
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Eek mouse!

I have become the woman that stands on a chair at the hint of a mouse or in other words I have become my mother !

The dry weather has seen an increase in the dirty rotten things and I am becoming a bit obsessed with them .

These little fabric ones that I'm making for the Mothers Day stall at school are the only ones I want to see in my kitchen and even these are starting to creep me out a bit .


  1. Clare I love those mice and think they are so cute!!

  2. Oh don't talk to me about mice.
    We have a Houdini mouse...Just can't catch the little bugger!
    But I actually like the type your making...
    I have three little felt mice I think are so cute!

  3. How cute are they. Love fabric mice - not the real thing however!They are sure to be good sellers.

  4. Can't help it ... I think mice are cute!! We had quite a few as pets when the kids were little. Of course, I prefer the caged variety to the wild ones any day ;o).
    Your little mice are adorable ... probably the safest kind to have around!!!

  5. Clare,
    Love your mice,how cute are they.Toatally understand how you feel about them.When I was growing up i remember the house being over-run with them.When mum went to light the oven for the roast about a dozen of them scattered in all directions.Yuck,yuck,yuck.Barb

  6. I dont mind mice, I just dont like that they pop out when you least expect them. Your softie mice are very cute!

  7. They are so cute Clare. i love them. Hugs, Jeanette

  8. Gorgeous Mice Clare - I am sure that there will be some happy mums at your school

  9. we have three of these mice on our hutch, my father bought them for my girls from lilly cottage. i just love them and would love the pattern. yours are very very cutenot scary at all.

  10. I think your mice are adorable!!

  11. That's one mouse certainly would adore! Too cute!

    Have a great day Clare!

  12. Those are very cute mice.. but I have to agree with you.. if they would be in real mouse color.. they would look a bit too real!

    I'm hoping you are enjoying some nicer cool fall weather.. we're looking forward to spring as you know. :-)

  13. those are cut elittle mice! Im going to be sending something to you very soon once I get a chance to make it and send.

  14. ooh they look quite real en masse!

  15. Those are so cute.....and you are right, don't want to see a mouse or anything resembling that in my kitchen.

  16. Those mice are the cutest - definitly nicer than the field variety that have taken up residence in my rock feature and garage!

    Thanks for your comment on my blog - sending you an email now!

  17. The mice are too cute. I did have a giggle as your description of your dislike of the real thing reminds me of my own mother.

  18. Now I love those mice Clare! I hate the ones that are finding their way into my house at the moment....gee they do make a mess! :(

  19. Oh no... they are too cute to be creepy.

    Maybe you need a cat to help with the problem?
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  20. Hey Clare! Oh ... I wish we could swap the mice WE have for the cute little critters YOU have!! Yours aren't smell, I'll bet, but ours are - ICKY!! Just tell me if you'd like to swap! :0) Bear Hugs! KRIS

  21. Hello Clare, that makes two of us.Cute fabric ones though, they are the kind I like. Regards Lyn

  22. They are so cute and much better than the real ones. hehehe Would love this pattern.

  23. Well I hate the real ones. But these are so darling!

  24. Mice are certainly popular at the moment. I prefer yours and my cloth ones over the real ones taking up residence in my garage however!

  25. I am not fond of mice either, but your variety are so cute - they will no doubt be best sellers at the fete.

  26. Aren't real ones horrible - I can't eait for winter and they move out!

  27. What a gorgeous idea, they look fabulous...
    Thanks for dropping by.


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