
Sunday, July 27, 2014

are you up for a creative challenge?

Many years ago I was a part of a great forum.
We had swaps and meets and challenges.
One of the really fun challenges was where we signed
up and then were given a random picture and a colour.
From these we were free to create whatever we liked
using the picture and the colour as our inspiration.
I was given the colour pink and a picture of a gingerbread man.
I ummed and ahhed and finally decided on this little stitchery.

But if I wanted to I could have made a stuffed pink gingerbread
or cards or wallhangings or anything.
I thought it might be fun to kick off another challenge like this.
What are your thoughts?
Are you interested?
I would need a few to sign up to make it interesting and
you would need to email me .
I would email you back with a picture and a colour.
You would then create something using these as your inspiration.
One month from the day the emails are sent I will
add a linky thing here and you would blog your creation
and hundreds of us would
descend on your blog exclaiming at your awesomeness!
All this was running through my head last night
so if you have any thing to add please just say so.
Feel free to sign up now by
leaving a comment but then you must email me.
It would also be great if you told your friends too
the more the merrier!
I will close the signups at the end of the month which
means you will need to blog your creations on 1st September.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

close enough

I got home from work one day and this was on the bed.
The husband must have been feeling the cold.

Stinky Ralph who is actually a girl but really does stink
seems very happy with the new blanket.

So it looks like it is finally finished.

Lucky I have lots of wool leftover to start a new one.
The winner of the book Blogging for Bliss is
Michelle Sheehan!
Quilt Kitty won herself a gift certificate to my store.
Thanks so much for entering.
Would you please email me with  your details
so I can send your prizes off.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

while we're waiting let's have a giveaway

While we are waiting for me to finally finish the biggest
granny ripple in the world I thought I'd have a giveaway.
I have been trying to get a copy of Mollie Makes Blogging
but it has sold out everywhere but luckily
I have a copy of Blogging for Bliss by Tara Frey
for one lucky Australian blogger.
It really is a great read and very inspirational.

If you are an Australian blogger or are looking at
starting your own blog just leave a comment on this post.
No I won't make you blog, facebook or tweet about it
but it would be so nice if you do!
Because it's always a bit sad to only have one winner
we'll have two with the second one winning a gift certificate
from my shop.
I can even send the gift certificate directly to your friend
if you would like.

I'll be back in a few days with the winners
and hopefully a finished blanket......
This giveaway is now closed but
thanks for your interest.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

getting down to business

My computer is on the way out.
I've had a terrible fear of losing my photos
and of course they aren't backed up.
So I have been saving files and photos to usbs.

I thought I'd treat myself to a businessy usb from Vistaprint.
It looks pretty good!
To make the postage worthwhile I also got myself
some new business cards and magnets and

gift vouchers!
Very excited about these gift vouchers !
Available in my shop right now.

Friday, July 4, 2014

fun for the whole family

I'm only a very basic knitter but the old knitting
needles that can be found in op shops
seem to find their way home with me
and I now have quite a collection.

So of course my mind wandered to a styrofoam ball

all covered in wool

with some old needles poking out and

even looking a bit like a strange planet outside...

We needed something new at our house
 to whack our heads on.