
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Looking for something?

The administration of Clare's Craftroom would like to advice the public of a situation that has arisen due to the massive cleanup in the Craftroom . Multiples of sewing tools have surfaced and have been placed in the Lost Property Department .Please check these items carefully as some of these could be yours .
Have you mislaid one of these?
or these?

maybe these?

Well surely they can't all be mine !


  1. Well, I wondered where they had all got to! Kate xx

  2. Hmmmmmm..... some of them would find a good home, here, you know! ;>)
    Aaah, decluttering ---> full of nice surprises, and yet it feels sooo good when it's done, doesn't it ?

    Have a GREAT weekend, dear !

  3. FUNNY....maybe I should go and look there myself....

  4. I knew cleaning up would cause problems ;-)

  5. Nup None are mine?
    Though I have many multiples here at my place....
    Mmmmm Guess I will just never sort and clean my craft things up,So they will not cause an issue

  6. Yes they can.That's what happens when you have a massive clean out you find that all your sewing stuff has secretly been multiplying behind your back....hehehe I'm discovering the smae phenonemon has been happening in my sewing room :) Barb.

  7. I guess at least you will never run out of tools for your hobbies. Looks like they've been up to something?? Hope your new space is providing you with plenty of inspiration.

  8. Clare if that what happens when you have a clean out then I had better not start with my stuff.

  9. Thats obviuosly what I need to do as I can never find any of my many quick unpicks.

  10. I can relate Clare... everytime I need a tape measure I can't find one so buy another. Then one day when I don't need a tape measure I find a dozen and wonder how come we have so many. Seems you might have the same problem... [giggle]
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  11. Hi Clare!

    I think our sewing equipment, if left unchecked, begins to multiply!! he he he

    Hugs! Vikki x

  12. hehehe..........that's funny Clare.


  13. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!
    This is hilarious Clare..
    Isn't is amazing what we find buried in our 'ummmm storage areas' :p
    You go girl!!
    Robyn xx

  14. Hi Clare.
    I found your blog via Three Button's and I thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts.
    As for the doubles and triples of the same thing, a smart person once told me that a true crafter never has enough of what they need to be a true crafter.
    I have taken these words of wisdom as my mantra when I am out shopping for something that I know I have, think I need, or just can't be sure if it's something I'll use or not. LOL!
    Thanks for sharing. I'll be back if you don't mind.

  15. It seems to me that most of us quilters seem to have that problem. Can never find something when needed but when found we dont need it anymore because we have bought another. I dont think I will be cleaning out my craftroom, just too much problems it seems!!!

  16. Ahhh Clare, so that is what happens when you have trouble finding stuff that you have put in a safe place.....LOL.....Warm Regards Lyn

  17. It is funny how they multiply and yet can nver be found when you need them.

  18. Scary thought - what do those sewing tools get up to when we are not looking!!

    A great collection of sewing tools just waiting to be spread around again.

  19. I think you could almost have a surplus giveaway, Clare! Haven't forgotten the button swap. Just been a bit tied up with the SewMamaSew giveaway!

  20. i don't think I have multiples of those items, but I could match you on some others!!!!

  21. I'm having this same problem, but with fabric. I buy some, and forget about it and have to go out and buy more and more...

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. hi dear friend
    thanks for all the sweet comments and encouragement you left me on my blog about little carter. We have been so blessed that he is here and recovered and is showing no signs of drama...he is 100percent back to normal.
    thank you for all the support!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. ha ha! I've never seen such an assortment of seam rippers - I thought the three I have was a bit excessive!!!!

  26. OMG Clare are you a bower bird???

  27. LOL...... You can almost have a garage sale with that lot.

  28. Maybe you could make your millions by selling it all on eBay! LOL

  29. LOL after the shop is ready to be moved into my studio will also be moved into it - I am hoping to find all of the things that i have lost - Too numerous to count - I did get a giggle at all of the measuing tapes - I can NEVER find one even though I own numerous ones!!

  30. Cleaning up is dangerous work. Now there will be a fight on for the stash!

  31. omigod, that is so funny! so why can't you find them when you need them? I don't get it.

  32. wow this is so funny Clare, I must say I didn't find all those when I sorted out my new space!!!!

  33. LOL - I am certain I would have just as many if I was to actually clean up and not just buy another - glad that I am not the only one with multipuls of things


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