
Sunday, March 15, 2009

The best laid plans !

Ah the ideas I had .... no school , no work , no sport ! A quiet weekend - a stitch here , a stitch there , maybe even a little reading . I had even toyed with the idea of giving my Janome a service and whipping up a few small items .

A picnic lunch for the family I thought and so my teenage son walked into town to get some fresh bread .

Just look at what he brought back home !!!! Seven more teenage boys !

There's always next weekend I suppose !


  1. oh my...i can only imagine! next week indeed. :)

  2. Ahhh....I love having a house full of kids. My youngest is now 19 and always on the go. Enjoy it while you can!

  3. Wouldn't it be such fun to have the house full of laughing children? How lucky you are. Enjoy your day. :)

  4. Boys will always be boys! Wishing you a lovely week ahead!

  5. You should know that mums can never plan something that they would like to do by themselves!
    You must have a happy home - your son wanting to bring all his friends there. Enjoy.

  6. Hee,hee...
    I have so much to look forward too!

  7. Enjoy the kids while you can Clare...they grow up and leave home all too soon!
    Stitch another day..
    julia ♥

  8. Wow they take their shoes off too. I remember when I always had to walk over shoes at the front door just to get in. With four kids of my own there was always lots of extras around.

  9. Mmmm, Teens! Quite a strange breed really. I can only comment on girls however!Well at least you know where they are and what they are doing! Make sure that you make your self a priority too!

  10. What a nice weekend you must have had Clare, hope he remember what you sent him for.

  11. Love the fabric Clare...I remember those days of all those shoes at the front door....

  12. You would need a lot of bread to feed that many teenage boys!

  13. Aahhh teenagers - got to love them!!
    Try again next weekend Clare.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  14. The fabrics look very pretty! And I miss that pile of shoes ...

  15. I hope they all brought a loaf of bread!!

  16. The fabric looks like it is waiting patiently until you are ready! Lots of inspiration there.. Good Luck.

  17. I can only imagine how much food was consumed! I have a 14 yr old son :)

  18. oh yes they do tend to multiply...
    and it's amazing how they all seem to have much big feet at that age...and smelly i'm sure...
    better luck next weekend...

  19. It is good to have dreams....hope they come true next weekend.

  20. Hi Clare, I thought for a second you were going to say that your son had brought you back that gorgeous display of fabric and ric-rac! he he he... Ah well, it looks like your son is a popular boy with well-mannered friends!:-) Enjoy! Vikki :-)

  21. So glad I'm not the only one who gets piles of shoes and trainers like that! Sometimes the hallway is covered in footwear! I think it shows you're a good mum - that they come back to your place ;-) x

  22. Why do boys have such BIG FEET these days?
    I can almost smell those trainers from here .... pewww

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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .