wouldn,t it be nice if we could magic ourselves all over the world to be with other patchworkers doing and seeing lovely things . Thanks for coming to see me,come again.On your google bar put in Angela Bramley, she was the speaker at our meeting last night--cottonreel


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .