
Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Mean Lookin' Bunny Giveaway

There seems to be of a theme running through my posts lately , noisy kids , smelly mice and now The Mean Lookin' Bunny .

Now how sad is this , I came across this bunny in the local Vinnies and I didn't really like it (well maybe a bit) and I sure don't have room for it but I thought to myself "Maybe a blogger would like it !" Poor me with no friends to give my junk to .

So this is a special Easter treat for my blogging friends . Yes you may have this little bunny , he does have a small crack along his egg and he does have mean eyes like he just might nick off with your kids chocolate eggs at Easter . He's all yours if you just leave a comment I will pick a number and send him straight to your house . So go on , hop off and enter .


  1. Ha..ha,yOu are funny.
    I sort a don't really like this "wabbit" so who wants it?
    But he is rather cute but I get you on the whole eye thing.

  2. Clare I dont want your Wabbit but just had to comment on how funny you are in bringing him home :) I am sure he will be right at home to where ever he ends up :)

  3. You're so funny. Maybe that is just a look of determination in his eyes to get that egg delivered.

  4. I think he's cute Clare so does my 4yr old but it would be a nightmare to post to the UK so don't worry. But it's kind of you to give bunny a home, even if it won't be yours forever. hugs Clare x

  5. He is a bit on the unhappy what you are doing but don't count me in. I live to away for a glass bunny to make it here in one piece. You sure do some fun stuff and I apprecaite it.

  6. It's the eyes...I wonder what made him so angry...
    but he is kinda cute...I wouldn't want him either..
    Julia ♥

  7. How sad no one wants bunny...

  8. He's cute in a funny sort of way...LOL. I have 2 really bunny's and they sure don't have that look on their faces.

  9. I would love that bunny! I'm sure he would love my little corner of the world! xx

  10. ohhh Poor bunny, his face has turned from sadness to anger as nobody loves him, everybody hates him, he's just going to run away and eat a big fat worm...poor bunny !!

  11. LOL Clare, that bunny has alien eyes! I guess he is "out of this world" hehehehehe.

  12. I think all he needs is for some one to love him for who he is. If he survies the post I would love him.


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Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .