
Thursday, July 17, 2014

while we're waiting let's have a giveaway

While we are waiting for me to finally finish the biggest
granny ripple in the world I thought I'd have a giveaway.
I have been trying to get a copy of Mollie Makes Blogging
but it has sold out everywhere but luckily
I have a copy of Blogging for Bliss by Tara Frey
for one lucky Australian blogger.
It really is a great read and very inspirational.

If you are an Australian blogger or are looking at
starting your own blog just leave a comment on this post.
No I won't make you blog, facebook or tweet about it
but it would be so nice if you do!
Because it's always a bit sad to only have one winner
we'll have two with the second one winning a gift certificate
from my shop.
I can even send the gift certificate directly to your friend
if you would like.

I'll be back in a few days with the winners
and hopefully a finished blanket......
This giveaway is now closed but
thanks for your interest.


  1. Looks like a great book. What I really love is the look of your crocheting. I really want to have a lesson or two and start exploring more than the one stitch and granny type squares that I've been doing.

  2. I would love a chance to win this book as I'm wanting to improve the way I blog and make my blog more exciting. Love your blanket :-)

  3. I would love to win this book. I've been after the Mollie Makes one too but I think this Blogging for Bliss book will be awesome too!

  4. Perfect timing. I would really love to win this book. I have been procrastinating for over a year about starting a blog and I have made a commitment to myself that I am going to start a blog within the next 3 weeks. I just need to jump in and get started!

  5. Looks like an inspiring book. I have almost finished my very first crochet item a scarf (a giant one) not sure how to finish it so i just keep doing more rows lol.

  6. Great prizes! I want to learn to crochet but I need to finish all my knitting and seeing projects first!

  7. I think my blog needs that book but I really want that blanket! Lovely work :)

  8. I am going to need to work on a sideways look at my blog soon and discover where to take it next. Nearly at the end of my lefthanded embroidery alphabet...inspiration could be in this book. Also, I am driving myself bonkers with a crochet gat pattern at the moment, no idea what I am doing wrong

  9. ohhhhh I'd love to win this book, or the gift certificate!! I'm having a blog makeover to get me inspired again! xox Love the blanket too x

  10. Great prize, would love some inspired idea so I can revamp the blog. Thanks!

  11. Looks like a great book! I love the blanket you're making - it looks beautiful - gorgeous colours!

  12. I think this book might be just what I need to get started again after a very unsettled time in real life! Thank you for the chance and I won't mind if you happen to throw the rug in too! ;)

  13. I have been wanting to look at this book for ages! Your granny ripple looks amazing!

  14. I've been so enjoying all of your posts about blogging and your craft blog as well! I'm following you on pinterest and I keep getting sidetracked by your pins that show up on my pinterest when I log in...thank you very much :) I'm new to blogging and have set up my first blogger website so I am totally a clean slate at this point. Not even sure when to begin (or if i'm using the right lingo), but I have lots to share and obviously lots to learn! If this is a must read, then of course I would love a chance at it...what other books do you recommend that might be available online, etc.?

  15. Just love the sound of that book. For years I crafted all the time, and then life got in the way. I am just starting to get back into it now, and this would just be the most wonderful dose of inspiration. Thank you for offering it! xx Nikki @ Wonderfully Women


Thankyou for calling in . I love to receive your comments and try very hard to return the visit .
Come back soon,I'll have the kettle on .